ラジオ英会話~ハートでつかめ!英語の極意~(151) 11月20日(月) | amnn1のブログ





appraised 見積もる, 鑑定する, 評価する

give away タダであげる

for free


It appears this is fake. -> It appears as if...

It feels like this is fake.



It’s giving me good vibes

He comes across as a good person. 

-> come across 印象を与える


When it comes to 151, it just reminds me of alcohol.
Some alcohols are 151 proof, which means it’s 75.5 percent alcohol.

It seems that you have an original King Zizilla figure from 1958.

Oh, hello. Welcome back. It has been a while. 
Hi, Miss Kizawa, you're looking well.
Thank you. I'm getting by. Why can I do for you today, Casper?
I wanted to get this plastic figure appraised.

Oh wow. It seems that you have an original King's Zizilla figure from 1958.
Is it worth a lot?

Oh, it looks like you can get about 60000 yen for it.
Really? A friend gave it to me for free.

That's quite a thing to give away. * タダであげる

ーーーGrammar and Vocabulary

  • What can I do for you today?
  • I wanted to get this plastic figure appraised.

---Typical Expressions
It seems that you have an original King Zizilla figure from 1958.

Okay, everyone. It’s time to paractice again.
All right. Let’s jump to our example sentences. Let’s try.

It looks like this is fake.
It appears this is fake. -> It appears as if...
It feels like this is fake.

Let’s continue.
Dave looks frantic.  
Dave seems frantic.
Dave appears frantic.

One more.
This carpet feels nice and soft. 

Okay. Let’s keep in moving.
I got the impression that he was lying.

And one more. 

He gave the impression that he was hiding something.

Okay. Let’s go to our last two.
It’s giving me good vibes

And the last one.

He comes across as a good person. 

-> come across 印象を与える

I get the impression you all did a good job.


---Typical Expressions in Action

  • It looks like these seats have already been taken. Let’s find another spot.
  • Something seems fishy about his story. I think he might be lying.

Hey, it smells fishy around here.
Sensei, did you put fish in the microwave again?
Ah, that was the saba-bento that he was eating earlier.
Ah-ah. -Ah. That’s why.






I'd be surprised if he showed up on time. 

Let's go in

I'm starving. 

He'll call us if he sees we're not here.


It's a pity that he couldn't come.

get to know each other better.


find with?

find (oneself) with (something)

To reach some conclusion, state, or situation, often unexpectedly or unintentionally


Hey, everyone. It’s Friday again. That means it’s time to review.It’s time for that sweet, sweet review.

How is Roxy’s job hunting going?
A She has already finished.
B It’s still going on.
C She’s had an interview.


How's the job hunting going?

apply to...

resort hotel

I'd be surpried if I got an interview

Which of the following is closest to Sota’s view?
A Zaytox will not join the shogi club.
B Zaytox should be the captain of the club.
C The shogi club’s Al will beat Zaytox at shogi.


beat ... at shogi

has beaten everybody

there is one player he hasn't played against yet

stand a chance against it


Which of the following is true?
A Some of the neighbors are roasting a turkey.
B Doug read an online article.
C The two people will eat oysters and lobsters.






bother the neighbors

take a guess

Did they not eat meat?

on the right track

What will Jessica do?
A Meet a famous person.
B Visit the professor’s house.
C Go to Turkey.

it's been ages

old flame

I'm so happy for you


am going to visit



---Say it in English

It's already seven o'clock. I wonder what happened to Bob.

- Don't worry. I'd be surprised if he showed up on time. He's always late. Let's go in. I'm starving. He'll call us if he sees we're not here.



Lucky for us Bob didn't come.

-I wouldn't say that. It's a pity that he couldn't come. But it's true that he gave us a great opportunity to get to know each other better. Why don't we go to a nice bar aafter this?


It's a pitty that...

Hey, guys. There are people who are always late, right?
Yeah, you and actually I’m one of those people who struggles with being on time. I’ve found that making a plan before my plan. For example, to read my book for 30 minutes makes it easier to be on time because even if I’m late, I’m still early.
I find with people that are always late. It’s good to tell them the event starts 30 minutes before it actually does. So, if we’re meeting up at seven, I’ll tell them to come by 6 : 30.  
That’s a good idea too, David.
Just don’t tell them that.

find with?

find (oneself) with (something)

To reach some conclusion, state, or situation, often unexpectedly or unintentionally





I can get on board with that.

There’s no clear-cut answer here.
I’m not ready to cast my vote on that.

I haven’t taken a side on that yet.


You’re being confrontational.

being indirect of or soft about disagreeing with someone.


marry + someone

old flame 昔の恋人


Göbekli Tepe in Turkey




Ready for today’s lesson?
I know I am. Let’s get to it.
Let’s have fun today! Okay!

Why does flame mean sweetheart?

Oh in English, we compare romance to fire quite often. 
Yeah so oftentimes you'll hear people say my heart burns for you. So flame is a very appropriate image.

That’s not exactly right.


Oh, Professor Peacock, it's been ages. You must hae been busy.
Jessica. Hello. You can say that again.

So you married your old flame.

That's not exactly right. Aki was a long time frined. Now she's my wife.

Congraturations. I'm so happy for you. 

Thank you. Anyway, enough about me. How are things with you?

Great. I'm going to visit the famous ruins.

Do you me Göbekli Tepe in Turkey?

----Grammar and Vocabulary

  • It’s been ages.
  • You must have been busy.

---Typical Expressions
That’s not exactly right.

All right. It’s time for today’s practice. Most people don’t want to be confrontational. They prefer to be non-confrontational.
Today’s phrases practice being indirect of or soft about disagreeing with someone.
Great explanation, David.
Okay. Here we go!

That’s not quite right

That’s not exactly right.

I don’t think that’s correct. 

And one more. 

I’m afraid I don’t agree with that.

Let’s continue.
I wouldn’t say that.

Now for this one, be sure to emphasize the “that.” Let’s try it again together.
Great work. Sometimes there’s more than one answer. These phrases will help you express that. Here we go.

There’s no clear-cut answer here.
I’m not ready to cast my vote on that.

And one more. 

I haven’t taken a side on that yet.

All right. Let’s go one more time. I haven’t taken a side on that yet.


Great job, everyone.
I’m I don’t agree with that, David.
Eh! Really! Why not?
‘Cause I think everyone did absolutely fantastic!
Ah! I can get on board with that.

---Typical Expressions in Action

  • That’s not exactly right. I went to college in Washington, but I’m not from there.
  • I don’t think that’s correct. Where did you get that info? 


Oh! That’s not exactly right.
Yeah, Rosa. I think you’re missing at all.
There you go!
Ah! You’re being confrontational.








Seafood is spot on


Your comments at today’s meeting were spot on

I couldn’t agree more with what you said


Oysters and lobsters were served.


Spot on. 

Too right.


I imagine you’re not far off. 





It couldn’t hurt to give your idea a try.





You’re on the right track!


Gabo, gabo. What’s that.

I think there’s a turkey in here.


Doug, I smellled the turkey from outside.

Yeah, I hope it doen't bother the neighbors because we're the only ones roasting a turkey today.

Exactolly. But Thanksgiving is a holiday when many families in America eat rosted turkey. Did you know that turkey wasn't eaten for Thanksgiving originally?

I didn't know that. What did they eat then?

I read an article about it online and it says, take a guess.

Um, did they not eat meat?

Ooh, you're on the right track.

Okay, uh.. seafood? 

Seafood is spot on. Oysters and lobsters were served.

That's interesting.




---Grammar and Vocabulary

  • I smelled the turkey from outside. 
    -> 感覚 おいがする・においをかぐ  
  • Because we’re the only ones roasting a turkey today?


---Typical Expressions

You’re on the right track!

-> On the right track 正しい道筋の上にある



Okay, everyone. It’s time to practice. Today’s phrases are short. So, I want you to close your eyes. Don’t think about it. And just repeat after us. Feel the phrases with your body as you’re saying them.

Spot on, Rosa.


Let’s jump right in.

That’s right. 

That’s correct. 

You’re right. 

You’re correct. 

That’s true.


Do the right thing.


Let’s continue.

Spot on. 

Too right.


Good work so far. Let’s continue with some more phrases.

I suppose you’re right. 

I suppose that’s true. 

I imagine you’re not far off. 

You’re probably right.

You may be right. 

I may be crazy. 

That may be true.


Hey guys. You were magnificent today.

Oh! Too right!


---Typical Expressions in Action

  • This draft isn’t perfect, but you’re on the right track. Keep revising it.
  • Your comments at today’s meeting were spot on. I couldn’t agree more with what you said.


Me? Really? Oh, that’s great. I love squirrels.







Do you believe in reincarnation?
Yeah! How about you?
I do too.
I wonder what I was in the past life?


play against ....


Our team doesn’t stand a chance. We’re hobbyists. They’re pros.



Will winning be difficult? You bet. 

Will I give up? Not a chance.


 Zaytox doesn’t stand a chance against it!
Sota, Zaytox has beaten everybody in our club.

I know I can't believe how strong he is.
Maybe he should be the captain of the club.
I don't think so. I have an idea. There's one player he hasn't played against yet.
It's not a person, but an AI program. Zaytox doesn't stand a chance against it.

Our AI program is quite strong, I think.
That sounds exiting. Let's ask him then.


beat -> beaten 

---Grammar and Vocabulary

  • There’s one player he hasn’t played against yet.
  • That sounds exciting.

---Typical Expressions

Zaytox doesn’t stand a chance against it!

Okay, everyone. It’s time for today’s practice. Lots of good phrases today for expressing how unbelievable or impossible something can be.

Today, I want you to have fun by putting emotion into your practice session. So, let’s try together.

All right. Here we go.
It’s impossible that his painting is real. 

Do you hear how I extend the “m” in “impossible” just a little bit? That’s how you stretch and emphasize how impossible this situation is.

Here’s one more. 

It’s impossible to imagine such a thing.
Let’s continue.

That’s impossible. 

Let’s try another one. 

That can’t be true.

Great work. Let’s keep going.

Not a chance. 

No way. 

Let’s try one more time. No way.

Will you marry me? – No way!

Hey, David. Is the practice section over already?
Not way! Not a chance. That’s impossible.

----Typical Expressions in Action

  • Our team doesn’t stand a chance. We’re hobbyists. They’re pros.
  • Will winning be difficult? You bet. Will I give up? Not a chance.
  • It’s impossible that you wrote this paper on your own. It’s beyond your ability.

Sensei, it’s impossible that you have an interesting ending today.
It’s beyond your ability.
Yeah. Not a chance.
But, don’t give up. If you give up, That’s end of the game.
Okay. Let’s end this lesson.





I had no idea you didn’t like the snacks I gave you.



Actually I’m not a big fan of social events.

Are you trying to tell us something?



It’s unlikely that he hasn’t noticed. 

He is unlikely to have forgotten.


It’s doubtful that I’ll be selected.


There’s little chance (that) this can be repaired. 

There’s not much hope of fixing the damage.

There’s not much hope of him passing that class. He missed almost half the lectures. He missed almost half the lectures.


He hasn’t got a prayer of succeeding.

He doesn’t have a prayer of succeeding.


It’s doubtful that I’ll be able to finish this meal. There’s too much food.



I’d be surprised if I got an interview.


Hey, Rox. How's the job hunting going?

Hi Dad, let me finish typing this.

Oh, sorry.
It's OK. I'm done. 

Yeah, I've applied to three places today.

One is at a resort hotel.

At part-time job at a resort?

Yes. I'd be surpries if I got an interview though. Lot's os students are applying.

What would you do there?
Bed making and clerning. It sounds interesting. 

How's the pay?

Not so bad. 


----Grammar and Vocabulary

  • How’s the job hunting going?
  • I’d be surprised if I got an interview.
    -> would, could, might ->控えめ
    -> got 過去形 << If + 過去形 現実離れ


ーーーTypical Expressions


I’d be surprised if I got an interview.



Okay, everybody. It’s time to practice. For today’s practice, I want you to try to memorize these phrases in chunks, especially phrases like, “It’s unlikely that” or “There’s little chance that.” That will help you sound much more natural or smooth when you speak.


All right, everyone. Let’s jump in. Here’s our first.

It’s unlikely that he hasn’t noticed. 

He is unlikely to have forgotten.


Great. Let’s continue.

It’s doubtful that I’ll be selected.


Okay. Continuing on.

There’s little chance that this can be repaired. 

There’s little chance this can be repaired.

Here’s another.

There’s not much hope of fixing the damage.


Okay, and our last example.

He hasn’t got a prayer of succeeding.

And one more variation.

He doesn’t have a prayer of succeeding.


Great job, everyone. Excellent!


----Typical Expressions in Action

  • I’d be surprised if Phil came. He’s not a big fan of social events.
  • It’s doubtful that I’ll be able to finish this meal. There’s too much food.
  • There’s not much hope of him passing that class. He missed almost half the lectures.


Hey, guys. Actually I’m not a big fan of social events.

Really? Sensei. We’re literally going to an event this evening.

Are you trying to tell us something?

Sensei, of course you’re not a big fan. You are Big West.





I'm sorry but chances are I'll be a bit late for meeting becase of a train delay.

* chances are  / chances are that  多分…である 


I think it's best to take the train. 

You may find it difficult to use it first, but once you get used it, you'll like it a lot

There's no doubt about it. 






How does Cynthia feel about the new album?
It will sell well.
She doesn’t like it.
It is similar to the previous album.

What will Zaytox do right after this conversation?
Play shogi.
Learn the rules of shogi.
Go to the vegan ramen place.

think about me joining 
sounds like a plan
right after ...

Which of the following is closest to Dr. Stein’s view?
The show’s host should be an android.
The number of androids will increase.
People must welcome androids.


create androids

it's likely that we will.

Which of the following is true?
The man has visited a palm reader before.
The man is a salesperson.
The two people will meet the next day,

the same question

everyone seys that too


it really isn't

may well meet them


---Say it in English
Hi, good morning. What's up?
-Hi Dave. I'm sorry but chances are I'll be a bit late for meeting becase of a train delay. I'll take a taxi from the station, so I should arrive by 10:45. So please start the meeting without me.


How can I travel around Tokyo?

- I think it's best to take the train. You may find it difficult to use it first, but once you get used it, you'll like it a lot. It's the most convenient way. There's no doubt about it. 


Hey, David. Did it take long to get used to Tokyo’s train system?
I’ve lived her for 18 years. But I’m still not used to Tokyo’s train system.
How about you, Rosa?
Of course, Tokyo’s train system is very convenient. But don’t underestimate bus system either.








may vary well / may well -> 十分な可能性
You may very well meet them. 

You may well meet them.

not (entirely) unlikely 可能性はなくはない
It’s not entirely unlikely you’ll see her there. 

It’s not unlikely you’ll see her there.


She may or may not be late.



Do you feel the difference in nuance between those two?

These phrases talk about “likelihood” and “probabilityyet again.

choosing to lengthen or shorten certain words.


Be sure to tune in next time.



Email isn’t always the best.

It really isn't.




Specialty 専門 得意とすること  (US)
=> speciality (UK)


loyalty ( loyality は間違え)



Okay, everyone. Let’s get started.

Do you think it’s possible that I’ll meet my sales goals?


Hello. Are you a palm reader?

Ah, everyone askes me the same question. Yes, that's what the sign says.

Ah, this is my first tim to visit one.

Everyone says that too.

Please sit down.

Can you tell me about my career?

Of course. Work-related reading are my specialty.

You are salese person, right?

Yes. That's amazing.

It really isn't.

Do you think it’s possible that I’ll meet my sales goals?

You may well meet them.



--- Grammar and Vocabulary

  • Everyone asks me the same question.
  • Work-related readings are my specialty.

Music-related 音楽に関連した
Contract-related 契約に関連した
Sports-related スポーツに関連した

---Typical Expressions

Do you think it’s possible that I’ll meet my sales goals?

--- PRACTICE        
All right. Let’s jump into today’s practice.
These phrases talk about “likelihood” and “probabilityyet again. So, let’s get to it.
We can really add extra nuance to our phrases by choosing to lengthen or shorten certain words. So pay attention to that and let’s try together.
All right. Here we go.

may 50%?
She may be late. 

She may or may not be late.

Okay. Next example.

She might be late. 30%程度の可能性

Let’s try that one more time with the shorten “might.” She might be late.
Do you feel the difference in nuance between those two?
All right. Let’s continue.

may vary well / may well -> 十分な可能性
You may very well meet them. 

You may well meet them.

not (entirely) unlikely 可能性はなくはない
It’s not entirely unlikely you’ll see her there. 

It’s not unlikely you’ll see her there.

may well 

wellの十分に・大いに-> たぶん~ということになる/ ~の可能性は十分ある 

mayよりも可能性が上 -. veryを加えると さらに可能性は上昇
may well - probablyほど高くはない


Great job, everyone.
Fantastic work, guys.


---Typical Expressions in Action

  • It’s possible that we won’t have time for Q&A. Thank you for your understanding.
  • You may find it’s more effective to call the client directly. Email isn’t always the best.

Be sure to tune in next time.
Keep doing your best and keep speaking all you can.







it's likely that we will.


I understand that you have created two androids.


He’s liable to do something stupid.


I bet traffic will be bad. 

-> wouldn’t mind betting 


The chances are that we’ll be the first to arrive.
Chances are that...
-> There’s a 60% chance of rain this weekend.





Ready for today’s lesson?
Let’s get ready to go.

It’s likely that we will.


And we are back. Our guest today is scientists Dr. Frankin Stein. Welcome to the show. Dr. Stein.

Thank you, Kelly. 

Dr. Stein, I understand that you have created two androids.

Yes, Genie was the first and then I made Frankie.

Oh, wonderful. And they're here in the studio?

Yes. You can meeet them later.

Wow, Great.So Dr. Stein, do you think we'll see more androids in the future?

Yes, it's likely that we will.

---- Grammar and Vocabulary

  • Genie was the first, and then I made Frankie.
  • Do you think we’ll see more androids in the future?

---Typical Expressions

It’s likely that we will.

All right. Let’s jump right into today’s practice. Today we’re talking about chance, likelihood and probability. So let’s master today’s phrases. Let’s jump right in.

She is likely to win. 

He’s liable to do something stupid.

Okay. Let’s continue.

I expect that we’ll finish soon.
I expect him to arrive shortly.

One more.
I bet traffic will be bad. 


wouldn’t mind betting 

All right. Let’s keep going.

The chances are that we’ll be the first to arrive.

= Chances are that we'll be the first to arrive.

There’s a 60% chance of rain this weekend.

Now let’s use “it raining.”
There’s a 60% chance of it raining this weekend.

Great job, everyone.
Fantastic work, guys.

---Typical Expressions in Action

  • It’s likely that you’ll work from home on Tuesdays. I’ll check and let you know.
  • I expect that you’ll be taller than your father someday.
  • Chances are that this wasn’t an accident. Let’s look for clues.




Hey, David. Are you taller than your father?
I’m the tallest in my entire extended family.
How tall are you?
I’m 6 foot 2, ah 187 cm.
All right. Just not that taller than a giraffe, right?