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Interestingly, howling is caused by slight vibrations in the ear canal. It makes a bee sound. This seems to be a drawback of current hearing aids and maybe a nuisance at quiet concerts.

However, it can be said that it has a very excellent function in that it detects vibrations in the skin and fascia and notifies you by howling.

As the flexibility of the body is restored through chiropractic treatment, the understanding of which two points resonate is where the howling occurs. Howling gradually becomes more widespread and extends to the whole body. If you look at it throughout a long treatment, it can be said that it is a way to find the point where the snow is about to start to thaw.

The feet and head have always been considered important areas in sensitive reflexology, my method.

In this case, distortions have been accumulated in the scalp, and distortions throughout the body are being copied. Therefore, it is important to find out how it is distorted.

Currently, this scalp has become more mobile, and I can detect it by the howling phenomenon between it and the ear canal. The howling sound is the input for the sensitive reflex.

Hearing aids are also very useful as therapeutic tools.

Scalp flexibility is very important for violin players. People with hard bodies also have hard scalps. The responsiveness of the scalp as a postural reflex to the whole body, and its symmetry, are essential conditions for the dynamics of violin playing.

This is lost with age. When you reach middle age, your armpits start to fall off.

The sensitive reflex method is also a technique to recover this competence.