









Why the right ear sounds low


My right ear sounds lower than when I hear the same sound with my left ear.

As a violinist, I'm a little troubled.

This difference between the left and right is compared with the sound of 442 hertz for sound tuning. The difference is 439 for 3 hertz, 442. I have not investigated how the difference between the left and right changes when the sound has different pitches.

It's easy to see why this difference happened.

The left-right symmetry of the body was lost.

Directly, the twisted distortion of the ear canal and the distortion of the inner ear behind it upset the resonance with the sound transmitted through the outside air. Then, we can see that there is a mediating resonance structure in the stages from the outside to the middle ear, the inner ear, and the resonance fibers in it. Distortion of the middle ear canal is a reflection of tension, a reflection of hardened tissue. The same can be said for the inner ear.

In fact, I will show you the experiment confirmed in the video. However, I couldn't record how it was heard.

It can be seen that the direction of moving and supporting the bow in the violin is different, and the change in the posture of the neck causes a beeping or tingling sound in the right ear canal and its back, and the symmetry restoration movement is occurring. My body was distorted by playing the violin in the wrong posture for many years. However, since it is a distortion common to right-handed people, it is largely due to life and aging.