【挙手(を取る)】は英語で? business3 | amnn1のブログ



英語でshow of hands】とは日本語で  挙手(を取る)


Have a show of hands 挙手を取る



英語でhave one's say 】とは日本語で  意見を言う


Ok, now you've all had your say . Let's have a show of hands.


* have (one's) say
To express or make known one's views, opinions, or ideas.



* say


- 意見 A turn or chance to speak >> Having had my say, I sat down.
- 発言権 The right or power to influence or make a decision




英語でhave a say (in something).】とは日本語で  発言権がある


have a say (in something)
To have an active and participatory role in making or influencing a decision about something.
