ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(60) 1月25日(木) | amnn1のブログ



ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(60)1月25日(木)

ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(60)7月19日(水)?


Receiving an email from Daniel about the result of the tasting.


What does Daniel report about wine tasting?

What does Daniel describe their future course of action? / the way forward?

What does Daniel tell Lisa about his request?


Subjuest: Results of wine tasting

Hi Risa,

Thank you for sending the wines so quickly. We did tasting yesterday. My team members were inpressed by the quality of the Japanese wines. Emily and I will be happy to market these wines to affluent customers. I have attached a list of priolities we came up with for you to look at. Please pick out the wines and wineries you know well.


pick out => pick up


*in the mean time

In the mean time, we'll approach the wineries on the list.

For now, we'll contact the wineries on the list.


Hi Daniel,

Thank you for doing the tasting with your team members. We seem to agree on which three wiens we like best. The forth and fifth are in the opposite order but I'm glad we are on the same page regarding our top five. In the mean time, we'll approach the wineries on the list. I have good contacts with wineries in Yamanashi and Nagano. As for the wineries in Hokaido and Yamagata, my colleague will be in charge. We'll keep you posted on the developments. 



Hi Risa,
It's amazing that the top three priorities coincide. I think it goes to show our training in tasting has yielded consistent results. But what's even more impressive is that you have good contacts with the top five wineries. That's very encouraging. I'm sure you are still busy with the natural wine's project, so no rush. Please start making contact once things have slowed down. Let's take it one step at a time.




coincide => verb

yield 生み出す

consistent => consistent results


has yielded> fear fruit - yield positive results

take it one step at a time

encouraging -> That's encouraging


That's very encouraging.
Let's take it one step at a time.


I think it depends on how you want to encourage someone. If you want to motivate them you could say, "eyes on the prize. "For showing appreciation, I appreciate all the effort you put into this. To help them focused, steady wins the race. For boost confidence, I might say, I knew you were the right person for this. We were really lucky to have you on the team. Or you got this


*slow and steady wins the race = steady wins the race

*you got this. = you can do it.




ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(59)1月24日(水)

ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(59)7月19日(水)


Discussion about e-commerce


Why does WCS welcome the shipt of consumers to online transactions?

- WCS doesn't have a shop presence outside of its headoffice in Guildford in a first place. So the sift of consumers to online transaction is very welcome.


Why WCS doen't worry about the shift to online trading?

-We already have expertises in e-commerce and they are introducing new technology as we go along. So they are not worried at all.


So you mention three key wards. What was the last one? 


-Oh, yes, e-commerce. Online shoping for wine began a long time ago, but COVID19 accelerated the wine industry transtion towards e-commerce. How is the London team trying to cope with this change.
-They think the trend will continue to take hold. WCS doesn't have a shop presence outside of its headoffice in Guildford in a first place. So the sift of consumers to online transaction is very welcome. We already have expertises in e-commerce and they are introducing new technology as we go along. So they are not worried at all.

-I'm not worried either. Because we are ahead of the game in that respect. So Lisa, thanks for sharing. You learned a lot of things on this trip. Let's discuss Japan's strategy with Daniel next week or the week after.




=> COVID19 accelerated the wine industry transiton towards e-commerce.


cope with

take hold 勢い・流れなどが確立する


go along => as we go along 

be ahead of the game



take hold

  • They think the trend will continue to take hold.
  • Let's see if current momentum in the economy takes hold.
  • Sales in Canbodia are begining to take hold.


It's vital to sustain a close relationsip with this supplier.


gather pace 軌道にのる・勢いを増す -> begin to take hold

The recovery of sales in Malaysia is gathering pace.


I recently ordered a shirt using a apparel commpany's app. I took my own measurements according to the instructions and I was able to choose whether to receive it in store or by post. It was easier than I expected.

-It's convenient, isn't it? The company can also benefit from the user attributes and purchase data. So it's win-win.


When shopping in store, I sometimes use my smartphone on the spot to do procuct research. 
-Omnichannel shopping is now more common than before. It has become important for companies to personalize the shopping experience for their customers. 



ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(58)1月23日(火)

ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(58)7月18日(火)

Discussion about non alcohol wine


What does Lisa say about the reason of the growing interest in non alcoholic wines among young professionals?

- They are more conscious of their health and wellness than older generations. 


How does Lon say they may be able to dominate the market?

- If producer successfully reduce the suger content and the taste itself became similar to normal wines. They could dominate that market. 


Speaking of which, there seems to be quite a few non alcoholic wines on the market. I wonder how popular they are.

-To say that it's popular would be an overstatement. But there is definitely a growing interest particularly among young professionals. They are more conscious of their health and wellness than older generations. 

-I see. If they are looking for ways to modarate their drinking and non alcohol alternatives are appealing to them, why don't they jump in straight away?

-A London colleague told me that a lot of non alcoholic beveradges have too much suger or artificial fravors to achieve the goal of matching fravors. In fact, non alcoholic wines are a bit too sweet compared with traditional ones. 

-That makes sense. If producer successfully reduce the suger content and the taste itself became similar to normal wines., they could dominate that market. 




jump in > Think twice before you jump in.

straight away => right away


suger content => food with a hight sugare content.



------- overstatement

overstatement <> understataement


To say that it's popular would be an overstatement.

  • It's an understatement to say the audiences' response was good.
  • To say that all Japanese love sushi would be an overstatement..
    It's an overstatement to say all Japanese like sushi.

I love sushi. - Me too. Who doesn't?



It is no exaggeration to say that this is a historic project



You may be overdoing the hand movement a bit. Just make it natural.


A growing number of people are looking for alternatives to alcohol and I'm one, too. I want to stay social and want a more balanced life style. The sober cuirious movement has started among younger people. And I think it'll spread accross generations. 

*sober curious ソバー‐キュリアス


I drink only moderately. A glass or tow of beer or wine is probably enough for me. I can feel drunk just enjoying good food and conversation. Expert say more than fourty percent of Japanese people luck the enzyme that breaks dwon alcohol in a liver. This is apparently specifit to the Mongoloid race.

*Mongoloid race 蒙古人種, 黄色人種



ramification(s) 予期せぬ結果・影響 (派生する)効果,結果/ 分岐

en primeu 先物買いの 

ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(57)1月22日(月)

ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(57)7月17日(月)


What does Lon say is not clear?

-He said that it's not clear what makes a wine natural or sustainable.

What statistics does Lisa cite about trends in natural wines?

-Lisa said that statistic showed that searchers for natural have increaced substantially over the last five years.


(chicken) nugget



pesticide(s) / herbicide(s) / synthetic fertilizer(s)




The natural wine trend in Europe is an extension of this renewed focus on sustainability. 

-But what makes a wine natural or sustainable? The definition is not clear cut

-That's true. It's not just about the additives at the end. Natural wine can mean wines created with traditonal methods without using pesticides, herbicide or synthetic fertilizers.

-Yes. It's all around effort to promote a variety of plant life in the vineyard, right? So, how big is the trend toward organic or natural wine? 

-It looks like a pretty big trend in Europe. Statistic shows that searchers for natural have increaced substantially over the last five years. A restaurant owner in London told us that natural wines are important component of the farm-to-table concept of the restaurant. 

-Right. harmony was nature. Apparently Europe is one steap ahead of Japan. 


be an extension of...

clear cut 明確な


herbicide 除草剤

synthetic fertilizer 合成肥料

all around 総合的な

substantially 大いに, しっかりと


ahead of ...


-------- ahead of....

Apparently Europe is one steap ahead of Japan.

  • We urgently need to establish a mass production system ahead of our peers.
  • With this new product, we can stay ahead of the conpetition.
    * stay (keep ) ahead of...

ahead of the game

Le's brainstorm how we stay ahead of the game.


take the lead in

Our institute is in a positon to take the lead in space exploration.



We heard that plant-based meat alternatives are attracting more attention in Singapore as a way of improving diets. What have you noticed there?

- I visited a few local supermarkets and I found they have alternative meat options. A coleague tald me that more and more restaurants are using auternative meat in their menus. I think it's gradually becoming people's diets.



How did you find the food fair? Did you discover anything new? 

-Yes. Auternative protains were the focus of attention. I tried a chocolate cake without any animal derived ingredients such as eggs or milk and it was dricious. Naturally there were also nuggets and burgers made from alternative meat derived from soya.The practical apprications of alternative proteins are now well established.



ラジオビジネス英語 Interview(2-6) 1月19日(金)

ラジオビジネス英語 Interview(2-6)7月14日(金)


What is essential to become globaly competent?

- Curiosity is absolutely essential.

What does Mr. Mayse mean by system's thinking?

- To recognaize that we exist and operate within a system. 


You led Japanese studyies in the UK? stared your carrier in Kyoto prefecture government, worked at a British consulate in Tokyo and completed MBA in Sapin. With such an international background, what do you consider to be the key elements of global competency?

- Yes, it's a question I have been working with for a long time. So eversince I came to Japan back in 2005. Around that time that was the first time I think the word, global Junzai. Global humanresources was really coming into the media, you would hear about it in the news often and  lot's of Japanese comanies and Japanese schools and government they are thinking about how can we create more of these global Jinzai. For me, I don't think there is a scientific ...answer to to this, but based on my own experience I would say curiocity is absolutely essential, maybe the big difference between people who go on to become successful at a global level at global stage and people who tend to see at their carrier in the domestice setting in their own contries. The second points, I would raise around global cometency is around system's thinking. So being able to recognize that we exist, we operate within a system. They are very complex system. Within a modern day the world is hyper connected and the acctions of somebody in Japan might have a butterfly effect on you know someone else on the other side of the globe, we are all living in the very interconnected system. And I think globalyl competent person can envision and it's considered to see those different systems that we operated and be able to see that and see that connections that competency for me is the most essential competency going forward as we become more connected, as the networks we have continued to increase and being able to understand, being able to visualize its networks and see the ..effects those connections causing. For me that is the key competency for global leaders going forward.




The ability to do something well or successfully. Having the necessary skills or knowledge. 



Methotical. Based on logic or science. Based on a scientific method. For example, we heard some theories about this medicine. But we don't have any scientific evidence yet.



A situation, a place.


butterfly effect
The butterfuly effect is one can tiny change can cause a larger change somewhere else. It was drived form an example of a futterfly flapping its wings and causing or influencing a greater weather event. 



Different part or systems all connected to each other.



To imagine what something could be. To come up with detalis of a possible future. Visualize. 



To see something or form a mental picture. To present something in a way that can be seen whether its the eyes or just mentally.



Curiosity is an essential part of our development and makes a great deal of sense that is particularly important to be active on a world stage.


*It makes a great deal of sense => it makes complete sence


What do you think is a good place to start to understand the connections in the world? 



ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(56)1月18日(木)

ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(56)7月13日(木)


Sending a list of Japanese wineary


What kind of commentary do you give about the candidate wine?

How is it described that well-know wineries are shown in yellow?


Subject: List of Japanese wines and wineries.

Hi Daniel,

I'm attaching a list of wines and wineries that Lon and I put together. It maybe a cliche but well-known Koshu grape does go well with delicate Japanese food as the aroma and the acidity are not too pronounced. As for bulk orders, Hokaido produces crisp white with the acidity typical of Northern regions. They also go well with fish and vegitable dishes. Nagano and Yamagata prefectures procuse affordable wines, too. For details, please have a look at the list. Wineries that we know well personally are highlighted in yellow.
Looking forward to hearing your view.



I'm attaching... 会話調 => Please find ....


pronounce 目立った・顕著な / 味が主張する・強く出た

crisp サクサクした=> すっきり、さっぱりした


Hi Lisa,

Thank you for your quick reply. I managed to glance through your list. I can see that you and Lon have put a lot of thought into it. I think the stories of wine to go with fish and vegetables will resonate with wealthy clients who are highly health conscious. Based on my limited experienc with Japanese wines, I marked what we thought was good to start with. What do you think?



glance through

resonate with


  • I think your choice of wines is pretty much the same as ours.
    * paretty much the same >> almost the same
  • Your choice of wines is almost identical to ours.
    * almost identical to...

Hi Daniel,

Thank you for giving us your ideas. I think your choice of wines is pretty much the same as ours. If you don't mind, please allow us to add wine number 7 on a short list. As we believe it paires well with sushi. If you like we are happly to send you sample of these wines for your team in London to taste. Please let us know what we can do. 




I'm attaching a list of ...


Kousyu wine has a moderate aroma and sourness and goes well with delicate Japanese dishes. 

=>the aroma and the acidity are not too pronounced


For bulk orders there is a sour and refreshing white wine from Hokkaido.

=> crisp 

Nagano and Yamagata prefectures also produce affordable wines.


See list for details.

=> For details, please have a look at the list.


Wineries that we know well personally  are shown in yellow.
=> are highlighted in yellow.


ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(55)7月12日(水)


What dose Lisa say are the three keywords that attract the millennial generation Z generation?

-The key words for the attracting millenniums and also generationZ are sustainability, natural wines and ecommerce

What criteria does Lisa think Gen Z, the millennial generation, use to choose wine?

-They want waines that aline with the values and the values are fucust on the sustainable future.


So the key words for the attracting millenniums and also generationZ are sustainability, natural wines and ecommerce. Exactly our weak point here at WCS. I wonder why. Maybe our approach isn't prgressive enough. In a possitive light this is a chance to change. There's no downside anyway. Starting with sustainability more and more young people are now actively trying to lead an envoronmentaly friendly lifestyle. 

Sustainability is a broad term, but what does it specifically mean when we talk about wine making?

It's about how grapes are grown, workers are treated and wine is packaged. They want waines that aline with their values and the values are fucust on the sustainable future.

I see. Young drinkers chose to support winaries that uphold practices that preserve the environment use fewer pesticides, recycle water, and treat workers fairly




in a possitive light

downside <> upside

dowside risk upside potential

aline with

uphold 支持・擁護する > uphold practices




*In a possitive light

In a possitive light this is a chance to change.

  • Why don't we look at the customer complaints in a more possitive light?
  • We should accept the result in a possitive light.

on a possitive note

The take over didn't happen, but on a possitive note, we didn't have to borrow money.


looking on the bright side

Looking on the bright side we didn't suffer any losses. 



What do you do to reduce waiste?

I always bring my own cup when I visit my go to coffee roasters. The coffee chaine is very conscious of creating sustainable future as a company. So as a user, I naturaly want to contribute to that. 


I recently heard the term sustainable urban design. I kind of undrstand the consept. But what are some concrete examples. 

-For example, thing such as the inclusion of green spaces in residentioal areas. Green enhances the location's aesthetic and provide perfect outdoor loacations to enjoy. 



ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(54)1月16日(火)

ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(54)7月11日(火)

esoteric 難解な

On approach to young generations


Which generation does the London HQ think they should focus on first?

-The general consensus was to focus on millenniums first. 


What does Ron say they absolutely need to know about today?

-We definitely need to be knowledgable with the next wave of micro wineries.


In the long term, we need to reach out to the younger demographic. Did you have any discussions regarding this? 

- Yes. The general consensus was to focus on millenniums first but plant seeds early for generationZ. Tradition isn't everything for them and they are venturing out from French and Italian lavels. They look for more esoteric wines from  less-wellknown regions throughout Europ and beyond. What alternative locations to France or Italy specifically? 

-London is struggling to focus on certain locations. I saw customer aged around 30 in our shop at HQ saying I like the traditional wines you recommended but I want to try something with a backstory, someting I can be a part of. So start ups with a feel good narrative. 

-That makes sence. I guess the well-know winaries are easy to find on the internet. We definitely need to be knowledgeable with the next wave of micro wineries.


reach out to 



venture out

esoteric 難解な

feel good => a feel good movie 



------- reach out to 

In the long term, we need to reach out to the younger demographic.

  • The charity's reaching out to the families who need support.
  • What are the most effective ways to reach out to local communities?


approach ... for...

Shall we approach the local government for incentives?


engage 気を引く・引き込む

The advance sucsessfuly engaged consumer's interest.



Wellness base tourism is considered trendy among Millenniums who are conscious of fisical and mental health. 

This is part of a wider trend of younger tourist seeking sustainable tourism that supports the local comunities and the environment. 


Most millenniums consider themselves digital natives and are heavily influenced by social media. They have a sense of trust in experts or influencers that they've never met in person, perhaps more than thier acquaintance in real life.



ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(53)1月15日(月)

ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(53)7月10日(月)


Report for the wealthy market


What doese Lisa say is the reason the luxury wine market is booming?

- The luxury wine market has remain vibrant. As rich people got richer during the pandemic, they spent more money on wines for drinking at home. 

What is the first reason for the London team to think the market is going to be realatively strond?

- First, people has started dining out and drinking more wine. 


Now could you share what do you discuss with your colleagues in London, and your finding there?

- Sure, perhaps I should start by touching on our traditional Luxury market and then move on to new trends. Would that be OK?

- Yeah, that's fine. To summarize, the luxury wine market has remain vibrant. As rich people got richer during the pandemic, they spent more money on wines for drinking at home. Investment in en primeu is rising too. 

- OK. What are the implications for the market going forward?  Life is returning back to normal. And inflation is creeping up.  
- They think the market remains relatively strong. First, people has started dining out and drinking more wine. Second, wealthy people are less affected by infration. Third, wine is a good investment alternative in an inflation period. 

-Um... I see. It all sounds very optimistic. 


touch on


en primeu 先物買いの 

implication(s) for 

creep up


-----imprications 将来的に及ぼす影響

What are the impricatons for the market going forward?

  • What impricatons does this merger hold for your future business?
  • This new law would have profound implications for the automobile industry.

*profound 重大な・奥深い





ramification(s) 予期せぬ結果・影響 (派生する)効果,結果/ 分岐

As yet, it's difficult to foresee the ramificatons of the trade agreement.



A transfer to Mumbai had great impact on my life.



California is a state that accounts for the majority of EV sales in the US and Silicon Valley is the capital of venture investment in the automobile sector. Believe it or not, pople above a ceartain level of income are said to prefer American electoric cars to luxury German gasoline cars.


I visited a couple of hospitals in Bangkok that are popular destinations for medical tourism. The international accredited hospitals have a system in place to provide medical tequnology, nursing care and arrange of multilingual services to accomodate foreign patients. I think Thailand is one of the leading nations in this industry and there's much for Japan to learn. 
