ラジオ英会話~ハートでつかめ!英語の極意~(191) 1月22日(月) | amnn1のブログ




Okay, everyone. Stay tuned for a great lesson.


Are you satisfied with this angle?


Hi Alexis. Do you need some help with that?

Sure. I'm trying to position my phone camera correctly.

Yeah, it's hard. Are you satisfied with this angle?

Yes, that's perfect. Thanks.
What's this for?

I'm starting an internet video channel. I want share my advice on fashion.

Oh, I didn't know you wanted to do that.

Yeah, it's been a long time dream of mine.

Good luck. Your channel might become more poplular than mine.

We'll see.



  • What's this for?
  • Your channel might become more popular than mine.


Are you satisfied with this angle?



Okay, everyone. It’s time to talk about satisfaction. Is it great phrases keep with you. So, let’s get right into the practice. Here we go.


The result was satisfying.

*satisfactory 満足な, 申し分のない<=要求を従属する


I was happy with the result.

I was pleased with the result.

I was content with the result.


Are you comfortable with our plan?

Two one's heart contents.


All right. These next ones are about not being satisfied. So, let’s practice.

I’m dissatisfied with the room.
I’m not satisfied with the room.


Great! Let’s try one last one.

It’s a dream come true. 

One more time. It’s a dream come true.


Well, guys. I’m not only satisfied with your level of practicing, I’m quite pleased with it. -Great job, everyone.


---Typical Expressions in Action

  • You’ve had the same job position for ten years. Are you satisfied with that?
  • I love crosswords. Completing the puzzle is so satisfying.
  • How can you be dissatisfied with this house? It has everything a person could ask for.


Hey, guys. If you were to start an internet video channel, what would you make it about?

Hmm. Good question. I think I’d start a channel reviewing movies or TV shows.

How about you, Rosa?

Hmm. You know I think I would make a channel ’bout Onishi sensei.




be intrigued by 


the process + that ... with

the process with which ....



Who is Masaru?

A person who crashed his car in front of Roxy.

Roxy's friend, who loves anime.

A man who works at a movie theather.


Have you noticed anything unusual about ...?

have a thing for...


wouldn't worry about ...


Which of the followings is true.

Roxy has visited the town before.
Masaru wants to work at an electrinics store.

Roxsy's dad was vorn in the town.


in a while

figure shops

old electronicstores

used to come here often



What kind of books has the man been reading?

Science textbooks.

Science fiction books.

Manuals for making androids.


I like this library, Genie.

deck chairs

many of these books have ... in them.

in the first place


Why is Akira smiling?

Because he found nine beaufiful cloud in the sky.

Because he is on Earth now.

Becaues he wa lucky to go to another planet.


look like a totally different person

ever since ..

the feeling

take ... for granted

don't realize how lucky they are

take better care of our planet


*I’m on cloud nine.






You light up whenever you see Hiroshi. Don't tell me you....

-Oh, you noticed. I have a huge crush on Hiroshi because he is so funny and kind. He seems available. So I'll ask him out but it's strictly between you and me, okay?




mother toungue


Thank you for your question.

- That was a very impressive presentation. I'm so happy to meet you. I've been intrigued by the process that children acquire their mother tounge with. Could you give me your email address? So we can share information.


be intrigued by 


the process + that ... with

the process with which ....


Sensei, you light up whenever you see us.

I'm working on my acting skills.
You don't have to act like you're not happy. Come on..



1月18日(木) Let’s get ready and have a good day.


Akira. You look like a totally different person now.

Really? How so? 

You are always smiling. You've been on Cloud 9 ever since you got back.

Yes. I'm so happy to be back on earth. 

I know the feeling. Look at this blue sky. 

I'll never taka a blue sky for granted again. Humans don't realize how lucky they are.

That's right. We need to take better care of tour planet.

Exactly. This is the only home we've got.


---Grammar and Vocabulary

  • Humans don't realize how lucky they are.
  • This is the only home we've got.

---Typical Expressions

I’m so happy to be back on Earth.



Okay, everyone. It’s time to practice expressions that talk about being happy. Be sure to emphasize the word, happy or glad or pleased and use your tone to express that happy feeling when you’re practicing.

Great advice, Rosa. Let’s jump right in. Here’s our first.


I’m happy that you are here.

Let’s go one more time. I’m happy that you are here.


Great. Let’s continue.


I’m happy to help you. 

One more time. I’m happy to help you.


Let’s continue.


I’m glad to know you. 

And a little different. 

I’m pleased to know you.


Okay. Let’s do our last few.

I’m delighted. 

I’m over the moon. 

I’m on cloud nine.


Great work! Excellent.


---Typical Expressions in Action

  • I'm happy to offer whatever help I can give. You've got my support.
  • I'm glad that you're making friends at your new school.
  • John got accepted to Hiroto university. He is on clound 9.

Hey, guys. What makes you happy?

You know when you wear a coat for the time in the season and you find money in the pocket. It makes me so happy.  How about you, Rosa?

You know I was gonna say being around you two makes me happy.

But honesty I don’t think I can top the money in the coat.




This is the only we've got


I couldn’t care less about ~. 

これ以上気にしない 蚊が食うほどにも思わない


And I’m David Evans. I had no idea you were interested in such interesting topics.


Who cares?


I like this library, Genie. It is very quiet and peaceful here.

Yes, I like sitting outside on these deck chairs.

I have been reading some scienced fiction books. They mention us.

Us? Yes. Many of these books have androids in them.

Who cares? Besides, I don't like the word Android.

I want to be just like a human.

But the androids in these books act like humans.

I don't care. I don't want to be called an andrond in the first place.


---Grammar and Vocabulary

  • I have been reading some science-fiction books.
  • I want to be just like a human.

---Typical Expressions


Who cares? 



Okay, everyone. Let’s get into today’s practicer.

These phrases can be very dismissive and put a wall between you and the listeners. So, be careful what situation you use them in. But it’s good to have them in your pocket. -Great point, David. -All right. Let’s jump right in.


Who cares about that?
Who cares about a little scratch?
Who cares about getting first place?


I don’t care.
That doesn’t matter.

Hmm. So dismissive


All right. Here’s more.

That’s none of my business.
That’s irrelevant to me.
I don’t want to get involved.


And our last few.

I have zero interest in ~.

No one cares.


This next one is a phrase you will probably hear quite a bit. So, let’s practice it twice.

I couldn’t care less about ~. 

これ以上気にしない 蚊が食うほどにも思わない


Great job, everyone. I know you really care about your English practice.

Very nice!


---Typical Expressions in Action

  • Who cares about what people say? Don’t listen to them. Follow your passion.
  • I won’t ask about your personal life. That’s none of my business.
  • I couldn’t care less about one review on a website. You can’t please everyone.


I love cats.

Really? I’m a dog person. I love dogs.

What? Hey, sensei. Which do you prefer?

Ah, I don’t want to get involved.




You've piqued my interest.
* pique arouse (interest or curiosity).


I'm interested in that kind of staff.


Wow Masaru. I haven't been here in a while. Look at all the anime figure shops.

I know Roxy. I want to look at all of them.

There are other things in this town, too.

What kind of things?

Um... old electronics stors.

Oh yeah? I'm interested in that kind of stuff.
My dad is too. He used to come here often when he was younger.

Oh I thought he was interested in cooking.
My dad has lots of hobbies. 


  • I haven't been here in a while.
  • I thought he was interested in cooking.


I'm interested in that kind of staff.


interest 興味を抱かせる->



Okay everyone. It's time for our practice session. Focus on the word curious in this sentence, curious has this feeling of question mark, floating up words from the word. -Remember to practice with the feeling inteterested.


Your reserch interests me.
That's interesting.


I'm intrigued by your idea.

You've piqued my interest.
* pique arouse (interest or curiosity). [pikt]




I'm curious about your findings.

Do you see how that sounds like a question?


I'm listening.

I'm all ears.

Go on.

Tell me more.

Oh, really?
Do tell.

Pray tell. どうぞ話してください、話したまえ


How was the practice today everyone? I'm curious about your findings.

I hope it piqued your interest. Great job.


  • I'm interested in the history of this castle. When was it built?
  • I'm curious about who made this. Was it ancient humans or perhaps aliens.
  • Tell me more about yourself. How did you come to live in Japan?

Hey David. Tell me more about youreslf.

How did you come to live in Japan?

Oh actually it's a funny story. Well, I closed my eyes. I took a dart and I threw it at the map and right on Japan.
Oh really? - No not really...





 As always it’s sunny here in the studio.


Adam, have you noticed anything unusual about Roxy lately?

Unusual? No. She seems really happy.

That's what I mean. She's nvever that happy. I think she has a crush on Masaru.
I didn't think he was her type.

Well, they both have a thing for anime. They go to movies together. 

Now that you mention it, she did buy some new clothes recently.

What do you think of Masaru?

He seems like a nice guy. I woudn't worry about it.



--Grammar and Vocabulary

  • Have you noticed anything unusual about Roxy lately?
  • That’s what I mean.

---Typical Expressions

I think she has a crush on Masaru.



Okay, everyone. It’s time to practice.You’re gonna love today’s expressions. I’m sure about that. -All right, everyone. Let’s jump right in.


I like you.

I care about you.

Is he into me?


Continuing on.

I’m in love with you.

I have fallen for you. * fall for

I have a thing for you.

I have feelings for you.


All right, let’s keep going.

I’m head over heels for her.  真っ逆さまに恋に落ちる->夢中な・首ったけ

Let’s try one more time. I’m head over heels for her.


Great. Let’s go our last few.

They like each other.

They are in love.

They love each other.


Aww. Great phrases. Thanks for practicing. I hope you enjoyed it.

I hope you were into today’s practice.


---Typical Expressions in Action

  • I care about you. Do you feel the same?
  • Ah, you have a crush on her, don’t you? Your face lights up whenever she enters the room.

Hey, guys. If someone suddenly said to you, I love you, would you be surprised?

Ah, if they meant it as like, I love you as a fan, not really. But if they looked me deep me in the eyes and said, I love you, yeah, it would be a bit of a shock.

Usually saying I love you in that kind of situation implies an already established relationship.





Which is the followings closest to how Brendan feels?

People need to go to parks more often.

English gardens are special.

There are many good parks in other countries.


I do somethims


being in nature helps me come up with ideas

there's nothing like quiete like an English garden.

better than those in other countries

there is just something about them


What does sally like?

The man's paintings.


Horseback riding.


watercolor painting

hod do you like it?

get better and better

patint paintings with horses in them like this one.

have a passion for horses

used to ride often when I was a little girl


Which of the following is true?

Doug and the woman want to go abroad.

Doug will go to the post office.

The woman doen't like goya.


ecoturism business is really taking off.

I didn't realize +

be effective

make a big difference


isn't really my cup of tea


Does Zeytox like going for drives?

Yes, he has his own car.

No, he gets carsick.

No, he can't drive.


feeling bored / feel bored

go for drive

get carsick easily



My car is a bit small.

Don't worry. I love small cars. My father would drive me to the station in his small car when I was a kid. That's one of my fondest childhoold memories.


How did your first date go?

Actually, it was pretty rough. She is a great person but her table manners shocked me. She talked with her mouth full the whole time. It was disgusting.



What kind of car do you like?

Well, I know for one thing, it can't be small. I have long legs. I need leg room.

How about you?

I love all kind of cars. 




Do you like driving? -Yes, I love driving. I want to go for a drive.

Vagan <> vegan


The idea of riding in cars makes me sick.


Zeytox, are you okay?
Yes, I'm fine, but I am feeling bored.

Oh, so Vagans get bored just like humans.

Yes, we do.

Why don't we go for a drive? I can ask Carolyn. She loves driving.

The idea of riding in cars makes me sick.

I didn't know Vagans had cars.

We don't, but in America I learned that I get carsick easily. The scientists drove me some place and I felt sick.


  • I am feeling bored.
    be bored
    get bored
    <> it's boring.
  • Vagans get bored just like humans.
  • Why don't we go for a drive?


The idea of riding in cars makes me sick.

-> Having to work late makes me sick.



We are going to be practicing strong expression of dislike. Now I want you to imagine the feeling of ... that kind of dislike. So keep that in mind, let's go!


His behavior disgusted me.

* disgust うんざりさせる・不快感を表す


That's disgusting.

* disgusting 気分を悪くさせるような・不愉快な


I was thoroughly disgusted with that movie.

* disgusted 人の感情を形容・いやになって・うんざりで


That made my skin crawl.

That geve me the creeps.

*crawl 虫などがはう・->creep



  • Throwing away good food makes me sick. It's such a waste.
  • Get your finger out of your nose. It's disgusging.
  • I got rid of that old doll. It gave me the creeps.

Hey what kind of doll is the example talking about? 

It's this it's a old doll, but everytime I looked at it, like the hair got longer and I swear its eyes were open one minute and closed..
Oh your story gave me the creeps.
I think that doll might be haunted.



I think I might go to bed.


Goya isn't my cup of tea.


Doug, our eco-tourism business is really taking off.

Yeah, I didn't realize so many people wanted to vist our Island.

And we're getting lots of customers from abroad.

I guess my posts in English were effective.

Yes, they made a big difference.

Hey, let's celebrate! I'll make dinner tonight. What would you like?

Um... Goya chample.

The Okinawan dish? You like it?

Goya isn't really my cup of tea.

Really? I love it. 

Okay, I'll make some especially for you.


  • I didn't realize so many people wanted to vist our Island.
  • I guess my posts in English were effective.

--- Goya isn't really my cup of tea.



Today's practice is about when we don't like something. Just like with affection, there are levels and layers to expressing how much we don't like something. So, try to find the word that's most appropriate to match your emotion. And also the situation that you're in.


I don't like dogs.

I dislike dogs.

I hate dogs.


* dislike is a word that's more common written than spoken, but it's good to remember. 


I can't stand the stress.

I can't bear the stress.


That's bad.

That's terrible.
That's awful.

That's vile. 卑劣な, 汚い, 下品な


And the last two are soft ways for expressing dislike.

That's not for me.

That's not really my thing.



  • Hiking isn't really my cup of tea. I'm more of an indoor person.
    * be more of + noun
    -> be more of + noun + than...
  • Can we go somewhere quieter? I can't stand the noise here. 


Is there anything you hate to eat? 
Brussels sprouts... 芽キャベツ

No. I love brussels sprouts. They are so delicious. I'll take all your brussels sprouts. -Yeah, you have them.  -Sorry, what's that? 






Quit + horsing around. ばか騒ぎをする


I have a passion for horses.


Sally is this your latest watercolor painting?

Yes. How do you like it?

I think it's your best so far.

They just get better and better.

Thanks. That's good to hear.

I've noticed something. You often paint painting with hourses in them like this one.

I have a passion for horses. I love riding.

Really? I didn't know you wrote horses.

I rarely do these days. I used to ride often when I was a little girl.

Well, that explains it.



  • I used to ride often when I was a liitle girl.
  • That explains it.
I have a passion for horses.
Today I want you to keep in mind the feeling of liking and loving the thing you're talking about as you're practicing. -That's right, everyone. Feel the passion, feel the burn.
I have a weekness for sweets.
I have a soft spots for sweets.
I have a thing for sweets.
I have a liking for sweets.
I take pleasure in cooking for others.
I get satisfaction from having a clean house.
I derives satisfaction from having a clean house.
*derve 引き出す
I'm into yoga.
I'm hooked on yoga.
I'm addicted to yoga.
I like soccer with a passion.
Remember guys, always practice with passion.
That's right, everyone. Great job.
  • I have a passion for gardening. I grow all the vegetables I eat.
    I'm into gardening.
  • Do you take pleasure in helping others? A career in physical therapy may be right for you.
  • Look at that guy's t-shirt. He must be really into the desperate rats.
I have a passion for hoses.
Hoses? Are you sure you don't mean horses?
hose <> horse







I just love our English program. Don't you? There is just something about it.

I agree. I'm really feeling this month's content. Let's do our best!



I love English gardens.


Do you come to this park often?

I do smometimes when I need inspiration.


Yes. Being in nature helps me come up with ideas.

I see. It is very peaceful here. I love English gardens.

Yes. There is nothing quite like an English garden.

Are they better than those in other countries?

Well, I think so. There is just something about them.

I didn't know you were such a romantic, Brandan.

Of course I am.


romantic -> romanticist



  • Being in nature helps me come up with ideas.
  • Are they better than those in other countries? -> gardens


I love English gardens.



Our phrases today, all are words that describe affection. How much we like something.There are many differnet words with different different nuances. So pay attention to each one and let's master them all togethere.



I like..

I like English gardens.

I like your tie.

I like Ken.


Try this cake. You'll love it.


I'm fond of Ken.
I'm fond of reading.


I'm crazy about Bonsai.


I enjoy..

I'm fun of..

I'm partial to... * partial 大好きな


I'm attached to this sweater.

I'm attracted to successful people.


I adore your dress.


You know what, guys. I love how much effort you put into practice. Great job!

Fantastic work!


  • I like old cameras. To me there is something magical about them.
  • My grandfarther was fond of this park. He would come here every Sunday. * would ~したものだ(昔)


Hey guys. I'm attached to this sweater, you know.

- I think it shrunk in the wash and he just can't take it off.




tichet(s to ...

join us -> = join






Who will go to the concert?


Akari and her friend.

Akari, her friend and the man.


Does is show?

in a good mood

won a ticket


sound(s like fun


Which of the following is true?

Yayoi will fly business class to Hawaii.

Yayoi's going on a busines trip.

There's a Hawaiian music concert on Friday.


Can I ask you a big favor?

you still owe me for the last one

go ahead / ask away

can you give me a ride to the airport?

If we leave by 2 p.m., it'll ...



What does the woman want to do?

Start an ecotourism business.
Join an eco tour.

Help Doug.


feel like  ..ing

it's too cold out

I'll do whatever I can


What will David be joining?

A new program.

A party.

See a line dance.


How was this year for you?

am dying to ..

Would you be free to join us?

I have nothing lined up.


It's me. I came up with a brilliant business idea. Wanna hear it? Do you have time after work?

I'm sorry, but I have plans tonight. I'm really interested in the idea though.

When else is good for you? I'll book a table at a usual restaurant. I can't waint to hear it.



binge watch



Hi! You know what, I'm planing to binge watch horror movies with some friends at my place. Would you like to join us? If you can come, please come dressed in white.The scarier, the better, right?


Hey guys. Do you like horror movies?

Yeah, I love horror movies. I was actually in a horror movie when I was in college. 

How about you? - I'm big fun of Sadako, you know.

How about you? -My favorite scary character is this guy, he's kind of tall and he has short hair and wears glasses and his name starts with O and..

Are you talking about me? 

Yeah, how would? did? you know?