
Not a quiz

2024-04-24 18:00:00


Within the descriptions of scriptures, there may be things that feel like quizzes to practitioners.


And while some may seek the answers to them as if solving a quiz, it may not be achievable.


The reason why there are quiz-like parts in the descriptions of scriptures, it's only because there's no other way to explain them, and they are not quizzes.


For example, when I (= SRKW Buddha) explain "Indiscriminate wisdom" on the website "SATORI NO KYOUCHI: State of Enlightenment," I divide it into sections and provide explanations for each separately.



[Actually, there are two.]

[It doesn't come from discretion/judgment.]

[It's not a flash of insight.]

[It's not a realization/awareness.]

[It's not about not thinking at all.]

[It's not free and unrestricted.]

[It doesn't result in ostentatious actions.]

[It's not being natural.]

[It's not just fine as it is.]

[It's neither due to external factors nor internal factors.]

[It doesn't depend on consciousness, nor does it rely on the unconscious.]

[It's not necessary, nor is it by chance.]

[It transcends the irrational and the rational.]

[It transcends good and evil.]

[It's not a revelation from the transcendent.]

[It manifests even from those with faith.]

[A teacher is unnecessary.]

[It's not the result of effort.]

[One must not be attached.]

[It's not the result of cultivation.]

[It's not the result of suffering and distress.]

[It's not born from feelings of compassion.]

[It's not due to being optimistic (pessimistic).]

[It's not the result of mental concentration.]

[It's not the result of meditation.]

[It's neither self-power nor other-power.]

[It doesn't depend on intellect.]

[It doesn't depend on experience.]

[There is no distinction between genders.]



[The only one]

[Cannot be reused]

[Not subject to correction or alteration]

[Unrelated to fluency]


[Turn the worst into the best]

[Break through two walls]

[Break through two kinds of loneliness]

[Does not produce humility][Life]

[The only one]

[Cannot be reused]

[Not subject to correction or alteration]

[Unrelated to fluency]


[Turn the worst into the best]

[Break through two walls]

[Break through two kinds of loneliness]

[Does not produce humility] 

[Does not produce arrogance]

[No light, sound, or voice]

[Does not give thanks]

[Does not rejoice]

[Does not despise]

[Neither becoming intimate nor distant]

[Arises from a state of nondiscrimination between subject and object]

[Determination is necessary]

[From the state that no matter what you do, it's not okay]

[Something to be eagerly sought]


Well, can practitioners who read this understand what "Indiscriminate wisdom" is?


That would be impossible.


Because, you see, the true nature of "Indiscriminate wisdom"  transcends the concept of sentient beings, and it's something that only those who have attained liberation and understood its truth can comprehend.


And of course, this is by no means a quiz.


If this were a quiz, there would be a clear answer corresponding to some concept of sentient beings. However, "Indiscriminate wisdom" is something that cannot be matched with such a concept. Therefore, it's called "Indiscriminate wisdom" precisely because it lacks such correspondence.


Originally, the reason I (= SRKW Buddha) wrote about "Indiscriminate wisdom" was not because I wanted practitioners to understand it, but because I wanted to explain that "Indiscriminate wisdom" transcends the concept of people (sentient beings).


Therefore, the truth of "Indiscriminate wisdom" becomes something that practitioners will know for themselves when they actually attain enlightenment (= liberation), and this writing is intended so that they can, so to speak, check their understanding against this doctrine.


There are parts of the Buddhist scriptures written by other Buddhas that can also be recognized as being written with such intent.


The important thing is that practitioners should turn the (meaning of ) scriptures, not be turned by them.


When this is done correctly, the scriptures become a treasure for practitioners.

