
The significance of the expounded principles

2024-06-24 18:00:00


In this world, there are many principles taught by various Tathagatas.


What is important here is not who taught these principles, but whether someone has heard, recognized the significance of the already taught principles, and used them to aid in their own path towards enlightenment (= nirvana).


Therefore, even if someone has doubts about the principles taught by a certain person, if they convey those principles to others as they are, it can be said that they have accumulated great merit.


Among such people, there are those who manage to dispel their initial doubts about the principles and come to understand their significance.


At this point, these principles will demonstrate a greater impact through them than through anyone else.


By the way, what happens to his merit if he also spreads ideas that contradict the principles to others?


In other words, what if the same person conveys mutually opposing principles to others?


Although it is a subtle question, fundamentally, the correctly conveyed principles will overcome the contradictory principles, and it will be considered that the person has, on the whole, correctly conveyed the principles, thus causing no major issue.


In this sense, Buddhist practitioners should not be overly concerned with the depth or accuracy of their own understanding of Buddhism. They should simply convey the principles they believe to be correct to others, which in itself constitutes speaking of skillful means.


And because of this nature of the principles, Buddhism is said to bring wondrous and mysterious medicine to the world.

