【bout】CNN 10 Has Earth's Core Stopped Spinning | amnn1のブログ



CNN 10
Has Earth's Core Stopped Spinning? | January 27, 2023

Almost everyone I speak to on camera says no one around them has gotten COVID. Like this elderly woman who makes traditional crafts. She says she has not been wearing a mask and points to her shoulder saying she had the vaccine shots.

But we run into another group of young people who say otherwise. The man in the brown jacket with his back turned is a doctor at a hospital in a nearby city. 


with one's back is turned

When your back is turned, when you are away or involved with something else 



He says almost all of the villagers have been infected. I asked him if they just don`t realize they have COVID. In response he says they`ve never been tested, but clearly, they had COVID symptoms.

So, we`ve got the three government minders following us.




someone (usually in totalitarian countries) who is assigned to watch over foreign visitors

> government minder


someone who looks after someone or something => childminder


an aide to someone in public life, esp a politician or political candidate, who keeps control of press and public relations


 someone acting as a bodyguard, guard, or assistant, esp in the criminal underworld



 denoting, relating to, or characteristic of a dictatorial one-party state that regulates every realm of life. => totalistic

China`s CDC says the COVID peak across the country has passed. But in rural areas like this, experts say there`s likely far more silent suffering.

Whether it`s in the village or in faraway factories, they`re hardworking people. They`ll do whatever it takes to give their kids a better life, even if it means long bouts of separation from them, making reunions like these all the more meaningful.



 ひとしきり, ひと仕事
 A period of time spent in a particular way => a spell


What is the process where pieces of ice break away from a glacier and create an iceberg?





a mass of slowly moving land ice formed by the accumulation of snow on high ground




A massive floating body of ice broken away from a glacier

A cold, aloof person.


> aloof
 Emotionally reserved or indifferent:


Calving, stagnation, downwasting or foliation?

Calving is the answer here and a nice shelf in Antarctica just dropped a tremendous chip off the old ice block.



To set loose

To break at an edge, so that a portion separates. Used of a glacier or iceberg



To give birth to a calf.


WIRE: Today`s story getting a 10 out of 10 deserves a round of applause. Meet Spike, a Chihuahua mix hailing from Ohio, recently named the world`s oldest living dog by Guinness World Records. 


hail from


hail from (some place)
To originate from a particular place.





small pellets of ice falling from cumulonimbus clouds when there are very strong rising air currents



積乱雲, 入道雲


