ラジオビジネス英語 Interview(1-7) | amnn1のブログ



ラジオビジネス英語 Interview(1-7)11月24日(金)

ラジオビジネス英語 Interview(1-7)5月26日(金)


Throw that out



-To feel timid.

be intimidated by




collaboration)s with


orientation 思考

it's too soon to know



It's good to see
the claccial music industry becoming more open and diversified.

What impact do you think the diversification of human resources will have 
on the way classical music is enjoyed?


What is the first thing to do when you are keen to explore classical music?

-It is to get rid of the world "classical" and just explore the world of music.


What advice does Mr. Slatkin give to people who intimidated by so-called classical music?

- His advice is to just take time even if it's five minutes of your day and listen to something. 



Finally, could you say a few words to our listeners who are keen to explor classical music?


-The first thing I would say is get rid of the world "classical". Throw that out. Just let's explor the world of music. We find now that orchestra for example, symphony orchestras, are playing more music from different styles, different genres, fillms. collaborations with jazz and popular people, work with visual artists. Things like that. Much more flexible as performers. Now I know we like to attach labels to everything. We always do. But word classical has almost negative connotation for so many people. They see that is dead, white, mele, European musicians. That's what classical means to them. But it's all changing. Now we are in this transition time. We are seeing many more artists who are female, we are seeing more people of different backgronds, different ethnic backgrounds as well, different orientations, gender, whatever happens to be. But it's too soon to know what impact is going to be. It's just starting now. So for people perhaps feel intimidated by the so-called classical music. Don' be! Just take time, even if it's five minutes of your day and listen to something, turn on the radio. Go to the internet, do whatever, find something. There is an expression we all have you have to know the rules before you can brake them. And for us, you have to have heard the music before you could say whatever you like it or not. So, keep an open mind. Don't be afraid to experience something different. And you might be surprised how you respond. 


That's very encouraging for our listeners. Well, Leonard Slatkin, thank you for joining me on this program. We look forward to your continued success as a conductor, composer, witer and educator. 

Thank you very much.



get rid of


- Something inplied. A feeling or idea you get from something. 


orientation 思考

- Identity. A person's perspective or how they identify uncertain issues. For example, people have different political orientations. In other words, where they lean politically. Orientation as one word tipically refers to someone sexual orienteation or sexual identity.



-To feel timid. To be a bit scared or overwhelmed by something or someone. Nurvous due to a lack of confidence. This can range from being cared of violence to feeling shy or under qualified. For example, my mother intimidated by a new technology. She feels it's too difficult to understand.



It's good to see the claccial music industry becoming more open and diversified.

-What impact do you think the diversification of human resources will have on the way classical music is enjoyed?






HR human resources

have an impanc on ...



Keep an open mind. Don't be afraid to experience something different.






ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(28)11月23日(木)

ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(28) 5月25日(木)


I think I'd be more likely to buy a product that went along the lines of ethical consumption as long as the price isn't over my budget.


unparalleled 並ぶものがない

fill you in on...

a surprise that such wines exist.


*meet one's needs for...

We would love to meet your needs for ethical consumption.


your supplementary explantion


had a discussion about our strategy going forward


So I think I have more time from next week onwards.
How's your avairability?



Subject: Points I missed yesterday


Hi Lisa, 


Thank you for visiting me yesterday. I'm emailing you to fill you in on the things I forgot to mention in our conversation. Firstly there's a steady need for French wines. In particular Bordeaux and Burgundy wines from WCS are unparalleled. Yesterday organic wines were the main topic so perhaps I gave you the wrong impression. In terms of organic and natural wines, what customers are looking for is a story that lead to ethical consumption and a surprise that such wines exist. That's why I brought a range of choices is required than for classic wines. Let's talk again when things settle down on your side.






fill you in on...



*meet one's needs for...


We would love to meet your needs for ethical consumption.

We would very much like to meet your ethical consumption requirements.



Hi Pascal,

Thank you for taking the time to meet us. Emily was also very pleased. I appreciate your supplementary explantion. I'm relieved to hear that need for French wine is stable. We hope that we can continue to offer you good wines. We're also grateful for your tips on organic and natural wines. We would love to meet your needs for ethical consumption.Today we had another possitive discussion with Emily and Daniel about our strategy going forward. They are returning to the UK this weekend. So I think I have more time from next week onwards. How's your avairability?



Hi Lisa, 

That's very encouraging.Thank you. Regarding the appointment, how about 3 p.m. on next Monday or Tuesday? It's easier for me to make time in the begining of the week because the restaurant is less busy.









*Ethical consumption

Well, I'm trying. I think I'd be more likely to buy a product that went along the lines of ethical consumption as long as the price isn't over my budget. One example is coffee. Sometimes I buy coffee beans from native American owned business. I appreciate their transparency, quality, concern for the environment and their stories. 













ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(27)11月22日(水)

ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(27)5月24日(水)


in the long run


We knew that they wouldn't accept our proposals straight away, but they really plaid hard ball right from the beginning. 

-Indeed. They tried throw us off balance.


throw ... off balance

揺さぶりをかける, 揺さぶりを掛ける, 崩す

throw (one) off balance

-To make one unsteady, such that one may fall.

-To confuse or upset one, typically by doing something unexpected.


play hardball (with one) 
To be ruthless 無慈悲な, 無情な, 冷酷な , aggressive, or harsh (with one) in order to achieve a certain result, especially compared to previous, less aggressive tactics.




 無慈悲な, 無情な, 冷酷な


Sophie is passionate believer in quality education.




brush over 軽視する



grassroots 大衆の
> grassroot movement 市民運動



We need to be more energetic in customer aquisition.



What does Emily say is everything when you face with collectors?

-It's all about sales figures.


What does Risa think is the reason Pascal is enthusiastic about helping startups? 

-It's because he also struggled starting up that restaurant. 



Oh, quite a day...

-Is everything OK? 

Ohh... just a little tired. Are you good?

-I'm fine. How did you feel talking to everyone today?

-It was interesting. I think you are facing collectors like I am. It's all about sales figures. How may bottles of which expensive wine did you sell this month. That kind of talk. 

-I see. 

-You tend to brush over the grassroots side of wine. But all the prestigious brands we know today, they all had humble beginnings. I think today I was remainded how people like Pascal want to support new up-coming wineries and protect the wine industly in the long run.

-Yes, He's very passionate about supporting startups. I think it's because he also struggled starting up that restaurant. 

-Also, he was very polite but clearly he wants more variety in our natural wine lineup.



brush over 軽視する



grassroots > grassroot movement 



straggle > straggle with energy cost



*be passionate about

He's very passionate about supporting startups.

  • Sophie is passionate believer in quality education.
  • Pole gave a passionate speech on promoting arts.


enthusiastic => enthusiasm

The research team members are enthusiastic about the space project.



We need to be more energetic in customer aquisition.



Whew, that was a tough negotiation. We knew that they wouldn't accept our proposals straight away, but they really plaid hardball right from the beginning. 

-Indeed. They tried throw us off balance. But because of Bob's aggressive stance their intention became clear and we were able to rethink our strategy.


play hardball 強硬手段/強気な態度を取る

stright away 

right from the beginning 最初から

throw off balance 揺さぶりをかける, 揺さぶりを掛ける, 崩す


throw (one) off balance

-To make one unsteady, such that one may fall.

-To confuse or upset one, typically by doing something unexpected.



Uh... it's been a long day. I'm exhausted. I didn't feel jetlag during the day. But somehow I suddenly feel sleepy.

- That's understandable. Day and night are conpletely opposite in Japan and the US. I recomend taking a bath before going to bed. It impruve the blood circulation and helps you sleep better.



blood circulation






ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(26)11月21日(火)

ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(26)5月23日(火)



A pleasure to see you.

up-start wineries


keep two wineries in a black 使われない

keep them afloat

profitable => in the black <> in the red


We're in this together.


we're working on it. Risa will keep you posted. 


be conscious of ...




be aware of .. 意識している / に気づいている・認識している

People are becoming increasingly aware of prastic disposal.


We should turn our attention to being cooperative within the team.



Could you bring forward the deliverly day just by a couple of days?

shorten further 
be currently reviewing on

We are replying in due course.やがて

leave no stones unturned


If the rising the cos of raw material is passed on directly to the selling price, our customers will be reluctant to buy. 

offering an incentive say buy two get one free? 

We are examining a couple of options including two or three. 

Give us a week to get back to you on that.



What did Pascal do for an up-and-coming winery in Sonoma?

- He made a special menu to bring out the flavors.


What kind of natural wines  does Pascal want?

-He wants ones other than Californian. <- Your organic lineup is mainly California, but do you have anything else?



Pascal-san, Bonjour.
Bonjour, Risa. Oh, Maddam Willson. A pleasure to see you. Thanks for coming all the way from London. 
-So Emily, Mr. Bernardo helped us sell some white wines from up-start wineries in Sonoma. He made a special menu to bring out the flavors so we manage to keep two wineries in a black. 
-In a black? 
-I mean profitable
-OK. You helped the wineries to keep them afloat. Thank you, Mr. Bernardo. 
Not at all. When we run out of Rose in 2019, WCS sent four cases to save the day. We're in this together.
-Enything else you need?

-We want some more natural wines. Our customers are very conscious of sustainability these days. Your organic lineup is mainly California, but do you have anything else?

-Um... we're working on it. Risa will keep you posted. 



bring out

profitable => in the black <> in the red


keep afloat 

save the day

we are in this totether

be conscious of...

work on 

keep ... posted





*be concious of...

Our customers are very conscious of sustainability these days.

  • What are you conscious of when negotiating with Vietnamese companies?
  • You should be more conscious of cost in order to make profits.




*be aware of... 意識する

People are becoming increasingly aware of prastic disposal.


*turn one's attention to...

We should turn our attention to being cooperative within the team.



Could you bring forward the deliverly day just by a couple of days?

-I'm afraid  the produciton line is difficult to shorten further. Se we are currently reviewing on the logistic aspects. We are replying in due course.


leave no stones unturned



If the rising the cos of raw material is passed on directly to the selling price, our customers will be reluctant to buy. How about offering an incentive say buy two get one free? 

-Yes. We are examining a couple of options including two or three. Give us a week to get back to you on that.





due course





ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(25)11月20日(月)

ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(25)5月22日(月)


be starved of

starve of
v.To deprive someone or something of some resource, resulting in its depletion:


飢え死にする,餓死する. / 飢える.

飢え死にさせる,餓死させる : で形容詞的に用いる

starve a person (to death) 

pre pandemic
[pri] [pænˈdɛmɪk]

I can finally say there's light at the end of the tunnel.

You say we see signs of light at the end of the tunnel, but on what grounds?
We still can't see the light at the end of the tunnel.


see a silver lining => silver lining 希望の光

The worst period is over. Now I can see the silver lining.

silver lining

- A hopeful or comforting prospect in the midst of difficulty.

shift .. from ... to


decline => decline in profit 




benefit from



leisure travel


we'll see more champagne and Burgundy go out.

Sadly not as good.


What did Luke comment about the room occupancy?

- He said it's around seventy percent. It's the highest since March 2023.


What kind of wines are selling at the receptions and banquets?

-  More affordable wines are selling better than expensive champagne.



Luke, so good to see you again. How's business these days?

-Emilly, Risa, hello, hello. When was the last time I saw you? Two years ago almost? How time flies. The last few years have been very testing. But I can finally say there's light at the end of the tunnel. Room occupancy is around seventy percent. The highest since March 2020. 

-Sounds very positive. How about the restraunts in your hotel? 
-Much better. Considering that many restraunts in Tokyo were on the verge of banckruptcy a year ago, the feauture seems bright. And receptions and banquets
-Sadly not as good. But weddings and after parties are coming back and selling a lot of wines. More affordable wines than expensive champagne of course. But yes.


-Well I think when the economy recovers, we'll see more champagne and Burgundy go out.



testing 試練の・困難な 

=> a testing time 試練の時


light at the end of the tunnel

room occupancy

on the verge of... => verge = edge 縁・縁

bankruptcy => on the verge of bankruptcy

after party





go out



I can finally say there's light at the end of the tunnel.

=> llight at the end of the tunnel

  • You say we see signs of light at the end of the tunnel, but on what grounds?
  • We still can't see the light at the end of the tunnel.



turn around

The company has turned around from record losses.


see a silver lining 

=> silver lining 希望の光

The worst period is over. Now I can see the silver lining.


silver lining

- A hopeful or comforting prospect in the midst of difficulty.



Our company has been benefitting from a rebound in travel. Customers have been starved of travel for the past couple of years. And they're already ready to pay extra for premium leisure travel. We expect it won't take long for business to bounce back to the prepandemic level.


benefit from

starved of

leisure travel



We shifted our resourses from group classrooms to individual tutoring. The number of students is recovering steadily. And we expect to make up for the decline in profit during the pandeminc by increasing profit in current year. 


shift .. from ... to


decline => decline in profit 










ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(31)5月31日(水)


In what ways was what Daniec heard in the Organic Union in line their prediction?

- Sells were through the roof and the trend was organic. 


be in line with 


be through the roof


What did Risa comment about the trend started abroad?

- If a trend starts abroad, Japan usually follows similar trajectory with a two year delay.



So, we forgot to talk about your meeting with the Organic Union. 
To be honest, what he had to say was in line with our predictions.

Well, selles were through the roof and the trend was organic. However there is a catch. He says Japanese people are prone to booms as he put it. Something can grow in popularity very quickly, but die out quickly, too. 
Risa, as a Japanese, would you agree?

I think they have a point. Some drinks and clothes end up being temporally fads. But this maybe because those trend started in Japan. If a trend starts abroad, Japan usually follows similar trajectory with a two year delay. The organic wine boom started in Europe, so...

I see. Well, thank you. I'll discuss our findings back in London and get back to you all. 


be in line with

through the roof 絶好調で = To a very high level.

catch 落とし穴

be prone to...

fad 流行

trajectory 軌道・軌跡


What he had to say was in line with our predictions.

* be in line with と一致している


Both sales and profit were in line with our forecasts. 

> forecast

> profit / revenue / earning


As for the number of participants, it was in line with our expectation.


correspond with

Your acctions do not seem to correspond with your work.



To me, the two options look identical in terms of their conditions.


To summarise, the key is how we can cut our reliance on certain countries for electric car battery components. The next step would be to establish our selfsufficient supply chain. That way we'd be able to stabilize our suuply and maintain bargaining power with the suppliers. 


To sum up, we need to make our deskwork more confortable. Working at a computer for a long period of time not only sits workefficiency but can also affet body and mind. So the next step would be to encourage our employees to step away from computers from time to time.





ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(30)5月30日(火)


What is the top-selling wine at the supermarket Daniel visited?

-Natural wines from New Zealand following by South African and strangely Georgia.


What did Emily say to Daniel's investigative report?

-To think Georgia wines are selling more than our Bordeaux and Burgundy is alarming to say the least. 



So, Ron, Daniel, what your findings?

Mr. Honda from the supermarket says our lineup of Champagnes, Bordeaux and Burgundy is still selling well. But he seems to be buying his natural wines from elsewhere.

Which wines regardless of whether they are from us dose he sell most? Natural wines from New Zealand following by South African and strangely Georgia.

Georgia? But why?

To think Georgia wines are selling more than our Bordeaux and Burgundy is alarming to say the least. 
Risa, this is Japan's most fancy supermarket we are talking about, right?

Yes. The most upmarket.
I don't know why people are so into organic wines and SDGs. But I think the ground is shifting beneath our feet a lot more than we anticipated. SDGs... 

I know it's important but...

Well, it is the trend. We must adopt or die, Emily.


regardless of ...


to say the least

fancy => fancy supermarket


be into => be into に夢中だ I'm into jazz.

shift beneath one's feet



I think the ground is shifting beneath our feet.


shift beneath one's feet


These statistics indicate that the whole business model is shifting beneath our feet.

Societal values are shifting beneath our feet.

* SOcietal values => Social values


drastic change

A drastic ahnge is taking place in the broadcasting industry. 


sea change 

- a substantial change in perspective, especially one which affects a group or society at large, on a particular issue.


Technological advancement creates a sea change in the way we work.


to say the least


Oh you went to the Orbell. I always wanted to try that restaurant one day. But it's too upmarket for me. How was it?

- The ambience of the restaurant was superb. But to put it mildly, the tast was not as good as I'dexpected. 


You finally went to see Reconciliation. How did you find the movie?

- I liked how Paul and Cathy made peace in the end. But to put it lightly, I've seen more touching movies. 






ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(29)5月29日(月)


What was the pursose of Danniel and Ron having dinner with the Organic Wine Union chairman?

-To ask his opinions on the market and about how startup wineries in Yamanashi are doing. 


What did Risa report about the natural wine lineup?

-Too much California. 


So how was yeasterdasy for you all? Risa and I went to the Terans hotel and Rafaet in Kagurazaka.
Ron and Danniel, you went to which supermarket?
We went to a high-end supermarket in Nogizaka to speak to their wine buyer and we had dinner with the director of an organic wine union in Kofu to ask his opinions on the market and about how startup wineries in Yamanashi are doing. 
OK. Let's present our findings. And we can discuss our Japan strategy going forward. Risa, please.

OK. To summarize, wedding receptions and afterparties are selling lots of affordable sparkling wines. But shampanes are not selling as much. As for restaurants, our lineup of natural wines is ..uh.. too much California. 

So they want more organic options?

Seems like it. Mr. Burnard said custmers are increasingly conscious about sustainable wines.


Words & phrases


present 問題点などを示す・提起する

findings =>教唆などから選れれる発見など > 複数形で使われる

going forward 今後

increasingly ますます




sell 売れている

as much 



We can discuss our Japan's strategy going forward.


going forward 今後の


from now on

in the future


Going forward, we'll fucus on  expanding our product range


Going forward, please doble check the figures are correct.

*double check + ....


moivng forward

Moving forward, we will do our morning meeting standing up.


down the line

Somewhere down the line, we should enter the ecommerce business. 


The finding show that today's working adults in their 20s value their private life over work and look for company with a good work life balance. So in order to to attract good talent, we need to create what they consider a confortable working environment


It's debatable whether they have less of an overall impact on green house gass than conventional drive systems. But battely electric vehicles are expected to increase steadily. We should also base our strategy on that expectation. 
