






脊柱の構造をよりミクロに見ると、椎骨という玉が連続した数珠のようでもある。連続性と剛性の維持のため多数の靭帯、筋膜で強力に支えられている。したがって、硬結、バンドル化はこの靭帯レベルで盛んに起こっており、その 解放にはこれに働きかけることのできる技法が必要である。








Position in spinal column treatment


When considering the mechanical structure of the human body, it is easy to understand by looking at the analogy with the role of the keel in the form of a boat. The keel is a structural member that runs vertically through the center of the ship's bottom from bow to stern.

In other words, the vertebral column is a structure that concentrates the stress of exercise on the vertebral column and supports it in a well-balanced and robust manner.


Aging and the accumulation of tension are also concentrated in the spinal column, which serves as the central support. Still, there do not seem to be any published techniques for treating this area in general chiropractic care.


The basic technique of the sensitive reflex method is using a vibrator or vibrating brush. Then, by adding ultrasonic vibrations and high-tone vibrations in the audible range by adding a ringing tip, the indurated tissue and bundled fibers are released. These techniques have been developed through the principle of sensitive empathy, which allows the user to feel the release response.


If you look at the structure of the spinal column more microscopically, it looks like a string of beads called vertebrae. It is strongly supported by numerous ligaments and fascia to maintain continuity and rigidity. Therefore, induration and bundling occur frequently at this ligament level, and a technique that can work on this is needed to release it.


Another aspect is that the entire spinal column vibrates as a single arch, which means that it is also necessary to utilize group vibration.


Furthermore, the entire head, scalp, and individual cranial bones must be discovered and utilized based on sensitive reflexes.

Vertical vibrations and horizontal vibrations of ultrasonic tools are often used here. This is because the accumulation result of the concubine is the formation of very hard fibers, and ultrasonic waves seem to be essential.


For example, the balance of fingers required for delicate hand movements is strongly affected by scalp distortion or unevenly distributed induration.