英会話タイムトライアル「6月DAY12」 6月20日(火) | amnn1のブログ





This week we are talking about trains.

And today, let's learn these phrases... How do you say...

改札口、何番線、手荷物 and there's one thing to be carful of ...

How do you say すり in English?


So today we practice together in almost all English. You can do it.


I'll say it in Japanese, and you'll say it in English within the time limit.


The first one is 改札口

How do you say it in English? Go ahead.

I'll recommend ticket gate

So use ticket gate to make this question. 


Where is the ticket gate?

The ticket gate is over there.


Next let's practice 何番線

For example how do you say 七番線 in English.

Track number seven.


Sometimes you here track seven, but let's make it clear, track number seven. 

Now let's make a sentence. 

The next train for Paris is at track number three.


Now I have a question about a city. 

How do you say Switzerland's  チューリッヒin English?

In English it's Zurich. [ˈzʊrɪk]


Now make this question with Zurich.

Which track is the train for Zurich?


How do you say 手荷物 in Enlish?

I suggest, baggs

You could say baggage or luggage but the one can be used in a broad sense is baggs.


The baggage or luggage is fine, but in daily conversations baggs is better.

So let's try to make two sentences with baggs.

Here's the first one.

Where should I put my baggs?
My baggs are getting heavy.

* be getting + adj

Did you understand? Be getting + adjective.


Next, how do you say スリ. How do you say that in English?
The answer is pick pocket

Let's use it in a sentence. Here we go.

Be carful of pick pockets.

* Take care! 

   <> 具体的に~に気をつけてね! be careful of....

Besides pick pockets, what should we be careful of?






On Friday, we are traveling out of Amsterdam. We will look back on the nice trip we had in Amsterdam. See you Friday!


This week we'll be in almost all English. 

But don't worry about it. You know how to practice with us.

That's right. It's the same format. 
So now let's practice words like IC card, カード残高, カード読み取り機.
Can you say those in Enlgish?

Let's practice saying those phrases within the time limit.


I'll say something in Japanse, so you will say it in English. Here's the first one.

How do you say, IC card in Enlish?

- card 

You could say, IC chip card. But today let's use, card. 

Use card to make this sentence.


Cards are more becoming more and more popular. Just card is fine.

Now here is the question with card.


Where can I get a card for the tram?
Do you understand? You could also make this with a ticket

Where can I get a ticket for the tram?


How do you say 残高 in English.


So use balance to say this...
What's the balance on  this card?
You can also say,

How much is the balance on this card?

Both are correct.


Next, how do you say, カード読み取り機 in English?

- card reader

So let's make some sentences with card reader.

And here is the sentence,

Just tap this on the card reader.

*あてる can be =>  touch or  tap 



You can see your balance on the card reader.

When you get off, just tap this on the card reader again.


Let's learn a local phrase.

And we learned a local phrase. Here it is.

よい旅をはオランダ語で... Hebt u goede reisです。

Have a good trip is "Hebt u goede reis" in Dutch


オランダ語 in English is Doutch. And as we go around the blobe we learned some local phrases. This week we picked up this one and here it in announcements. Here's the final one. 
The announcement says Hebt u  goede reis.



Now Jenny and I are showing you sample answers and give you some advice.





Imagine this...

A good way to go sightseeing in Europ is by tram.

Let's try the tram around Amosterdam today.  It's easy, not expensive, and beautiful.  
Let's get on the tram, then we will decide where we will go and which stop we will get off at.

We can see beautiful canals and other sides from the tram window. 


Replly to my questions in your own words. 
Have an eight trun conversation as you enjoy Amsterdam by tram.


Here is the tram! Should we get on in the front or the back?

-Either one is OK with me. 
OK. A one day pass is nine euro. Should we buy a one day pass or just a regular tichets?

-A one day pass. We can get on and off anytime.

Good idea!

So where shall we sit?

-Here are two open seats

Well, this tram goes to the flower market, the Royal Palace and the Van Gogh museum. Do you like Van Gogh?

-Yeah. My family really likes his paintings. We have a Van Gogh print in our dining room in Japan. It's the Cafe Terrace at Night.

Oh, here's a map!

How many stops is the museum from here?

- It's about ten stops from here.

Where shold we get off first?

- Well, I hope we can go to both, the museum and the flower market.Which one is closer?

Well, the stop for the flower market is next. Should we get off at the flower market at first?

-Well, maybe we should see the museum first, then get the flowers on the way back.

OK. Let's see the sight of Amsterdam from the window of the tram.
This canal belt around Amsterdam is beautiful, isn't if?

- Yes. Tokyo has a train belt, I've never heard of a canal belt before


Were you able to answer my questions?

Did you imagine of beautiful tram ride?
When I think of Europe, I do think of trams.
Are there trams in Sweden?
Well, Steve, Stockholm has some trams, but my home town is quite famous for its tram.


OK. What do you think of our conversation?

How was it? Did you improve? And did you enjoy sightseeing on the tram?

I'm looking forward to having a conversation with you next week!





Step1 express


Do you have a favorite painter?
I don't really have a favorite painter.
Amsterdam is famous for its canals.
Here is the tram!
We get on in the back.

It's about seven stops form here.

This tram rout is the most popular.


Spet2 create


Does this tram go to...?

Does this tram go to the library?


How many stops is ... from here?

How many stops is the Louvre museum from here?


My favorite Van Gogh painting is...

My favorite Van Gogh painting is the stunning nights.



Step3 reply

Do you like Van Gogh?

- Not in particular, but my favorite Van Gogh painting is probably Sunflowers.

How many stops is the museum from here?

- It's about ten stops from here.
- Which museum would you like to go to?


It's time for ten seconds challenge


Canal belt in Amsterdam


This canal belt around Amsterdam is beautiful, isn't it?

- Yeah, this canal belt is wounderful and so picturesque. It's a world heritage site. I can understand why. 


picturesque [ˌpɪkʧərˈɛsk]


beautiful or striking as in a picture










street car


Here is the tram.
Here's the bus.
Here's the train.
Here's Steve. - Here I am, Jenny.

We get on in the back.
We get off in the front.



a one day pass


A one day pass is nine EUR. => nine euros


This tram goes to the flower market.
This tram stops at the flower market.


Does this tram go to Amsterdam central station?
Does this tram stop at Amsterdam central station?

For sightseeing, which tram route do you recommend?

* tram rout / tram line

This tram route is the most popular.

Some people say this route is the most beautiful in Europe.






This month we are getting around Amsterdam.



get on
get off


Should we get on this train?
=> get on this train / take this train
=> ride >> ride a rollercoaster

Or should we get on the next one?


Let's get off here.




>>station / train station =>建物


How many stops is the Van Gogh Museum from here?

- It's about seven stops from here.


flower market

The stop for the flower market is next. Let's get off there.


Excuse me, I'm getting off at the next stop.


the closest stop

Which it the closest stop to the Loyal Palace?

Don't get off here. Get off at the next stop.


OK, great job. You pracice vocabulary and you made sentences. 





Get around Amsterdam

On Friday we will go sightseeing.
It's not expensive and easy. We were just ride a tram.






Do you have a favorite painter?
I don't really have a famovite painter.



Mone is very popular in Japan.


Van Gogh

This painting is by Van Gogh.

My favorite Van Gogh painting is Sunflowers.


The Van Gogh musium

I might go to The Van Gho musium.


運河 canal

Amsterdam is famous for its canals.

The area wilth canals is called The Canal Belt.
* the area with....


The Canal Belt is a World Heritage Site.

* a + World Heritage Site





Happy to connect with you all again.

I'm happy to see you, too.


Let's go to Amsterdam together.  
And Amsterdam is a good place for cycling. Right? -Yeah.
Some people say I've heard the nickname "the cycling paradise of Europe "
Well, it is grate for cycling, but my country, Sweden, is good for cycling too.


That's right. Let's enjoy a virtual journey to Amsterdam together.


Imagine this... We're get a bicycle in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, is a paradise for cycling. I'll tell you some basic rules for cycling safely. 


Here we go! Wow! Cycling around Amsterdam.
Is your bike comfortable?

-Yeah, I adjusted this seat lower, so it's just right.

What kind of bike do you have at home?
- It's a standard city bike. It's not a mountain bike. It only has three speeds. It's smaller than this bike. 

Did you here that word? "Bedankt"

- Yeah, It's thank you in Dutch. 

When people pass by on a bike, they say "Bedankt" , and here are tips for cycling safely. First, which side of the road do we cycle on?

- On the right side. We use cycle lane on the right side of the road.

Next, complete this sentence... Always stop for ...

-Peaple who are walking. Always stop for pedestrians.

Always stop for pedestrians. OK, next. 

When you turn, use your... what?

- Use your handle bars?

Use your hand signals. Let's practice. Turn right, like this. 

Hu.. are you keeping up with me?

-Yes, I'm keeping up with you.

Oh, look at that lovely canal

-It looks like a post card. I love amsterdam's beautiful scenery.










This bike has ten speeds.
My baike only has three speeds.

The handle bars are too low.

Would you adjust the handle bars higher?

Better safe than sorry.

A lot of people cycle in the Netherlands.


Let's cycle around...

Let's cycle around central park in New York!


Always ...

Always wear a seat belt.

Always fasten your seat belt.



Never cycle with headphones.


Is your bike comfortable?

- Yeah, I adjusted the seat lower, so it's just right.


Which side of the road do we cycle on?

- The right side. And we cycle in the bicycle lane.


So was it easier the second time? 


What kind of bike do you have at home?

- I have a standard city bike. It's not a mountain bike. It only has three speeds. I don't cyle very often, ascually.


- Usually I walk.
- Usually I take the train.





always & never





Always wear a helmet.

Always use your light at night.
=> Always turn on your light at night.





Always stop for pedestrians. 

* 一時停止 stop for 


the right side of the road

the left side of the road


the rigth side of the road

Always cycle on the right side of the road

Always cycle in the bicycle lane. * in ... lane


Never use your phone while cycling.

=> while you are cycling


Let's be safe.



Safety first.



Better safe than sorry.


Long time no see.

No pain, no gain.






handle bars


The handle bars are too low.



adjust ... 

adjust the bandle bars higher

adjust the handle bars lower


Would you adjust the handle bars higher?
Would you raise the handle bars?



seat (bicycle seat)

X saddle 鞍


Could you adjust the seat lower?



十段変速 ten speeds

3段変速 three speeds


This bike (bicycle) has ten speeds.

My bike (bicycle) only has three speeds.



kick stand


Your kich stand is still down.

My kick stand is broken.





The Netherlands.



Hi! Everyone! I'm Yanni Olson.

You and I are going to a wonderful city, Amsterdam!

So, we will enjoy Amsterdam by bicycle. See you Friday!


The expressions about the Netherlands and bicycle.


The Netherlands
<< Hollands



Cycling paradise  or Bicycle paradis


The Netherlands is the cycling paradise of Europe.


go by bicycle >>

as a verb




I cycle here. 

Or I bicycle here.


A lot of people cycle in the Netherlands.


Let's cycle around Amsterdam.

cycle around
=> 歩いて回る walk around


Bicycle lane * lane

bike lane/cycle lane


The Netherlands has a lot of bicyble lanes.


Dutch オランダ

Thank you is "Bedankt" in Dutch.





Taiwa-karaoke accross the blobe


Let's continue to have a conversation in Sweden.
So let's go bird watching and have a conversation together.


You are going to the Swedish country side I'll take you bird watching. Let's enjoy Sweden's great outdoors.
And we will chat about wild animals. Today, we'll a lots of cranes.
We do have a surprise. We'll see a big animal. It's a part of Sweden's natural beauty.


Did you imagine today's situation?
So try to have a seven-turn conversation as we enjoy bird watching in Sweden.


It's a good day for bird watching, isn't it?

- Yeah, it's sunny but not too hot today. 

Look! Can you see the cranes?

-Yes, they are so many!

Cranes come from Southern Europe to Sweden every spring. And for Swedish people cranes symbolize the comming of Spring. There are cranes in Japan too, right?

-Of course. They are like a symbol of Japan. I think Japanese cranes are a little different though. 

Just curious. Do you know how to make an origami crane? 

- Yeah, I always mede them as a child.

Oh, look! Overthere! I see a big animal. Can you see it? Way overthere!

-No? Where? Oh, I see something now.

Is that a moose or is that a wild boar? What do you think?

- I can see it's antlers and fase. I'm pretty sure that's a moose.

Keep still. It's a female with a baby. Well, what do you think of Swedish nature?

-I've never seen a wild moose before. And that baby moose is so cute. I'm so glad I can see the natural beauty of Sweden.


The Swedish outdoors is exciting!
Have you ever seen a moose in Sweden? 
-Yeah. They live quite close to the big cities.

Close to the big cities? But the mooses are huge.
They are! So if you encounter them, it can be quite scary at first. 

-Where would you encounter them? 
Well, Swedish people love jogging. If you jog, you might see a moose.

-Really? That's scary.


So what do you think of our conversation?


Nature is a perfect topic for Sweden. There are so much natural beauty.


Next month, Amsterdam.
Let's learn about one of Yanni's favorite things. Cycling.. 
Uhh..Yes. I absolutely love it.

We are going to talk about transportation.





Sweden has red squirrels.

There are so cute.

Male and female squirrels look almost the same.

Is that a reindeer?

In spring we can see a lot of cranes in Sweden.


Are you keeping up with me?


It's a good day for... 日より

It's a good day for a picnic.


Is that a...?

Is that a bald eagle?


Can you see the ...'s ....?

Can you see the squirrel's fluffy tail?


Can you see the cranes?

-Yes. So many.

-No. I can't see any of them.


It's a good day for bird watching, isn't it?

-Yeah, it's sunny but not too hot today.


There are beautiful crains in Japan, right?

- Yes, that's right. And cranes are like a simbol of Japan. Japanese cranes are a little different from the cranes in Sweden though.

- Yeah, I think so. But actually I've never seen it in person.





... 日より


tennis 日より

It's a good day for tennis.


< mountain climbing/ trekking


It's a good day for hiking.


It's not very hot today.
= Today is...


It's not a good day for hiking.

You're right. It's too windy.

That's right. = You're right.

It's too windy. = The wind is too strong.


take a walk

It's a good day for taking a walk.

It's not very cold today.


It's a good day for bird waching.

There is not a (single) cloud in the sky.



a perfect day

It's a perfect day for enjoying the great outdoors in Sweden.





horn(s) / antler(s)

That moose(elk) has huge antlers.


*very big => huge

Tokyo has a lot of huge buildings.

Are those antlers from a moose or a reindeer?


moose / elk ヘラジカ

reindeer トナカイ



male  / female

Male and female reindeers have antlers.

Male and female squirrels look almost the same.




The cranes's wings are beautiful.

That crane's wings are...





Can you see that crane's beak?

That crane caught a fish with its beak.






Swedish natural beauty


Hello everyone! I'm Yanni Willson. This week let's talk about annimals. And on Friday you and I will go birdwatching in the Swedish country side. See you on Friday!


Thanks, Yanni.  

What kind of animals will you see? 


crane > cranes 

Can you see the craines?

In spring we can see a lot of craines  in Sweden.
*a lot of => so many



Origami crane

Do you know how to make an origami crain?




Is that a reindeer?

When I see a reindeer I think of Christmas.



Sweden has red squirrels.

There are red squirrels in Sweden.

They are so cute.




I had a moose stake last night.




And here's our navigator to Sweden.
Hi I'm Yanni Willson. You have a conversation with me today in Sweden. 






morning glory





Taiwa-Karaoke across the globe.

And today we are talking about flowers.

Oh, that's a wonderful topic for the spring in Sweden.


Imagine this... 

Today you are going to shopping. You are looking for flowers for your room. 

I were at the flowershop. So I'll tell you about two popular floweres in Sweden.
.. Geraniums and Tulips. 

So answer my quistions and let's find some nice flowers for you. 


Good molgon. How Can I help you today?

- Good molgon. I'm looking for flowers. 

OK. Follow me. So are these flowers for an event or for your home?

-There are for my home.
Well, we have these wild geraniums. Beautiful flowers, aren't they?

-Yeah, I really like them.

Oh! These tulips just arrived. Do you like tulips?

- Yeah, they are so colorful. When I think of tulips, I think of Amsterdam. And I guess tulips are popular in Sweden too.

So which would you like, orange tulips or white geraniums?
-I'll take the geraniums. 
Good choice! And we have a spring stecial. You get free seeds if you buy flowers. What kind of seeds would you like? We have sunflower, daisy and morning glory.

- Can I have the sunflower seeds?

Another good choice. Here you are!

- Thanks. I'll enjoy planting these seeds.


So what do you think our conversation?

Do you have a favorite flower?

-Yes, it's called ditipa

Ditipa? What's the name in English?

-Wood anemone.

-Yes. It's a tiny flower that covers the forest floor.

And what color are they?

- These are white.

I see.

- In sweden they are actually the symbol of spring. Kind of like Japanese cherry blossoms

Oh really?


That must be buautiful in the forest. 

- It's gorgeous.








Scandinavia has a lot of natural bueauty.

Let's enjoy great outdoors in Sweden.

They are beautiful.
What's the name of this plant?

Is this plant polular in Sweden?

Be careful of this root.


There's a lot of greenery in ....
There's a lot of greenery in my neighborhood.

I went to a field full of ....

I went to a field full of sunflowers in Chiba.


the ... are grooming

The sunflowers are grooming.


How can I help you today?

- I'm looking for some flowers.


Are these flowers for an occasion or event, or flowers for your home?

- There are flowers for home.
- There are flowers for a birthday party.

- I haven't decide it.


Do you like tulips?

Yeah, I like all kinds of flowers. Roses, sunflowers and tulips.
The more colorful, the better. I don't know much about flowers though. 
