英会話タイムトライアル「1月DAY3」 1月10日(水 | amnn1のブログ





Can I leave now?

Is is okay if I leave now?



Is it okay if ...



Can I ...

May I ...



It might be okay.



Is it okay if I go get a drink now?
-It might not be okay.


You might want to stay in line.


you must 

you have to 

you should


-> You might want to...


fix your collar


You might want to fix your collar.


Why did she get mad at you?


*get mad at ... <- get angly at


The Yoga instructer got mad at me.

If you play music here, people might get mad at you.





Why is that mother disciplining at her child?






Do we need to ... our ...?


Do we need to bring our passports?

Do I need to bring my passport?


we -> rule なので not you & have to/ must => need to -> sounds softer


We need to show our passports here.

We need to take off our shoes here.


shoe locker

shoe closet


We need to put our shoes in this shoe locker here.

Do we need to wait here?


I think we need to wait here.


多分=>I think


I think we need to stand up now.

We need to wear proper clothing.


proper clothing

the proper clothing


the rite clothe

-> need to dress up



Is my daughter wearing proper clothing?


long sleave shirt


Just wear a long sleave shirt.




It's a new month of Eikaiwa-time-trial.

We are going to India.

I'm so, so, so happy to welcome you to India. I was born and raised here.

I'm going to take you to a special place in North India this Friday. See you then.


Rights and wongs around India.


We can't be late.


We can't ...


We can't talk on the phone in the temple.

We can't talk in the Yoga studio.

We can't talk each other in the Yoga studio.



without permission


You can't take pictures without permission.


SNS => social media


You can't post that picture on social media without permission.





You can't wear shorts.


I don't think + we can ...

I don't think we can wear t-shirts.


Do you have a collared shirt?


I don't think we can chew gum here.






And here's our navigator to Singapore.

Hi everyone. Today we're going to go to a concert in Singapore.


Imagine this... We're going to a concert together. Let's take the train!

MRT- mass rapid transit

We have to hurry to make it to the concert. But did I forget something? 

And after we get the train, let's talk about trains.

Did you imagine today's situation? Just reply to my questions in your own words.

Let's start a six turn conversation as you leave the codo and get the train in Singapore?



We're off to the concert. Oh, I feel like I'm forgetting something. 

Did we lock the door?

- I think you locked the door.


Oh, the garbage. Actually we have to take out plastics tomorrow.
Just remind me, okay?

-Sure. I'll remind you.


Okay, for the Escalade station, we should get on towards the front of the train. What time is it now?

-It's 5:20.


The train's coming soon. The peak hour is not too bad today.
How will the trains in Japan during peak hours?

- The mornings are really bad. I try to avoid the peak hours. I can never get a seat on the tains going into the city. But I can get a seat on the trains going out of the city on my way back home.


Here's the train. Our stop is the froth stop.

So how do you like Singapore's trains?

-Everything is so well connected to the train stations. Even though it's raining, we don't get wet. 


Is there anything else that you like to do in Singapre?

-Well, I've seen the Lion fountain and park. Someday, I'd like to see the sun set from that big ferris wheel. It's called Singapore flyer.


Where are we going to next month?
To India!



Have you ever taken the trains in Singapore?
Yes, I have, the LRTand the MRT. 
Really? How was it?

It's clean and it's well connected.

I see. And how do you like the trains in Japan?

Oh, you can go anywhere on a train in Japan. I think that's fantastic. 

Yes, I love the tains in Japan, too.

And in India, do you ride the trains or the buses more.

Well, a lot of people in India ride trains. I personally used to ride the buses more.

Oh, you did? I see.





Sorry to rush you.

We gatta take the next train.

I feel like I'm forgetting something.

I think I locked the door.

Sinpapore's trains are so convenient.

Do we get off here?

We get off in two more stops.


How do you like...?

How do you like the food in Singapore?


Did you..?

Just imagine something you would do when you leave. It could be a household chore.

Did you hang the laundry?
Did you lock the door?

Did you take out the garbage?


The trains going into the city ...

So, try to make a sentence as you imagine the trains going into the city.

The trains going into the city depart from tracks 2 and 3.


tracs 2 / tracs 3

You can also say, 

platform 2 / platporm 3


Imagine you are in Singapore. How do you like Singapore's trains?

So just imagine what Singapore's trains are like and tell me your thoughts.


How do you like Singapore's trains?

- Ther're nice and so clean.


That's an easy sentence that you can use.


Did we lock the door?

Just imagine that situation adn now reply to this question.


Did we lock the door?

-I think you locked the door.

-Yes, I think I locked the door.


The important point is to speak up and reply in your own words.


I have a question about Japan's trains.

How are the trains in Japan during peak hours?

You can tell me your experience or something about the trains in Japan during peak hours.


How are the trains in Japan during peak hours?

-The mornings are really crowded. I can't get a seat on the trains going into the city but I can get a seat on the trains going out of the city on my way back home. 





Today we practice more phreses about trains, but this time we'll talk about trains in Singapre.


How do you like Singapore's trains?


どう思いますか (There are two ways to say it.)

What do you think...?

How do you like...?


Singapore's trains are so convenient.

The trains in Singapore are so convenient.


They are so clean.

We are talking about the trains, which is plural. So they ARE so clean.


They are not expensive.

They are reasonable.
They are cheap.

-> If you are talking about the train tichects. >>Wow, it's chap!

The fares are not expensive. -> Train fare is not expensive.


Everything is connected to the train stations.
*be connected to...

-> station => could mean gas station. <> train station


We should take the express train.
*express train


This isn't the express train. Let's take the next train.


Let's get on towards the front of the train




towards the front
> towards the back
towards the middle

And not only for trains. You could use it for movie theathers or concerts, or baseball games.



We get off at City Hall station.

Do we get off here?

We get off in tow more stops.



in tow more + stops



in three more + stoops





This month we're practicing at home English.


So we have good phrases for おでかけ.



Let's practice going from Japanese into English!




We gotta hurry.



have to



the trains going into the city

the trains going out of the city


the peak hours
<> the rush hour(1hour)






We gotta hurry.


Did you here the word, gotta? Now,  "gotta" comes from "have got to", you can also say, 

We need to hurry.

We have to hurry.

But using gotta is not only casual, it's also a soften and friendly way to say it.
We gatta hurry. It's similar to Japanese ~しないと. 


We gatta take the next train.






Rush you.

Don't rush me.


Sorry to rush you.

Sorry to rush you, but we gatta go now.


We have prenty of time.

We don't need to rush.




the trains going into the city

the trains going out of the city


The trains going into the city are really crowded.






Sometimes you'll hear fireworks show, either one is fine.


Everyone is going to the New Year's fireworks.


The trains going out of the city are not too crowded.


I try to avoid the peak hours.


Now, in the US we often hear rush hour. And usually it's one hour. So the phrase, the peak hours is useful. It's for a few hours in the morning and a few hours in the evening.





At home English in Singapore.


This Friday, we are going to a concert and we will take the train in Singapore. It's a wonderful train. So let's have a wonderful conversation together.

See you then.




And there's one more thing. Today anad this week our radio show will be in almost all English. 



Just start with, I feel like I'm ...


I feel like I'm forgetting something.


Did you turn off the iron?

I turned off the iron.


the iron



turn off



Did you feed the cat?







lock the door


Did you lock the door?

I think I locked the door.


I can lock the door with my phone.


Some people have digital locks. And so, they can lock the door with their phone. 



moblile phone

cellular phone

smart phone


These days, most people just say phone. I can lock the door with my phne.




take out the garbadge





garbage *Most people use garbage.


Did you take out the garbage?

Did you take the garbage out?


I'll take out the garbage later.

I have to take out plastics today.

