ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(64) 2月1日(木) | amnn1のブログ



ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(64)2月1日(木)
ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(64)7月27日(木)


Report the sesult of the interview with a French restaurant.


Subject: Meeting with Pascal.
Hi Ron,
Since you are on business in Kyosyu, I'll just give you a brief update on the discussion with Pascal. Pascal is looking for natural wines from the Asian Passific region. He feels he can contact French wineries directly himself and he also has a pessimistic view on how climate change will affect Europian wine. In hindsight, I remember that when Emily and I visited Pascal earlier, he asked us whether we had wines other than California. I'll give you the details when you're back.
Enjoy the lest of your trip!


be on business in ...

brief   [brif]

in hindsight 今にして思えば


hindsight - Perception of the significance and nature of events after they have occurred.


Hi Lisa, 
Thanks for sharing. It's a delicate matter. Daniel will probably be understanding about wines from outside Europe but Emily may not be so easily convinced. As you are well aware, Emily thinks that fine French wines are the strength of WCS. Although she agreed to diversify our product range to natural wines. She probably has European or Calfornian wines in mind. How was the feedback from other customers? 



  • I think it's a bit too early to draw conclusions.
  • I think it's still premature to come to conclusions.

premature    [ˌpriməˈʧʊr] 

It's too early to 


Hi Ron,

So far, there are not that many customers who specifically request Asia Passific wines. But I think it's a bit too early to draw conclusions. I'll spend tow more days on further research. So by the time you come back, I'll have a clear idea.




You could keep it simple with "See you when you get back." or "Have a nice time!" If you know they're putting lots of extra hours, you could joke around and say "Don't work too hard!" But if you are familiar with the area you could add a bit more of a personal touch. For example if a coworker went to Chicago, I might say "Have some of those Chicago hotdogs for me." Or if you get a chance, be sure to check out the Fi.. Museum.



ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(66)8月1日(火)


What are Mr. and Mrs. Brown more conscious about?

- They are environment conscious.


What did Mr. Nicao fall in love with and start a winery?

- He fallen in love with low intervention wine and he started his own winery.


Lisa, you've made appointments with two wineries this time. Chateau Hamilton vineyard on north island and Golden Bleming vineyards on south island. Could you brief us on the owners of the wineries?

- Sure. Chateau Hamilton is owned by Oliver and Sela Brown, locan New Zealanders and environment conscious couple. They are also commited to raising awareness among the next generation of grape growers.

-So, not Mr. and Mrs Hamilton. You mentioned how Oliver and Sela are increasingly becoming iconic figures in a natural wine's business. 

-Yes. The couple is wellknown among organic wine lovers. 

-How about Golden Breming? 
-It's owed by Nicao Kaoity, an indigenous Maui. He fallen in love with low intervention wine and he started his own winery. Only 17 year on, Nicao is already making his mark in the industry.

-So not Mr. and Mrs Breming

-Oh come on, Daniiel. 





brief ver. 簡潔に述べる 

adj. 簡潔な

briefly 簡潔に

briefing 簡潔に述べること

> Could you brief us on ...?



*noun + -conscious に対する意識が高い



indigenous 固有で, 原産で, 生まれながら.

intervention > low intervantion


make one's mark 名を上げる・頭角を現す


--- make one's mark + in...

Nicao is alrealy making his mark in the industry.

The company has its mark as a pioneer in fintech.

*fintech フィンテックと>金融の分野においてITの技術


The football player made his mark in this season.


make a name for oneself

She made a name for herself as a world first female astronaut.



put one's name on the map

It was that perfect game that really put his name on the map. 



David Chan was brought in last year from a rival company to head up finace. He seems to be a profit driven kind of guy. So I was advised to start a conversation around project revenue. It turns out his hobby is collecting vintage watches. 

* head up 統括する


Natasha Romanowska is a desiner and an artist originally from Ukraine, and now based in Milan. She interned with a prominent clothing comany and is now collaborating with brands across the globe. She likes kamakura and goes to her favorite soba restaurant everytime she comes to Japan.


* buckwheat noodle <= buckwheat[ˈbʌˌkwit]



ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(65)7月31日(月)


Meet up with two people from the London headquarters at the hotel.



What did Daniel do in the lounge at transit airport?

transit/connecting airport

- He took a shower in the lounge at Changi.


Why is Lisa so excited to be in New Zealand.

-Because she was able to come to the country where she spent a year during her working holiday nine years ago.



You must be tired after the long flight.

-Yes. But luckly I manage to have a shower in the louge at Changi, makes all the difference. 

- Singapore is definitely a great place to transit through. How about you, Lisa? 

- I can't complain. It was a direct flight and took less than eleven hours. I spent a year of my youth here during my working holiday. So I'm so supoer excited to be here again after nine years.

-A good chunk of nostalgia driving that enthusiasm. I see.

-Oh. Don't make it sound like a push for New Zealand against the wishes of HQ.

-Lisa, all of us have personal motives, people we wish to help, countries we have attachments to. That's what makes everything personal. 

- So long as it's proper business, 


a chunk of => a chunk of bread => a good chunk of nostalgia





make it sound like の感じを与える => Don't make it soud like ...




attachment 思い入れ・愛着=> countllies we have attachment to


proper > proper business


That's what makes everything personal. 

That's what makes my job worthwhile.

That's what makes this project so special.


That what brings > that what brought ...

That what brought us here today.


That's the very reason why...

That's the very reason why this themepark so attractive.


If you were to evaluate an airport, what would you look at?

-It depends on whether it's a final destination or for connecting flight. If it's the former, I look at the accessibility from the airport to the city, and the ease of cheking in and departure procedures. If it's the latter, I looks at the shopping facilities and the amenities


My favorite airport is Incheon internationa airport in South Korea. In addition to lounges and shopping fascilities, the Korian cultual street is an interesting way to experience Korian culture without leaving the airport. 

-That's sounds fun. I love Istanbul airport in Turky. The design is stylish and very exotic. It's also fun to have high tech robot sky-G througth the gates. 



ラジオビジネス英語 Interview(2-8)7月28日(金) TomMayse


In any given time in history human resource development has always been a essential element for companies to raise their performance. In term of rapid change, we must continuously broaden our learning. What aspects of Mr. Mayse talk did you find refreshing?


The comparison of HR development strategy between global and Japanese companes was interesting. The former forcuses resourses on key possitons, whereas the latter values more egalitarian approach. Do you think this culture of human resourse development in Japanese corporations will remain unchanged?



egalitarian 平等主義者




I think that overall egalitarian culture will remain strong. But the detalis may change. Until now companies have aimed to nurture the skills required for a particular job. However in this age of job chages, young employees have desire to aquire more universally appricable skills. So I think the direction is to emphasise their own initiative while improving their indivisual skills and abilities.



I see. If that the case, the approach that promoted by Mr. Mayse where indivisuals are free to set their own career goals and pursue selfdevelopment will probably take root.

By the way regarding leadership, Mr. Mayse mentioned that leasers are required to be strong in a different sense than before. Would you agree?


Yes. Totally. In this age of uncertainty it's important to keep learning to be flexible. In therms of global competency, Mr. Mayse mentioned curiosity. 

I think it's important to be interested not only in what's going on in the world but alos in the peple you come in to contact with at work and in your private life.


I think so too. If you are conscious of taking in intersts in others, you'll make like-minded friends and your network will naturally expand. 

So all things consciderd, what does it take to become a global talent?


Well, firstly listen carefully to the opinions of people with diverse attribtes and different values. Secondly, think you through on you own based on those opinions. Finally move things forward while offering convincing solutions.

I think these three thins are vital.



tha former <> the latter


egalitarian 平等主義者


take root

Just like a plan that develops a system of root and ground. To take root means that something is here to stay. If something is intangible like an idea taking root. It means that the idea has become widely used or accepted. 


be conscious of

take an interest in...

all things consciderd


what it takes to ~するために必要なもの

What it takes to do something refers to what is necessary. What is required for the situation. 


global talent



An attribute is a future or charactaristics of something. Mr. Shibasa said to listen carefully to the opinions of people with diverse attributes. Meaning people with diverse qualities such as knowledge, backgrond, experiences and  so on. Diverse features.


move forward



So all things consciderd, what does it take to become a global talent?


Would you agree?

What do you think?


Selfimprovement is something that can only last if you are highly motivated. To do that you have to set goals for your future. Could you share your idea about your goals and your personal development told them?

- Actually my future vision changes often. According to the planed happenstance theory, 80 percent of individual careers determined by unexpected events or chance encounters. What do you think of this concept?


-A chance circumstance

思いがけない出来事, 偶発事態


(Planned Happenstance Theory)