CNN10 Novembe28, 2023 | amnn1のブログ





CNN10 Novembe28, 2023



bear with me

I'm pumped to see ... 「興奮している」「ワクワクしている」

work into tomorrow's show


intercept 傍受する, さえぎる, 迎撃する


be left without power


foiled more than 20 Ukrainian drone attacks


*foil 計画などを失敗させる

- To prevent from being successful; thwart:妨害する, じゃまする

- To obscure or confuse (a trail or scent) so as to evade pursuers.


there is no quick end in sight for ...


is asking Western allies for continued support

target goals for providing ammunition would fall short ...

is quickly running out + as Congress remains divided over funding additional support


they can be used for reconnaissance or assault



electronic warfare


cheap and expendable but..



a synonym of real and actual 


authentic has several meanings including true to one's own personality, spirit or character.


span(s approximately 2.6 million square miles in ..


shed light on how our actions impact distant natural spaces and what we can do to protect and nurture 


participate in the National Geographic and Rolex Perpetual Planet Amazon Expedition researching


one of the ecosystem's most iconic and endangered 



crossing the borders of Ecuador Colonbia and Peru is the andian cloud forest
might sound like something plucked from a fairy tale

* pluck 引き抜く


but it is very much real

one of the most biodiverse ecosystems


with an array of orchid ラン, moss)es  コケ, 

many other epiphytes 着生植物

* epiphyte  (ˈɛpɪˌfaɪt)

A plant, such as a tropical orchid or a staghorn fern, that grows on another plant upon which it depends for mechanical support but not for nutrients. : aerophyte, air plant.


rare plant(s


spectacle bear(s


be unique for each individual 


be classified as vulnerable by 


Christmas light maze the enchant experience is 

it's an immersive experience the website syas a mischievous little elf named Eddie misplaced eight toys 








social rights activist Nelson Mndela

it always seems impossible until it is done


once it may have seemed impossilbe


truce deal 

a temporary pause


we're going to zip on over to..


is not what it used to be

shoping craze(s

lead to stampede(s

the mad discount dash / assosiated with ...


look to score deals online as many consumers gear up for Cyber Monday


instor shopping


many retailers rolled out their discounts much earlier this year to entice people to spend dooner


penultimate attempy by retailers to ratchet up their sales today makes the 


*penultimate ast but one in a series of things; second last.


that works better for some


ballpark (野)球場

<>bowling alley


locally grown fresh produce


can be the seed to start the new revolution towards food system transformation


fingerling type potato


* fingerling 幼魚, 小魚, 非常に小さいもの


irrigated by a special system 


concessions at 




asparagus to zucchini


nowhere to be found


he was doing what he was born to do 














fist bump


be diagnosed with dementia

advocat for affordable housing

ceremonies for 

are slated to take place

tribute(s continue pouring in for ..



bring so much grace to the office


be well known for her efforts on mental health and caregiving and women's rights





-To be the leader of (a movement, for example).


a foundation devoted to promoting ...



eradicate disiases


the first piloted airplaine flight


get their hands-on mechanic training to

help propeller them on a path in the aviation industry

lap tray and seatback(s in the upright

flight dispatchers as son as they graduate

get their jobs done properly

people's lives at stake when they get into the workforce


very lengthy

vocational programs are 

are getting a lot more fuocused and ...

be aligned with 




inimitable and magnificent meteorologist





bring the chance of rain and snow ... even possible tornadoes


soggy conditions at times for interstates

sparing the turkeys from being served alongside pumpkin pies, mashed potaotes and casseroles


pardoning of a turkey


gobble and paly






inventor Thomas Edison


our greatest weakness lies in giving up


sat a top the most powerful rocket ever buit


lift off on 



this time around

ultimately colonize Mard and make humanity multiplanetary

get this thing up into the orbit


that is what's characterized as a mishap by ...


put on hold


this smoke shrouds India's capital 

shround 包むもの, おおい


obscuring the skyline and 

put ... at risk


air pollutants

landlocked city 


flash out polluted aire with 



grow and reproduce


onshore winds


start hoarding chash


easier to squirrel away bigger bills

squirrel away 〈金銭・ものを〉ため込む


order big uptick in 50s and 


rarest bills


there is an old superstition 


notoriously went bankrupt

the bills are jinx








most vulnerable

deliberate on

look to the international cort of justice

the trusteeship council helps..

slef-governed and independent

the Secretariat (国連・政府などの)事務局

tacle day-to-day issue

keep the press informed 

on top of that..

don't exactoly follow the calendar..


staying current 


reunite wrongfully datined Americans with ... their loved ones

warn ... not to ...


continue to impose costs on the country



hang all 10 of their toes over the front of the board


remind us that when we don't give up, we cannot fail.


be thrown headfirst into shllow water and まっさかさまに


I hit this guy and his head came down and slammed right on top of mine and I got this burning sensation down my neck 

tingling sensation like pins and needles down my right arm and 


not everyone who gets a spinal cord injury can make it out on the other side, the same as they were before


would have completely ruined most of us but 

found out a way to shine


trailblazer 通った道に目印をつける人


our circumstances truly define us 


barista as a Starbucks



get a treat













 there is a positive here though











is expected to be ...


brace yourself for ...


demand for travel has just continued to grow..


make a little less busy than they used to be..


it's expected to be a record setting travel season in the skies


treavelling in very large volumes


be hitting the road


hybrid schedules and remote schedules have changed everything


an alltime record umber of passengers at airports

*alltime 前代未聞の


the chaos


take public transit to the airport 


put a ban on Tik Tok


was needed


lowest population density in the US




which is by far the largest state has the lowest population sensity



be here to explain why


on the flip side


the sun never truly set 


fall foliage



hidden by the abundance of green chlorophyll クロロフィル, 葉緑素

the green color fades away to reveal all the other colors hidden beneath


a baby ox

squashes to squish

pumpkins to spear with their horns 



a little over two months old

headbutt 頭突き

splash around in puddle 

raked into a pile 








it's just what it is...

limiting tariffs

a tariff is a tax added to good coming in from other countries


the thinking is that when ...


be more inclined to ...


the many topics up for discussion at..

a much anticipated meeting between


a Chinese balloon ...


arealdy frosty relationship

but things have since stabilized during ...

agreement on throny issue


chance to build on economic relations as both nations have benefited from trade


build on (…を)建て増す



comes as 


there is not enough milk to go around 


multiple states are affected by suply chain issues


a dairy precarious situation 


correctional facilities


cartons that hold the milk


shelf-stable milk 

milk that does not need to be refrigerated and can be stored at room temperature


there's no certain time frame for when... this shortage might end




full of fauna and marine life

with an abundance in marine lif

we have it all

making it a prime spot for divers


be enthralled by 


so many megaphone of whales and dolphins and marline




can dive with humpbacks or 

queen of the mentors

pioneering research work on

endangered species


anthropogenic threats


artisanal fishermaen


I'm all in 




it's difficult to wind things back

when they get out of control


flea markets


he's already in the hunt for more


I'm more of a pen guy, pencils are kind of sketchy







see if your word made it in today's show


to get the news out


come under increasing condemnation because of its 

in times of war

has retained editorial control over the final reort


by the fury of Israel's hunt 


rocket propell grenades


pull up at a command post


heavy-handed tactics at hospitals


to make it a safe pass for all the patients in the hospital


then the protection falls away


the controversies surrounding it far from 


the largest retailer

topping the list almost doubling








favorite retailer or grecery sotor


self checkout lines


were frist introduced in the 1980s

becoming more widely used in the early 2000s

as stores looked to cut costs

hire fewer cashiers


accidental customer eoors

intentional shoplifting

incontrovertible proof that companies 

have a loss rate of about 4 percent

some attempts to fix these issues like adding weight 


all started to dial back their self-checkout strategy


if there's something you want to achieve, you have to see it before you see it.
you see it in your mind's eyes before you actually see it come to fruition.


staged a mock trip to Mexico

carry-on luggage 

neck pillows

they are going through customs

custom agent

went viral -> go viral 
got rave reviews best 



論争の余地のない, 明白な
- not able to be denied or disputed














state of emergency




the imminent eruption has been preceded 


now Iceland sits on a tectonic plate boundary


continually splits farther apart pushing ... and ... farther apart


a powerful mantel plume 


some effects of the seismic activity are ..



crumbling tarmac broken sidewalks

tarmac -  a type of road surface


gaping fissures in the road


gape ぽかんと大口をあける, 

fissure 裂け目


who provide us with ... more insight on the events unfolding right now


waves of tremores are shaking and splintering 




the ground is already split open in places

because the volatility under the Earth's crust


more than ... residents were evacuated with a fw allowed back to retrieve pets and essential items from their 


on that fure ?


a precaution close 


be prone to volcanic activity with three eruptions in the past 


measuring as big as 750 meters long


spewed fountains of lava into the sky


this time around...


far more dengerouns consequences


approaching deadline for  .. a federal funding plan 


be tasked with securing enough votes from both Democrats and Republicans
to approve a plan

before that deadline in order to ..

the deadline is set for ... this Friday


some of the main sticking points are whether or not...


in the event ~したら …という場合には


employees deemed essential workers ...


impair various essential functions ranging from financial oversight to scientific research 


what it takes to be an Olympian and represent your country playing flag 


catch up with

caught up with 


expertise is going to be fierce

have gotten exponentially better 


how did that come about ?


whatever it was a lark


mede me tear up 


it hits in a soft spot 



tickle (one) pink
To please one greatly.


magnificent shade of magenta 


more likely 

halobacteria organisms 

that thrive in hyp saline or very salty waters 

in places like ...







flowers that can thrive growing up through cracks in a drive are better equipped to survive than those growing on countrysides

we gain strength through our truggles


mess with movie relieases 

at the heart  of it all was ...





and the whopping 160,000 actors represented 


pay bumps AI protections asd streaming bonuses and improved benefits
-> pay bum 昇給?


sought kout their issues => seek out 



while the actors kept the picketline going trying to hash out their contract details


hash out 

- To discuss something in detail.



informal To make a mess of; mangle.
Informal To discuss carefully; review: 


that led to the strike in the first place

how it all got sorted out


sigh of relief


tentative agreement


there are so much language in 


it still has to be rafified by....


the famous and obscure a historic pay increase


sag after represents 


live paycheck to paycheck 


gives.. better residuals for streaming programs

* residual

often residuals 
A payment made to a performer, writer, or director for each repeat showing of a recorded television show or commercial.


when an AI likeness of them in used


persona that's being used 


both entities ahs been on strike simultaneously 


there could be less work overall to go around for them




volcanic activity

in recent years 



began with an observance 


national anthem




served in sacrifice for 


apt to evoke emotion that the dugle call 


song of remembrance


be donwsized 



has take precedence over 


that was the impetus for ... 勢い, はずみ, 刺激


so much preferable over than a recored one


important and paramount 


at the bottom line that's what it's all about honoring  that ...


snag it さっとつかむ[捕らえる]


barreked it way to the bounty