2024年1月15日(月) 日本企業の有望進出先 インド首位 JAPAN SEES INDIA | amnn1のブログ



日本企業の有望進出先 インド首位


curry favor with ...「~にお世辞を言う、ごまをする」

She always curries favor with the boss.

-> curry (馬などの毛を)くしを使ってとく、手入れする


What percent of companies opted for India?

-More than 48 percent opted for India.


Which coutry came second?


China came third after Vietnam at 28 percent.


A new survey has found that, for the second straight year, Japanese companies see India as the most favorable overseas investment destination


The poll also showed that China had dropped a notch to third place.
The survey was conducted by the government-owned Japan Bank for International Cooperation. It asked the companies which countries they see as promising investment destinations in the next three years. More than 48 percent opted for India.
JBIC conducts the survey of Japanese manufacturers operating overseas every year. This year, it received replies from about 530 firms.

(Kawakami Nao / Japan Bank for International Cooperation)
“India is strongly promoting infrastructure development. And its population is set to continue growing. There is still room for domestic demand to expand.”

China came third after Vietnam at 28 percent. And that's the lowest since the survey began in 1992.




JBIC conducts the survey of Japanese manufacturers operating overseas every year.

<- The survey was conducted by the government-owned Japan Bank for International Cooperation.



the most favorable overseas investment destination




do me a favor
Will you do me a favor?


go out of favor 流行遅れになる、廃れる
Formal table manners have gone out of favor.


curry favor with ...「~にお世辞を言う、ごまをする」

She always curries favor with the boss.

-> curry (馬などの毛を)くしを使ってとく、手入れする





「窓ぎわのトットちゃん」 ギネス世界記録に




The memoir “Totto-chan: The Little Girl at the Window,” written by Japanese actor and TV personality Kuroyanagi Tetsuko, now aged 90, has been certified by Guinness World Records as having the most copies published for an autobiography by a single author.


The book was first published in 1981. Publisher Kodansha says the book has been translated into more than 20 languages.


More than 25 million copies have been printed worldwide as of the end of September.


“Totto-chan” depicts Kuroyanagi as a first grader meeting free-spirited Mr. Kobayashi, the school principal, and making friends when she transfers to a new school in Tokyo.


The descriptions of lively children and the friendly teacher-student atmosphere struck a chord with readers.


Kuroyanagi released a sequel in October. She says the Russian invasion of Ukraine led her to write again.



ローマ教皇庁 “同性カップル祝福できる”


Now to a significant policy shift from the Catholic church. Priests will be allowed to bless same-sex couples, though only under certain conditions.
The Vatican released Monday a document approved by Pope Francis. It opens the possibility of blessing same-sex couples but not in regular church rituals or civil union ceremonies. The document says, “One should not prevent or prohibit the Church's closeness to people in every situation in which they might seek God's help through a simple blessing.”
The Vatican previously said same-sex couples cannot be blessed, saying marriage is only allowed between men and women. It says the doctrine regarding marriage will not change, and it maintains its opposition to same-sex marriage.




洋上太陽光発電 国内初の実証実験


A Japanese firm is conducting the country's first test of using floating solar panels to generate power. The method is considered a promising way to make renewable energy in a country where space on land is limited.
Sumitomo Mitsui Construction is carrying out the test, using subsidies from the Tokyo Metropolitan Government. The company floated about 100 solar panels into Tokyo Bay in November.
The test will measure the durability of the panels, as well as the difference in power generation capacities between land and offshore facilities. The company plans to start generating electricity using the devices next spring.
Major Japanese trading house Marubeni started generating electricity at an offshore solar plant in Taiwan last December. It says it plans to carry out a similar project in Japan in the future.






The day may not be far off when we can look into other people's minds. A group of Japanese researchers says it's developed a method to reconstruct imagined images from brain activity using generative AI technology.
The researchers recorded people's neural signals as they viewed various images of landscapes and objects. Then they quantified the physical characteristics of actual images into numeric values and developed a unique program that translates neural signals into numeric values.
The program makes it possible to convert imagined images of landscapes or other objects into numbers. Artificial intelligence is then able to process those numbers and reproduce the mental images.
The group hopes the findings will lead to the development of new devices that allow the brain to convey people's intentions without using words or gestures.




神田明神「煤納め」 ロボット掃除機も参加


go to work 仕事に着手する


動詞 hoover「~に掃除機をかける」

hoover the carpet「じゅうたんに掃除機をかける」

句動詞hoover up「(掃除機が)吸い上げる」

> hoover up「~をすばやく食べる・飲む、~を大量に消費する、多くの~を集める」
>>He hoovered up all the snacks on the plate.


the shrine deity 神田明神がまつっている神(御祭神)

A team of robot vacuums is helping out with the year-end cleanup at a major Tokyo shrine for the first time.
Ten of the machines joined the shrine's Shinto priests and other workers at the main building. First there was a ceremony, then the machines went to work, hoovering up dust swept down to the floor by the priests.
Another robot cleaned the floor of a separate hall used for sacred performances.
One of the priests said it's important that traditions evolve to incorporate new things. He said the shrine deity would surely be pleased.



A team of robot vacuums is helping out with the year-end cleanup at a major Tokyo shrine for the first time.


A team of robot vacuums 

is helping out with the year-end cleanup 

at a major Tokyo shrine for the first time.


A team of robot vacuums 

is helping out with the year-end cleanup 

at a major Tokyo shrine for the first time. 

First there was a ceremony, then the machines went to work.



Next, we move on to ...

Next, ... 「次のニュースです、~」

Now to ... 「さて~(という場所・話題)へ移ります、それでは~のニュースです」

Now ... 「さて、~」

Staying with ... 「~(場所・話題)に関する(別の)ニュースを続けます」


Next, we move on to the political situation in India.

Next, we move on to India.

Now to Amsterdam.
Now to


Staying with ... 「~(場所・話題)に関する(別の)ニュースを続けます
Staying with Argentina.

Staying with economic recovery.


That's a look at business news.


For example, you could say, 

And finally, ... 「そして最後のニュースになりますが、~」

And finally, an annual New Year's Eve celebration.



(And) before we go, ...

And before we go, an annual New Year's Eve celebration.

before we go「この番組の最後に」

And before we go, (here is our final news item).


Well, my highlight was finally being able to go back to Minnesota this summer. I hadn't been there in four years but it felt like hardly any time had gone by at all. I suppose that's a testament to the power of family bounds. 


felt like hardly any time had gone by at all


Have a happy New Year!



自民安倍派 所属議員の大半にキックバックか


LDP - Liberal Democratic Part





quotas  割り当て





payout「(多額の)支払い」・句動詞pay out「(大金を)支払う」

They're suspected of failing to declare the payouts in their financial reports.


We start in Japan, where the main ruling Liberal Democratic Party is struggling with a deepening money scandal that has engulfed several party factions. 

NHK has learned that at the center of the scandal are senior officials in the LDP's largest faction. They allegedly received kickbacks from the revenue of fundraising party tickets, which they failed to report as income.
The Abe faction, once led by the late Prime Minister Abe Shinzo, and several other factions allegedly funneled money to the offices of lawmakers who'd exceeded their quotas for selling tickets for political fundraising events. The Abe faction is thought to have paid kickbacks to a majority of its lawmakers, including six executives. They're suspected of failing to declare the payouts in their financial reports.
Among the allegations, the offices of more than 10 lawmakers are each thought to have received kickbacks of over 10 million yen, or nearly 70,000 dollars, over a five-year period.


We start in Japan, where the main ruling Liberal Democratic Party is struggling with a deepening money scandal.


We start in Japan, 

where the main ruling Liberal Democratic Party is struggling 

with a deepening money scandal.



We start in Japan, where the main ruling Liberal Democratic Party is ...

->We start (this program with news) in Japan, where ...

  • We begin in ..., where ...
  • We start with ... / We begin with ...
  • Out first story takes us to ...

We begin in New Yourk ..

We start with a surprising development in Mexico City.

Our first story takes us to Paris



That's a good question. I think they care about letting their personality shine.

I think they want to find a way to leave an impression on the viewers and they might even think of themselves as entertainers sometimes.







COP28 “化石燃料の廃止”で大きな隔たり


aregue over wording

.. couldn't wait 猶予がない



What doesn't the text mention?

- But the text does not mention a “phase out” of fossil fuels, only a call for “reducing” them.


What do critics hope to move away from?

-They say the text falls far short of their hopes of moving away from the burning of oil, gas, and coal.

they've omitted a goal many have insisted upon.

sent out

watered down that language.

Delegates went into the United Nations conference on climate change agreeing climate action couldn't wait. They've drafted a deal on things they could do to reduce emissions. But they've omitted a goal many have insisted upon.
The hosts from the United Arab Emirates sent out the draft. They want to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels. But the text does not mention a “phase out” of fossil fuels, only a call for “reducing” them.

(Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber / COP28 President)
“We have made progress, but we still have a lot to do. You know what remains to be agreed, and you know that I want you to deliver the highest ambition on all items, including on fossil fuel language.”

Critics say delegates from fossil-fuel producing countries and developing nations watered down that language. They say the text falls far short of their hopes of moving away from the burning of oil, gas, and coal.




“We have made progress, but we still have a lot to do. You know what remains to be agreed, and you know that I want you to deliver the highest ambition on all items, including on fossil fuel language.”


アールの音/r/ 「震え音」


★2023年の話題の言葉 その1

Word of the Year for 2023


dystopianは「反理想郷の」<> 「理想郷」を意味するutopiaの反対の意味

-> distopian world

-> Extreme capitalism may create a dystopia.



パリ五輪 ロシアとベラルーシの個人参加容認





What will the Russian and Belarusian athletes be prohibited from displaying at the Paris games?

- They say only a limited number will qualify.
The athletes will be prohibited from displaying flags and emblems, and their national anthems won't be played.


What did Ukranian leaders call the decision?

-Ukrainian leaders called the decision “shameful.”



national anthems


The war in Ukraine prompted many sports bodies to ban athletes from Russia and its ally Belarus. Now the International Olympic Committee says some will be allowed to take part in next year's Paris Games as “neutrals.”
Organizers are getting ready for the Games to start in less than eight months. Officials with the IOC say they've decided to invite Russian and Belarusian athletes who don't support the war. They say only a limited number will qualify.
The athletes will be prohibited from displaying flags and emblems, and their national anthems won't be played. So far, officials have allowed eight from Russia and three from Belarus.
Russian officials described the plan as “discriminatory.”
Ukrainian leaders called the decision “shameful.” Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba said Russia may use the opportunity to “weaponize” the Olympics.



What would you recomend people do?



★2023年の話題の言葉 その2


「武器化する」を意味する動詞の weaponize


-ize- >「~にする、~化する」


aggrandize himself「自身を強大に見せる」

aggrandize -> 「~を大きくする、増やす、強める」


The kingdom aims to aggrandize its power.

=> aggrandize = expand




The news galvanized the community into taking climate action.


子どもの国際学力調査 日本の順位上昇


excel 勝る



How many students from how many senior high schools around Japan took the test?

-About 6,000 students from 183 high schools.
That included about 6,000 students at 183 senior high schools around Japan.


Which country ranked first in all three categories?

-Singapore ranked first in all three categories.



Japanese high school students scored high marks in a test of international academic performance released on Tuesday. 

They ranked in the top 5 globally in all three categories: mathematics, science, and reading.
The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, or OECD, conducts the Programme for International Student Assessment every three years. It assesses the academic performance of 15-year-olds around the world.
The latest evaluation was delayed a year due to the coronavirus pandemic. About 690,000 students from 81 countries and regions took part. That included about 6,000 students at 183 senior high schools around Japan.
Compared to the last assessment in 2018, average scores rose in all three categories. 

Japanese students climbed one spot to fifth in mathematics. In science, they rose from fifth place to second. And in reading, they jumped from 15th place to third.
Singapore ranked first in all three categories.



Building up your vocabulary is a big part of engaging with the news in English.


★2023年の話題の言葉 その3




<- scroll「(スマホ画面などを)スクロールする」

quiet quitting




My word for the year is growth.
My kids, the players on the baseball team and me, I think I felt an experienced a lot of growth this year. 


growth mindset

