ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(50) 1月9日(火) | amnn1のブログ



ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(50)1月9日(火)

ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(50)7月4日(火)


How did Lisa feel about the office environment?

- She found the work environment to be flat and open. Management and employees seem very close. 


What did Ron comment bout the work environment?

- It's a freindly and family like atmosphere where you don't feel much hierarchy. 


How did you feel about HQ's overall work environment?

- I found the work environment to be flat and open. Management and employees seem very close. The executive often came to the employees' floor to chat. 

- You are right. It's a freindly and family like atmosphere where you don't feel much hierarchy. For better or worse, WCS is a small family run company. You seemed to have a lot talk about with Daniel and Emily. 

- Yes. I didn 't expect them to take that much time for me. Daniel welcomed to me on my frst day at HQ. And Emily took me to the warehouse and Guilford

- They did. I think Emily enjoyed your company. Being part of the Willson family, she's an easy target in a nepotism debate. I think she needs a colleague in a more neutral position. Free of the internal politics of London HQ.


hierarchy    [ˈhaɪˌrɑrki]

hierarchy    [ˈhaɪəˌrɑrki]


family like


for better or worse

family run => run 経営する

enjoy one's company => company
仲間 と一緒にいるのを楽しむ


nepotism 縁故主義・親族採用

=> favoritism えこひいき <> nepotism 身内をえこひいき


ーーーーーFor better or worse, 

For better or worse, WCS is a small family run company.

  • For better or worse, this is the contry I chose to settle in.
  • For better or worse, we are living in the globalized world.


both good and bad

The new procedure is both good and bad.


in both a good and bad way

We need to stick to the original plan in both a good and bad way.



What surprised me on my US vist was that high level of interest in mindfulness among HQ's employees. 
It has gained popularity ever since it was recognized as an effective way to impluve mental health. It's even included in HQ's welfare probram.


The main concerns of Thai nationals working for Japanese companyies are said to be language, communication, and cultural differences. Making Japanese requirement appears to be a bottle neck in attracting talented people. This is not to say Japanese language skills are irrelevant, but it shouldn't be a probrem as long as they speak English.


ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(49)1月8日(月)

ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(49)7月3日(月)


What is Ron going to do after hearing the report from Lisa?

-He will be able to  discuss their future strategy with Daniel in the coming weeks.

What does Lisa say about the difference between talking in person and online?

- When we meet them in person, you get to know their personalities and the ways of thinking through casual conversation. 


So Lisa, I'd like to hear about your trip to London so that we will be able to  discuss our future strategy with Daniel in the coming weeks.


-First. I want to say thank you for giving me the opportunity to visit London HQ. It was really worth visiting. I was able to talk to people from different areas including marketing, sales, PR and warehouse management.
-You are welcome. You know, getting to meet the colleagues you normaly communicate with via email and phone is an important process when embedding oneself in any given organization. 

- It really is. With emails and phone calls we mostly talk about workrelated issues. When we meet them in person, you get to know their personalities and the ways of thinking through casual conversation. 

-Exactly. That's the point of taking the trouble to go on a business trip


In the coming weeks 今後数週間のうちに 

=> in the coming week 来週


warehouse management

via => I flight to Rio de Janeiro via New York.


embed oneself in に溶け込む、入り込む

embed 組み込む・はめる


given ...

take the trouble to..



That's the point of taking the trouble to go on a business trip


take the trouble to ... 

  • Thanks for taking the trouble to come all the way from Osaka.
  • Thank you for taking the trouble to put together the list. 


make the effort to...

Thank you for making the effort to preper the slides.


go out of one's way to... 無理して~する

Jane went out of her way to see me off at the airport. 



It was good to talk to Bob. 

We've been in touch by email and online, so it didn't feel like we met for the first time. We've often talk about our personal lives. So when I saw pictures of his family on his desk, I felt as if I've met them before. 


Staff members from the finace department threw me a welcome party. The place was typical Vietnamese foods stall, which I would have been a bit hesitant to go to on my own, but the food was excellent. Now that we know each other better. I think it'll be easyer to work together in the future.



ラジオビジネス英語 Interview(2-5)7月7日(金) TomMayse


What was the traditional view of a strong leader?

- It was someone who had all the answers. 


In the knowledge ecconomy age, what kind of strong leader do we need in the first place?

-We need strong leaders who can leverage the diversity of their teams. 



So.. uh.. speaking of leadership, you are as a leader you don't always have to show strong leadership. Could you elaborate a bit more on that?


- So I think first I need to say that I believe in strong leadership. Maybe the definition of strong here is different. So I think the traditional view of strong leader was someone had all the answers. Maybe was someone who ruled or led that team in a command and controled way. And this way of leading was effective maybe twenty years ago, thirty years ago in the manufacturing age, where the issues we are trying to solve were more simple, and where it's possible for the leader to have the answers. I think now in the knowledge economy age, it is impossible for the leader to have all the answers. In fact I think lots of challenges we are trying to solve. We don't even have a solution. So, for me, in this age, strong leader first of is a leader, you can leverage the diversity of their teams. You can leverage the different perspectives, the ways of thinking with the team and elicit the ideas from them so that as a team they can come up with optimal solutions to the challenges we face. I also think in this age another key facet of a strong leader is a leader that can constantly evolve, can constantly learn. Because our situation is constantly changing because the external environment is constantly cahnging we need leaders who can continually update their mental models, their ways of thinking. So maybe their past experiences in success are no longer appricable today. So they need to be able to unlearn to maybe forget about how they did things in a past and instead learn new ways of doing things.


in a command and controled way 指揮命令系統の元


knowledge economy => ナレッジエコノミー

The knowledge economy involves intangible information and ideas that drive the economy with scientific, technological or creative advancements such as IP or interectual property knowledge economy is also known as knowlege based economy.


leverage 活用する

To use in an effective way. To use something for gain. To use in a way where the person will have the apprehend.




elicit 引き出す

To obtain. To draw, bring or pull something out from someone such as to response. Mr. Mayse talks about how leaders elicit ideas from their teams meaning that the team was capable of producing those ideas but he had to use leadership skills to draw those ideas out



The best. The best for given situation. Using or doing something in the best or most productive way. 


facet 側面・面





To be relevant. Appropriate for a situation. Mr. Mayse talked about past experiences with success being no longer applicable today. meaning that those experiences do not have the same application or relevance today.



You are saying the leaders are expected to remain strong but also to recognize diversity, be ready to learn and be flexible to the changing times.



If you had to name an ideal leader among the world's political and business scenes, who would it be? 


political and business scenes 


we need leaders who can continually update their mental models, their ways of thinking.



ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(52)7月6日(木)




Lisa is being chased after business trip. 
She received a request emal about Japanese wine from Daniel. the CCO in London HQ.

How is he explaing to share the information to cc everyone involved? 

How did he ask about the request?


Subject: Japanese wines for European clients.

Hi Lisa,

It was nice to see you in London. As Ron may have informed you, I'm contacting you directly about the subject matter. I'm ccing Emily and Ron to keep everybody in the roop. Wnile you were here we talked to about the possibility of selling Japanese wines in Europe and we'd like to go ahead with that. As you know, wealthy Europeans tend to stick to old world wines, mainly Burgundy, Bordeaux. It maybe wise to market Japanese wine in conjunction with popular Japanese cuisine. As for Japanese wines what regions or brands would you recommend?
Many thanks



cc => be ccing << carbon copy

keep ... in the roop 除法を共有する

old world wines


-----Lisa concludes with the following words.


I look forward to the day Japanese wines  would be displayed in the wine shop at HQ.


I can't wait to see Japanese wines to be displayed in the wine shop at HQ.


Hi Daniel,

Thank you for showing me around during my London visit. I'm please to hear that you decided to go ahead with it. I think the idea offering Japanese wines that go with Japanese food mekes complete sence. I'll discuss with Ron and Tokyo team regarding our recommendations. I look forward to the day Japanese wines would be displayed in the wine shop at HQ. 



Hi Lisa,

No need to rush. As long as we get some kind of list by the end of the month, it should be OK. Once the London marketing team has a better understanding of Japanese food and wine, we can then proceed with Emily's long- awaited project, marketing Europian wine to traditional Japanese restaurants in Tokyo. Looking forwart to the list. 




feel out

-To carefully and cautiously try to gain knowledge of something.

-To indirectly try to learn someone's viewpoint or opinion.


sound out

-to question (someone) in order to discover (opinions, facts, etc)

-To try to ascertain or gauge someone's knowledge or opinion about something

- to try to find out what someone thinks (about something).




ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(51)7月5日(水)


How would Lisa describe the performance of Thomas ?

-She commented that he is dedicated to keeping wines in a perfect environment. 


What did Ron say about the system for customers to buy a fixed amont worth of wine each month?

-Ron said that there is a risk of fluctuations in value



How was the warehouse in Guilford?

-It was stunning. The number of customer wines we hold was one thing. But the attention to detail that goes into storing them was another. Tomas, the warehouse manager, is dedicated to keeping wines in a perfect environment. 

-Oh yes. Tomas is pround of his job. He can seem traditionalist at first grance, but he's constantly searching for new ways to store wine well. 
- Yes. With such a legacy resting one's laurels can be tempting
-Anything else strike your interest?

I guess the membership system, where customers buy a fixed amount worth of wine each month was interesting. 

- Um.. like instalment savings in a bank. Unlike the deposits there is a risk of fluctuations in value, but it's a good way to combine a hobby with practical gain.





rest on one's laurel 現在の栄光にあぐらをかく
laurel [ˈlɔrəl] 月桂樹

not rest on (one's) laurels
To continue putting forth effort, trying to innovate, or working to advance one's career or status instead of relying on one's past achievements or accolades to remain relevant or successful.

rest on (one's) laurels
To stop putting in effort, trying to innovate, or working to advance one's career or status and instead rely on one's past achievements or accolades to remain relevant or successful.



The cake looked tempting, but I'll leave it for today.


strike one's interest

installment savings 積立貯金




He can seem traditionalist at first grance.


at first grance


At first grance the issue doen't seem so complicated.

At first grance it looks like an ordinal building.


on the surface
- when you consider the obvious things, and not the deeper, hidden things:

On the furface, Sophie desn't look so upset.


on the face of it 

-As it seems; superficially; based on what is known.

On the face of it, it's clear who is responsible for the incident.



The advanced automation system at the warehouse in LA was impressive. It enables next day delivery anywhere in the world, solves the sfaff shortage issue and reduces the risk of injury to employees. The power of robots and AI is simply phenomenal.


* anable


The scale of the construction site was overwhelming. Taking care of the staffs helth including measures against heatstroke seems to be an important issue. I feel pround to be part of one of the biggest aviation projects in the middle east. 
