ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(61)1月29日(月) | amnn1のブログ



ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(61)1月29日(月)

ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(61)7月24日(月)

Concept tpwards organic and natural wine of the London Head office.


What does the London head office think about the efforts for the Natural Wine ? ...initiative 
- The idea of Headquarters in London is to support and invest in emerging wineries.


Why does Lisa think it is dangerous to concentrate on continent of Europe?

- They can't be too optimistic in terms of climate change.

*be optimistic


So Lisa, I've discussed your findings with London and how they coincide with theirs. In line with the natural wine trend, London is thinking of propping up or investing in startup winearies, though fucuced on Europe. 
- Right. But why not any other countries? The New World or Japan even?
- I don't know for sure, but familiarity I suppose... It's also geographically covenient.

-But in terms of climate change, we can't be too optimistic. Putting all our eggs into continental Europe will be a risky investment. 

-I agree. But if the consumer trends starts in Europe, pherhaps the production trend will start there too. Anyway, here's the list of producers. Talk to the restaurants and hotel accounts you are responsible for and see what they want



In line with 

prop up 下支え・支援する

put all one's eggs into


Putting all our eggs into continental Europe will be a risky investment. 

* put all one's eggs into 

* Don't put all your eggs in one basket.

  •  We should diversify our investment plan instead of putting all our eggs into Asia. 
  •  Instead of putting all your eggs in one basket, you should apply for a couple of jobs. 

narrow down

Shall we narrow down the options from ten to three?


filter out

First we need to fillter out unnecessary information.



I understand the benifits of diversified investment. But when all the market fall sharply at the same time, all assets lose value. So I'm not sure diversification makes much sense.

-That's true. But ovresea's investments are denominated in foreign currencies. So if the currencies were to appreciate, that would limit the resulting losses.

* be denominated in foreign currencies 

denominated ~建て




This is priced in dollars


foreign-currency debt




The importance of supplay chaine management is increasing these days. 

-Indeed. We know that we have to diersify risks by securing multipul resources of part for domestically and internationally. However finding alternative suppliers is not a s simple task.



ラジオビジネス英語 Interview(2-7)1月26日(金)

ラジオビジネス英語 Interview(2-7)7月21日(金)TomMayse

that is what matters most in the business context.

business context



network of contacts 人脈

make a conscious effort 意識的に努力する


Why does Mr. Mayse place emphasises on having networks outside his company?

-Because he can continue to learn from people in different settings and contexts. 

In a nut shell, what is Mr. Mayse's advice on learning English?

-It's about not aiming for perfection. 


How do you maintain your curiosity and your learning?

- Yes. That's a good question. So for me, it is all about networks. So I place great emphasises on having networks outside of my company. So for example I'm involved with Minerva University as a fascilitater of that. I'm also a board member for the association for talent development which is the world biggest organization for talent development professionals. So I try and have lots of netwarks outside of my company so that I can continue to learn from people in different setting, people in different contexts. I think that's .. that's been really inspiring for me. I've learned and received lots of ideas of things I could impliment in my company from people outside of the company. Then maybe on the light note I would say travel and going to new places, exploring new places. That is always a way for me of learning new things, finding out about new cultures is travel and going to new places. Mostly if I can, I leave Tokyo and travel to the moutains, I would travel to a different prefecture and I would explore, I would walk and I would talk with the locals and that enables me to .. hopefully broaden my horizons, broaden my vision. 

-I see. By taking a step back from everyday life, you can see thing in new lights. Finally, could you give any advice for listeners who working hard to improve their communication skills in English?
- I have lots of messages I'd like to share. But if you were to force me to chose one, (just one... ) It would be not to aim for perfection. I work at a global company now eighty percent of our workforce are non native English speakers. And their English is not perfect. ... But they're very good at communicating that point even if their grammar is not a hundread percent. And that is what matters most in the business context. So don't aim for perfection. That's my message .
-Glad to hear that. Because it's in line with my advice to our listernes. So Tom Mayse. Thank you very much for joining us. 

-Thank you for having me.


A board is a group of people who are at the top of an organization and are responsible for its major decisions. Being a board member for a company or organization means being a member of the group that is in charge of decisionmaking, coming up with policies, making sure things are running smoothly and so on.





To put something into effect. Or to put something into use. To start using something. For example, to implement a plan means to put a plan into action or start using that plan. Another example would be the new system is ready and we will implement it as soon as we receive the green light from the boss. 


on a lighter note もっと気軽な話題に変えると

On a ligtter note is used as a transition to a less serious topic. It's used for changing subject to something lighter, possitive or possively even a little funny. 


broaden one's horizons

To broaden one's horizons or broadening one's horizons is to discover or experience new things. To expand your world view. To learn things beyond what is currently available. Also know as to broaden one's mind. 



I also make a conscious effort to create opportunitis for networking and information exchange with people outside the comany. 


What do you think are effective means of broadening your network of contacts?


* make a conscious effort 意識的に努力する

* effective means
network of contacts 人脈 => broaden your network of contacts.


finding out about new cultures is travel and going to new places.



ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(63)7月26日(水)


Getting advice from a French restaurant


Which market does Pascal think Lisa has an advantage in?

- Not just Japan, but the Asia passific region in general.


Why does Lisa appreciate Pascal?

- Because he's so honest. Not everyone is so honest in their advice. 


Thank you for your advice, Pascal. So when you say a market I will have an advantage in, do you mean Japan?

-Not just Japan, but the Asia passific region in general. You work in Tokyo. You're in a much more reachable distance to your producers compared to your peers in London. Also, think about climate change. Some parts of Europe are giving up wine. 

- I was thinking just that. WCS is currently very Euro centric in its approach to organic wine. 

- All the more reasons for young Lisa in Tokyo to lead WCS' charge into a organic wine here in the asia passific. You know, I say this because I value my relashionship with WCS and with you. I want us both to prosper in our respective fields.

-Not everyone is so honest in their advice. So thank you. I'll speak to HQ about your feedback.





Euro centric => noun + centric ~中心の

driven ~主動の

+ oriented ~思考の


all the more だからこそ

lead the charge





I say this because I value my relashionship with WCS and with you.


I really value John as a business partner.

Companies value work-life balance more than before.


care about

My boss cares about the wellbeing of the  team members.



I'll treasure the wonderful memories that I have with you all.



Did you have a pleasant flight? If you think there is anything that could be improved, we'd like to hear about it.

-It was very confortable. If anything, a little more variety of new movies would make the inflight experience more enjoyable.


How do you feel about the suit you bought last time? If you notice anything, we would be very interested to hear about it for the future.

- I like wearing it. However when I stretch my arms out in front of me, it feels a little bit tight in back. A bit more room would be nice.



ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(62)7月25日(火)


Listening to requests from French restaurants.


What makes Pascal rate WCS as a wine trading company?

=> rate 

-It has a network with procucers that is difficult for them to cultivate


What kind of market did Pascal advise Lisa to target?

- He advised Lisat that she should target a market that she will have advantage. 



Oh, Lisa so good to see you again.
Is the jetlag better?

Still there, but better. How have you been?
Good. Customers are coming back. 

Come in!

Thank you.

So, Lisa. I saw the wine list you send me along with your comments.

To be honest, it wasn't a list I found immensely exciting

-How so?

-How should I put it... When it come to why we value as a wine marchant, it because your networks with procucers that would be difficult for us to cultivate relationships with.

-Am I cultivating a network you already have access to?

-Well, let me put it this way. I am French. I have many friends making organic wine back in France who I wish to support. But I can't do that directly. I think you should target a market that you will have advantage in


along with 

immensely => it wasn't a list I found immensely exciting.

How so?






Let me put it this way.

=> put it another way


To put it another way, we should think outside the box.

Put it this way. We're losing one customer every five minutes.


in other words

In other words, we are happy with the decision made.


to put it midly

To put it midly, George wasn't contributing to the team well.


I know it's important to listen to what the customer wants. But to be honest, I don't feel like listening when I get emotional. Is there any good way to deal with this?

- It's natural to feel that way. We're human after all. You might want to listen carefully to what they're trying to say rather than how they say it.


Have customer requests or complaints ever helped?

-Of course.One customer ordered something that wasn't on the menu. When I told him we didn't have it, he told me that it was a hit product that is in nearby competitor. We added something similar to it to our menu and our restaurant started to thrive.
