Hyo Jin Nim's final speech



 Is there eneybody committed to spmething?When you think about commitment.What does it mean to you?Why do you want to commit to something?Becouse it defines you.Any kind of commitment that you make will define you and you'll be judged.That's why you commit to something.Becouse you know that life is about laerning something and it is short.Very short.

 How about makes you good,what makes you right?Eaven in business.If peaple give you money,you have responsibility;you have commitment.You have to make them profit.Otherwise I don't think you're going to get another opportunity So even just dealing with money,when you are committed;that's what it is.Now think about yorself.What are you thinking?What terms of thinking are you commited to?What are you reaching out to understand?

 Now;teke that to the next level,spirituality.You have to have spirit,mind and body togather to be perfect.That's crazy stuff.That's what you have to so basically.

 So,where do you stand?Dont look at the person next to you.Answer that to yourself.You ask that question to yourself and your answer it to yourself,and that's where you stand.

 Have I seen crap?Yes I have.I'll probably more.That's where I stand.How do I get better?Following this basics;doing this basics,doing what is right,no other way.

 Do you feel big sometimes?Yarh,but it keeps shit if it isn't real?It's about "you",you think really living in this world,just think about ME?It's not about me.It's about us.That's why it's hurts.

 What a hell is family anyway,right?Man and Woman come togather and make family.What a hell is that?It is "I" or it is "We"?Then you will die. mo matter how greate you think you are,you will die.

 We need commitment,becouse it defines you, and in judgment you'd better know what that is.Okey?



 コミットメントについて考えるとき、それはあなたにとって何を意味しますか?なぜあなたは何かにコミットしたいのですか?なぜなら、それはあなたを定義するからです. 人生とは何かを学ぶことであり、それは短いということを知っているからです。とても短いです。

 ビジネスに慣れている. 人々があなたにお金を与えるなら, あなたには責任があります; あなたにはコミットメントがあります. あなたは彼らに利益をもたらさなければなりません. ですから、お金を扱うだけでも、あなたがコミットしているとき、それがそれです。今、自分自身について考えてみてください。




 でも、それが現実じゃないとどうにもならないの?それは「あなた」のことなの?この世界で本当に生きていると思うの?ただ、私のことを考えてみて? 痛い。

 男と女が集まって家族を作るなんて一体なんだろう? それは「私」か「私たち」か. どんなに偉いと思っても死ぬ。
