大西泰斗の英会話☆定番レシピ MENU(166) 2/7(火) | amnn1のブログ



大西泰斗の英会話☆定番レシピ MENU


大西泰斗の英会話☆定番レシピ MENU(166)


He is not as young as he looks.


<< He looks young. そうみえるほど




How old do you think the new history teacher is?

I don't know, but I guess around 35.

You're not even close.
He is not as young as he looks.

So, how old is he?
OK. I'll tell you, but keep it to yourself.



He looks taller than he actually is.


I'm happier than I've ever been.


The ring was much more expensive than I thought.



He is older than he looks.


I'm not as selfish as she is.



several 具体的にしっかりとある
some ぼんやり

I know several / some golf shops.

If you say, I know some golf shops. It's the usually blurry image.
But if you say, I know several golf shops. You have specific shops in mind. ShopA, shopB, shopC... that's the difference.



大西泰斗の英会話☆定番レシピ MENU(165)





Your apartment is much larger than mine.

much larger

much >> 差=>たくさんの



Welcome to my new apparment.
Thanks for inviting me.
Let me give you a quick tour.

Wow! Your apartment is much larger than mine.
It's gorgeous!
Thanks a lot.
Now, how about a glass of champagne?



To speak English is not as easy as to read English.


Watching a movie in a theater is more appealing than watching it on a computer screen.


Prices are much cheaper in Japan than in the U.S.



All you need to do is to finish the sentences by filling in the blanks.



Playing sprts is more exciting than watching sprts.


My broghter's car is more expensive than mine.



some ぼんやりとある=>そうしてものがある


Would you like some coffee?

Do you need some help?






大西泰斗の英会話☆定番レシピ MENU(163)



as ... as ... 2


I'm not as selfish as her.


not as ... as ...






How could you prefer Kelly to me?

Listen, Safiya. I like you a lot, but not as a girlfriend.

But she only thinks of herself.
I'm not as selfish as her.
Maybe so, but I love her.
Well, I wish you good luck. You'll need it!



I'm not as selfish as her.

I'm not as selfish as she is. ( = she is selfish.)

I'm as tall as him.


I'm as tall as he is. (= he is tall.)



I don't have as may friends as Meg.

I don't have as many friends as
Meg has.
(= Meg has many friends.)



I'm not as good at speaking English as Ken.


I'm not as good at speaking English as Ken.
(= Ken is good at speaking English.)



Today we have a familiar challenge. I think we'll have Hiro...


She is as good at cooking as Tom.


I didn't study as hard as they did.

They did (= study
They studied.



I need some eggs.


some ぼんやりとある

some water...

Is there any particular image of some here...?
Not at all. The main things here is to grasp this image of blurry, nothing specific. Just as blurry image, some ... eggs.







西泰斗の英会話☆定番レシピ MENU(162)


You are as bright as your brotherr.




as ... as ...



bright 聡明



as bright as + your brother




The teachers always praise my twin brother and not me.


You know why, don't you?

Because he always gets higher scores than me on tests?


Not at all. You are as bright as your brotherr.

But you're lazy.

You're probably right.



Your cake is as tasty as my mom's.


Taro is not as tall as Ken.

>> not as ... as ... ken ほど背が高くない

>> Ken is taller than Taro.



She speaks as naturally as a native speaker.




as bright as ...




Remember, be careful of the placement of as ... as ... 

Our sales are not as good as last year's.



I can run as fast as a cheetah.






Do you have questions?
Do you ahve any questions?

any of your questions


Well Of course you can say, Do you have questions?
But it's much better to say, Do you have any questions? 
Why? Because "any" means much more welcoming. It means I'm very to take any of your questions.


any => なんでも・どれでも(相手に選択の余地を与える)

anywhere, anytime, anything




大西泰斗の英会話☆定番レシピ MENU(161)


She is the tallest in the class.


the tallest in ...


She is tall.
She is as tall as Ken.
She is taller than Ken.
She is the tallest in the class.





Hi, Chris. I'm looking for students to join the volleyball club.

Ah, yes. Well, I recommend Susie.
OK. Where can I find her?
She's over there, sitting alone at that table.

She is the tallest in the class.
The taller the better!



You are as friendly as your sister.
You are freindly.


Your glass is fuller than mine.

Your glass is full.


fuller いっぱいだ


This is the cheapest in the store.

This is cheap.



Today we have a new challenge for you.


You are going to change the green word into the correct form.

Be careful though, because this word, you need to add at least more than one word.


Naomi is as smart as Ken.

Alice is taller than Rose.



We have one more final question.


So this one, whoever knows the answer first please raise your hand.


Take a look. 
The number you see here is their age.
So remember you have to add at least one word.


Taro is younger than Leo.
Taro is younger than Dan.
Taro is the youngest of the three.



I don't like any of these photos. any => どれも好きではない
I don't like some of these photos. some => いくつかが好きではない











大西泰斗の英会話☆定番レシピ MENU(160)

It を説明



It's really surprising that they broke up.


It's .... that + sentence.






Hey, Chris, did you hear the news about Nick and Takato?
No. What news?
They split up!

No way! They're a perfect match.
I agree. It's really surprising that they broke up.


It's challenging being a single parent.



It's up to you if you take this job.


up to you => 決定権はあなたへ・・・持ち上がる感じ



It's not know what caused the fire.


know knew known





It's + that 節 / ... ing / if or whether 節



It's wonderful that you made it here.

you made it here. ここに来たのは



Is it true that John got married?


It's + that => Is it ... that ... ?




This is just one hundred yen.

just = しか only =>ぴったり


why? Because it's no more and no less.
Then one hundred yen, it's ぴったり= just.







大西泰斗の英会話☆定番レシピ MENU(159)


It を説明


It's easy to speak English.


It's not difficult to speak English.



It's not.... to ....


Speaking English (= it) + is not difficult.

To speak .... (= it) +  is not difficult.



It doesn't surprise me that many people give up studying English.

How about you, Safiya?

Actually, it really surprises me.
I mean, it's not difficult to speak English.
You must be joking!
Learning any language is really tough.

But now there's Teiban Recipe, so it's become much easier.
Ah, good point!



It's important not to eat too much junk food.



Is it easy for you to make friends?



It takes a long time to become fluent in a foreign language.



You seem very confident. You'll be the first.

This time we are going to give you some words, make a sentence using these words. You need a few words to complete the sentence.


It isn't easy to make new friends.



It's difficult to understand it.



Get the image


just => 気持ちがぴったり・まさに・本当に = 強調


He arrived just now.

I just love Japan.












大西泰斗の英会話☆定番レシピ MENU(158)


It の文

it => 何かを受ける単語


What's that?
It's a garlic press.


What's that? => That's a garlic press. That's =>あれは・・・です。

What's that? => It's a garlic press.


it => (それは)... です。






Thanks for coming so quickly.
No problem.
I'm sure I'll be able to fix the leak in no time.
How about some coffee or tea?

Cofe, please.
Oh, what's that?
It's a garlic press.


I'm really sorry.
It was totally my fault.


it=> 自分の間違え全体のことを受けて


it = 天候・距離・時間
( it = それとは訳さない)


It's sunny today.
It's dark here.



Who is it?


Who are you?



It takes only five minutes from here to the station.




It's a garlic press.


Take a look at this.
I'd like you to explaing the situation using now.


It's five o'clock now.


It's raining now.




Get the image


There is a girl under the tree.

There is Roza under the tree.
=> You can't say like this...

No that's impossible. Why? Because there is always introduces the new element into the story. But if you use a name like Roza, automatically that means the person you've already known. So, you can't say it. 


There is
There are 







大西泰斗の英会話☆定番レシピ MENU(157)





What a nice car you have!


How nice your car is!


Your car is nice.




Hey, Safiya.
Could you give me a ride home?
Sure. Is your car still being repaired?

Yes. It's taking forever.

OK. I'll meet you by my car.

It's the blue one. Can you see it?

Wow! What a nice car you have!


What a fantastic goal!


What a fantastic goal that was!



How relaxing it is to spend time at an onsen!


How clearly she explains everything!



It's a beautiful nechlace.

> What a beautiful necklace!


Time passes fast.

> How fast thime passes.




ever いつの時点でも(at any time)


Have you ever been to Okinawa?








西泰斗の英会話☆定番レシピ MENU(162)
1/31(火) 西泰斗の英会話☆定番レシピ MENU(162)1/31(火) 大西泰斗の英会話☆定番レシピ MENU(165)2/6(月)大西泰斗の英会話☆定番レシピ MENU(165)