


Al Jaber    
Nice to meet you

Nice to meet you too. Thank you.

Al Jaber
My name is Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber, the chief executive officer of Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC) here in U.A.E. you can see my details on this link https://adnoc.ae/en/about-us/executive-management
Executive Management

Al Jaber
I have an important business proposal for you and with great faith that we can work as partners, i have been in search with this last name "Kawasaki" for sometime now.
One Late Frank Kawasaki a citizen of your country made a foreign investment contract with my company for a 120 calendar Months, valued at $50,000,000.00 (fifty Million United State Dollars) the due date for this contract is 16th of September 2020, Sadly Frank was among the death victims in the 2015 earthquake disaster in Gorkha District, Nepal that killed over 9,000 people. He was in nepal on a business trip and that was how he met his end. My management does not have an idea of his tragic demise,i knew about it because i was a close friend and his contract advisor, Frank did not attach any Next of kin/Heir to his Portfolio when the contract was made and he was not married and had no children. My main purpose of contacting you is because you are having the same last name with the deceased and i want to make you the next of kin to his Portfolio, the foriegn investment contract will expire on the 16th of May 2020, if this happens and my management becomes aware of his death they will take the money for their personal use, so i don't want such to happen. That is why i was happy when i came across you and i am now seeking your utmost trust and co-operation to present you as the Next of Kin/Heir to his Portfolio and request for the "TERMINATION OF THE CONTRACT" before the due date to avoid any casualties. There is no risk involved, as it will be carried out under a legitimate arrangement. I am not a greedy person, so I am suggesting we share the funds equal, 50/50% to both parties, my share will assist me to start my own company which has been my dream. Let me know your mind on this and please do treat this information as TOP SECRET. We shall go over the details once I receive your urgent response strictly through my personal Email address: officialsultanahmed@gmail.com

Thank you for contacting me. I am not a person with such an honor, but a person who lives normally. I'm a little worried about why you contact me like this. I find it hard to get anything, but I'm worried.

Al Jaber
I appreciate that you consider responding back to my business proposal i sent to you i want to use this medium opportunity to educate you that I have laid all the solemn trust in you before i decided to disclose this successful and confidential transaction to you is because you are having the same last name Kawasaki with the deceased so it will be easier and safer if we do this transaction together. Sir please i seek your utmost trust and cooperation so this transaction can be successful.
kindly contact my email for more confidential talk. officialsultanahmed@gmail.com

I'm 63 years old, no social status, no famous name, no wealthy person. There is no such thing as an investment. Are you aware of that and being contacted? Instead, it will bother you.

Al Jaber
I understand you correctly, but you can assist in the claim since you share the same last name and the funds will be released to you. All you have to do is follow my instructions carefully and keep everything secret between us.For confidential and security reasons I have decided to leave out some information here but if you write directly to my personal email I will forward the transaction details to you for a better understanding. I hope you can understand me now? Email; officialsultanahmed@gmail.com

OK,I will email you later.
Thank you,

Al Jaber
You are welcome
I'm waiting for your mail soon
Thank you

I sent massage .Thank you.

I'll confirm, but I don't have citizenship. Stay Status is a green card. I have been in the US since 1990. If you are a relative, you must be an American citizen. Is it still good? I want to confirm before that.

Al Jaber
I am freely giving you full details of this transaction bearing in mind that you will not betray me.Please go through your mail and Send me the personal information listed below. I'm waiting for your mail soon

I sent information.

Al Jaber
Ok sir

Al Jaber
Thanks for your swift response to my proposal. I am freely giving you full details of this contract bearing in mind that you will not betray me. The name of my company is Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC) and presently i am the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), you will read more about me on this website:
This business requires utmost trust and dedication from your side, since you will be receiving the funds as the Next of kin/Heir to Frank and shall be in control of the money, until i come over for my share. I believe that my sharing ratio is accepted to you,50%-50% is a fair deal. I want you to also bear in mind that this contract is 100% risk free and secured once you follow my instructions and keep it a secret. What i have to do is just to place your information in my company's system as the Next of kin/Heir to late Frank and you will apply for the claim through a lawyer here in U.A.E. You do not have to come down here for the claim, the lawyer will represent you and handle all the documentations involved.
As the Chief Executive Officer, the secret of the company's system is under my palm, placing your details in the system as the Next of Kin/Heir to late Frank is easy work for me.
Like i said, there is no risk involved as everything will be carried out under a legitimate arrangement that will protect the both of us from any breach of law. Once this is done, the lawyer will do all the work and documentations required for the "TERMINATION OF THE CONTRACT" as the rightful Next of Kin/Heir to Frank and the only proof the company needs is your identifications, where your names are written in his portfolio. This is a very smooth operation, with me in the company it will not last more than 2 weeks and the funds will be released to you. The information i require to commence the process is as follows:


Once i receive the above mentioned information and conclude with my inside arrangements and changes, i shall send you the details of a lawyer you shall contact for the representation. The lawyer is good and specializes in such cases. He is also a registered attorney with the Central Bank of U.A.E, which is the bank that will handle the transfer of funds out of the country to your bank account. As far as my company is concerned, I will be in control. It has been my dream to have my own company and I believe that God has answered my prayers by creating this opportunity. Please remember to treat this transaction with utmost confidentiality for our own good. I await your urgent response.

Thank you and God bless your family. PLEASE TREAT AS TOP SECRET.
H.E. Dr Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber
Chief Executive Officer.



SultanAhmed Al Jaber
8月16日(日) 10:35 (4 日前)
To 自分

Hello sir,
Thanks for your swift response to my proposal. I am freely giving you full details of this contract bearing in mind that you will not betray me. The name of my company is Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC) and presently i am the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), you will read more about me on this website:
This business requires utmost trust and dedication from your side, since you will be receiving the funds as the Next of kin/Heir to Frank and shall be in control of the money, until i come over for my share. I believe that my sharing ratio is accepted to you,50%-50% is a fair deal. I want you to also bear in mind that this contract is 100% risk free and secured once you follow my instructions and keep it a secret. What i have to do is just to place your information in my company's system as the Next of kin/Heir to late Frank and you will apply for the claim through a lawyer here in U.A.E. You do not have to come down here for the claim, the lawyer will represent you and handle all the documentations involved.
As the Chief Executive Officer, the secret of the company's system is under my palm, placing your details in the system as the Next of Kin/Heir to late Frank is easy work for me.
Like i said, there is no risk involved as everything will be carried out under a legitimate arrangement that will protect the both of us from any breach of law. Once this is done, the lawyer will do all the work and documentations required for the "TERMINATION OF THE CONTRACT" as the rightful Next of Kin/Heir to Frank and the only proof the company needs is your identifications, where your names are written in his portfolio. This is a very smooth operation, with me in the company it will not last more than 2 weeks and the funds will be released to you. The information i require to commence the process is as follows:
Once i receive the above mentioned information and conclude with my inside arrangements and changes, i shall send you the details of a lawyer you shall contact for the representation. The lawyer is good and specializes in such cases. He is also a registered attorney with the Central Bank of U.A.E, which is the bank that will handle the transfer of funds out of the country to your bank account. As far as my company is concerned, I will be in control. It has been my dream to have my own company and I believe that God has answered my prayers by creating this opportunity. Please remember to treat this transaction with utmost confidentiality for our own good. I await your urgent response.

Thank you and God bless your family. PLEASE TREAT AS TOP SECRET.
H.E. Dr Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber
Chief Executive Officer.

yoshi kawa <costamesacar4283@gmail.com>
8月16日(日) 16:37 (4 日前)
To SultanAhmed

Dear Sir
I understand. If you ask from your standpoint, I have a relationship with the Japanese government, so as a Japanese I feel that I am in a position to accept your wishes. I'm still not completely trustworthy in my relationship with each other, but as a Japanese I think I must accept it. I have been told that there is no risk, but I would like to acknowledge in advance what kind of risk I will receive. I haven't talked to my family, but could it affect my family? I feel a little anxious about that.
I'll confirm, but I don't have citizenship. Stay Status is a green card. I have been in the US since 1990. If you are a relative, you must be an American citizen. Is it still good? I want to confirm before that.

Best regards
Yoshio Kawasaki

2020年8月16日(日) 10:35 SultanAhmed Al Jaber <officialsultanahmed@gmail.com>:

yoshi kawa <costamesacar4283@gmail.com>
8月16日(日) 16:55 (4 日前)
To SultanAhmed

Dear Sir
I will send you my information.

YOUR FULL NAMES, Yoshio Kawasaki
DATE OF BIRTH, 04/19/1957
OCCUPATION, Personal Auto Mobil Mechanic Service
ADDRESS 10652 Oak st Los Alamitos ,CA 90720
PHONE NUMBERS. (562)475-7171

that's all.

God bless you.
Thank you.

2020年8月16日(日) 16:37 yoshi kawa <costamesacar4283@gmail.com>:

SultanAhmed Al Jaber
8月17日(月) 15:58 (3 日前)
To 自分

Hello Sir,
Thank you for the information you have sent, I shall use the details to fill the necessary forms in the account files and input your name and particulars into the banking system as the legal beneficiary to the account. I shall also update you with the next step if I conclude in the office. Please expect my update soon through mail.

My Regards to your family, God bless.

H.E. Dr Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber
Chief Executive Officer.

yoshi kawa <costamesacar4283@gmail.com>
8月17日(月) 17:46 (3 日前)
To SultanAhmed

 Dear Sir
 Thank you for your letter.
 My heart was complicated. I was worried about whether to trust or not. But believe in the spirit of Japan and perish! There is a word. I decided to believe at my own risk. Sometimes I felt that believing started things. I'm afraid I'm having trouble with that, but please forgive me. We look forward to your next letter.

 Best regards
 Yoshio Kawasaki

2020年8月17日(月) 15:58 SultanAhmed Al Jaber <officialsultanahmed@gmail.com>:

SultanAhmed Al Jaber
8月18日(火) 7:12 (2 日前)
To 自分

Hello sir,
How are you today? I hope you are fine? I write to inform you that I have done all the necessary changes in the account file in my company as I informed you. Your names now appear in my company's system as the Heir and rightful Inheritor to the account of Late Frank. The next step now is for you to contact the Attorney here in U.A.E who shall represent you in all matters that concerns the claim. The Attorney I want us to use in this claim is good and he is a registered Attorney with the Central Bank of U.A.E, because only registered Attorneys are allowed to handle Central Bank matters and foreign transfers. He is a good Attorney, and specializes in Civil cases, such as this and also note that there is going to be a little expense on this transaction and when it arises we are going to join hands as partners and see to it.
You have to contact him and request for his legal services in the claim of your relative foreign investment contract with ADNOC. You must not mention my name to him, meaning that he must not know my involvement in this transaction. Just tell him that you got his contact details from a staff of the Abu Dhabi National Oil Company and you learnt that he is a registered attorney with the Central Bank of U.A.E, so you wish to know if he can represent you in Terminating a contract. Once he gets back to you, you shall inform me, so I can send you the information you shall pass to him.



EMAIL: alsaadiadvocates@yahoo.com

Please, Contact the Attorney immediately. However, I shall send you the draft letter right away as I promised, Thank you and God bless. I am looking forward to a glorious future business relationship with you.

H.E Dr. Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber

8月18日(火) 21:10 (2 日前)
To 自分

Attn: Mr. Yoshio Kawasaki

Dear Sir,
I am in receipt of your letter requesting for my legal services. I must express my appreciation for choosing me to represent you here in UAE. I am assuring you that you have chosen a good attorney, as I have good working experience in such matters.
Could you please, furnish me with some information about the contract in question, all the related and reliant details of the contract, including year the contract was made. I need this information in order to conduct some verification at the company to find out the present status of the contract in question, which will determine the steps I shall follow to get the claim in your favour. Thereafter, I can state my terms and conditions of work.
I wait to hear from you soon. Once more, thank you for contacting my law-firm.
Yours faithfully,
Barr. Mohammad Ahmad Al Saadi.

yoshi kawa
8月19日(水) 7:37 (1 日前)
---------- Forwarded message --------- From: MOHAMMAD AHMAD AL SAADI <alsaadiadvocates@yahoo.com> Date: 2020年8月18日(火) 21:10 Subject: To: costamesacar4283@gmail.

yoshi kawa <costamesacar4283@gmail.com>
8月19日(水) 19:24 (12 時間前)

Dear Sir
Thank you for helping. Sorry for being late.
Write the details about the contract below.

Relationship: Cousin and I am co-Owner of the Company
Contract Holder: FRANK R KAWASAKI
Contract Account Number: ADNOC/OCL/1605/J65M/2010.
Contract Type: Foreign Investment Contract
Date of Contract: 16th May, 2010.
Principal Amount: US$50,000,000.00.
Branch Name: Dubai, U.A.E.
Address: 10652 Oak st Los Alamitos ,CA 90720
Mobile Phone: (562)475-7171

If you have anything, please email me.
Thank you.
Best regards
Yoshio Kawasaki

2020年8月18日(火) 21:10 MOHAMMAD AHMAD AL SAADI <alsaadiadvocates@yahoo.com>:

SultanAhmed Al Jaber
8月18日(火) 7:19 (2 日前)
To 自分

Hello sir,
Please, find below a draft letter which you shall send to the lawyer. All other details regarding the contract will be sent if he accepts to work for you. I want you to forward his reply to me once you receive from him.
H.E. Dr. Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber
Dear Barr. Mohammad Ahmad Al Saadi,
I am Mr. Yoshio Kawasaki, I got your contact from a staff of Abu Dhabi National Oil Company in the UAE and I learnt you are registered with the Central bank of UAE. I wish to hire your services in Terminating a contract with the Abu Dhabi National Oil Company for my Foreign Investment contract which was made by my late cousin and partner. I want to terminate this contract and proceed to transfer the money back to my country since I have no more business doing in the UAE now. If you will handle this matter, let me know your requirements and the procedure as soon as possible.
I await your urgent reply.
Yours Faithfully,
Yoshio Kawasaki.

yoshi kawa <costamesacar4283@gmail.com>
8月18日(火) 8:10 (2 日前)
To SultanAhmed

Dear Sir
I have sent the letter you just received to a lawyer.
Thank you.
Best regards

2020年8月18日(火) 7:19 SultanAhmed Al Jaber <officialsultanahmed@gmail.com>:

yoshi kawa <costamesacar4283@gmail.com>
8月18日(火) 23:17 (2 日前)
To SultanAhmed

Dear Sir
I received an email from the lawyer who introduced me. There are some questions I cannot answer. May I attach the e-mail I received from the lawyer and send it? Or is it better for me to talk to a lawyer?
I'm sorry for being sudden. To avoid any inconvenience, I would like to proceed while asking as much as possible. Sorry for your inconvenience.
Best regards
Yoshio Kawasaki

2020年8月18日(火) 8:10 yoshi kawa <costamesacar4283@gmail.com>:

SultanAhmed Al Jaber
8月19日(水) 0:22 (1 日前)
To 自分

Forward the email to me

SultanAhmed Al Jaber
2020/08/18 7:19 (2 日前)
To 自分

Hello sir,
Please, find below a draft letter which you shall send to the lawyer. All other details regarding the contract will be sent if he accepts to work for you. I want you to forward his reply to me once you receive from him.
H.E. Dr. Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber
Dear Barr. Mohammad Ahmad Al Saadi,
I am Mr. Yoshio Kawasaki, I got your contact from a staff of Abu Dhabi National Oil Company in the UAE and I learnt you are registered with the Central bank of UAE. I wish to hire your services in Terminating a contract with the Abu Dhabi National Oil Company for my Foreign Investment contract which was made by my late cousin and partner. I want to terminate this contract and proceed to transfer the money back to my country since I have no more business doing in the UAE now. If you will handle this matter, let me know your requirements and the procedure as soon as possible.
I await your urgent reply.
Yours Faithfully,
Yoshio Kawasaki.

yoshi kawa <costamesacar4283@gmail.com>
2020/08/18 8:10 (2 日前)
To SultanAhmed

Dear Sir
I have sent the letter you just received to a lawyer.
Thank you.
Best regards

2020年8月18日(火) 7:19 SultanAhmed Al Jaber <officialsultanahmed@gmail.com>:

yoshi kawa <costamesacar4283@gmail.com>
2020/08/18 23:17 (2 日前)
To SultanAhmed

Dear Sir
I received an email from the lawyer who introduced me. There are some questions I cannot answer. May I attach the e-mail I received from the lawyer and send it? Or is it better for me to talk to a lawyer?
I'm sorry for being sudden. To avoid any inconvenience, I would like to proceed while asking as much as possible. Sorry for your inconvenience.
Best regards
Yoshio Kawasaki

2020年8月18日(火) 8:10 yoshi kawa <costamesacar4283@gmail.com>:

SultanAhmed Al Jaber
2020/08/19 0:22 (1 日前)
To 自分

Forward the email to me

SultanAhmed Al Jaber
8月19日(水) 18:59 (12 時間前)
To 自分

Hello sir,
Thanks for the update, I am happy to know that communication has been established between you and the attorney, you can also forward the lawyer's mail to me whenever you receive a reply. Below is the information the attorney is requesting to commence, please send it to him and inform me once he request for more information. I want you to know that I am here with you and will be guiding you until we conclude this
transaction. Please, remember to treat this transaction with utmost confidentiality for our own good.
Relationship: Cousin and I am co-Owner of the Company
Contract Holder: FRANK R  KAWASAKI  
Contract Account Number: ADNOC/OCL/1605/J65M/2010.
Contract Type: Foreign Investment Contract
Date of Contract: 16th May, 2010.
Principal Amount: US$50,000,000.00 .
Branch Name: Dubai, U. A. E.
Next of Kin:   YOSHIO KAWASAKI   
Address:  10652 Oak st Los Alamitos ,CA 90720
Mobile Phone:     (562)475-7171    

Please send the above information to the attorney immediately and tell him that if the company requires more information you shall send them.

God bless.

yoshi kawa <costamesacar4283@gmail.com>
8月19日(水) 19:28 (12 時間前)
To SultanAhmed

Dear Sir
I sent it to him now. Thank you.
If your lawyer emails me anything,
I will let you know.
God bless you.
Best regards
Yoshio Kawasaki

2020年8月19日(水) 18:59 SultanAhmed Al Jaber <officialsultanahmed@gmail.com>:

3:26 (4 時間前)
To 自分

Attn: Mr. Yoshio Kawasaki
Dear sir,
I am in receipt of the contract account information you sent. I will send an inquiry/application letter to the management of the company concerning the termination of the foreign investment contract made by your late cousin and also request for their procedure in such claim. I will communicate with you as soon as i receive further response from the company's management.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Here in Middle East we work officially on Saturdays and Sundays, so you might be receiving communication from me on these days. Fridays are our work free.
Yours Faithfully,
Barr Mohammad Ahmad Al Saadi.

yoshi kawa <costamesacar4283@gmail.com>
7:33 (15 分前)
To SultanAhmed

Dear Sir
I received an email from the lawyer, so I will forward it.
If you have something, I would appreciate e-mail.
Thank you.
God bless you.
Best regards

yoshi kawa
17:42 (0 分前)

Dear Sir
Thank you for your letter.
Los Angeles is 11 hours behind your country. If it's Saturday morning or Sunday morning, it's Friday night, Saturday night time in my place. I'm awake and I can communicate with you. 
On Saturday and Sunday, in the afternoon of your company's opening hours, I think it's difficult to communicate with you because I'm sleeping late at night in my area.
We would appreciate it if you could take that into consideration.
Thank you.
Best regards
Yoshio Kawasaki

2020年8月20日(木) 3:26 MOHAMMAD AHMAD AL SAADI <alsaadiadvocates@yahoo.com>:

yoshi kawa <costamesacar4283@gmail.com>
20:32 (17 分前)
To SultanAhmed

Dear Sir
I would like you to know all the emails between me and my lawyer, and I will also send the email I sent to the lawyer today. We would like to inform you that it is very important and there is no inconvenience.
I have sent the following email to a lawyer.
God bless you
Best regards

8月21日(金) 23:31 (8 時間前)
To 自分

Attn: Yoshio Kawasaki 
Dear sir,
I write to update you on the status of the application letter i sent to the company regarding the contract termination in your favor. I was at the company to enquire on the status of the application letter i submitted, I was informed that because of the nature of the matter, the processing of my application is taking little time, but promised to get back to me soon. I write you this letter, just to inform you that I am on the matter, it is always like this when it involves issues concerning contract termination.
Please expect my communication as soon as i receive response to my application from the company.
Your's faithfully,
Barr Mohammad Ahmad Al Saadi.

yoshi kawa <costamesacar4283@gmail.com>
8月21日(金) 23:59 (7 時間前)

Dear Sir
I thank you for your kind attention. You don't have to worry about it.
Thank you.

Best regards

Yoshio Kawasaki
2020年8月21日(金) 23:31 MOHAMMAD AHMAD AL SAADI <alsaadiadvocates@yahoo.com>:

yoshi kawa <costamesacar4283@gmail.com>
0:08 (7 時間前)
To SultanAhmed

Dear Sir
I received an email from the lawyer and I will forward the email and my reply. It will take a little longer.
Best regards
Yoshio Kawasaki

About Frank Kawasaki
yoshi kawa <costamesacar4283@gmail.com>
0:06 (0 分前)
To SultanAhmed

Dear Sir
My heart seems a bit unreliable. I was looking for my own, Frank Kawasaki. I found one person who was like them. We have found owner of landscape company KTUA in San Diego. It was the same name.
I'm sorry, I want to trust, so I'm doing various research. Please forgive me as I have a responsibility.
Best regards
God bless you.
Yoshio Kawasaki

SultanAhmed Al Jaber
1:17 (8 時間前)
To 自分

Hello Sir,
I am updating you on what has taking place in the company Today, the legal team from the legal department of my company came to verify from me the information submitted by your lawyer. I was able to clear some of the questions about Frank and yourself. I showed them the data on the system that you were mentioned by Frank as the next of kin so, after the whole exercise they were satisfied and I hope they will conclude on their report very soon and get back to your lawyer.I want you to keep me informed when you receive from Mohammad Al Saadi on the result of this matter
Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber

yoshi kawa <costamesacar4283@gmail.com>
2:36 (6 時間前)
To SultanAhmed

Dear Sir
Thank you for your reply.
I understand.
I am waiting for the contract from the lawyer.
Thank you.
God bless you.
Best regards
Yoshio Kawasaki

2020年8月23日(日) 1:17 SultanAhmed Al Jaber <officialsultanahmed@gmail.com>:

5:42 (8 時間前)
To 自分

Attn: Mr. Yoshio Kawasaki 

Dear sir,

I am happy to inform you that the company management respond positively to my application to them for the termination of the contract in your honor. They explained everything we need to do in respect to the contract termination of the foreign investment contract with them. They also confirmed that you are the rightful beneficiary as your late kin mentioned your name as his Next of Kin when the contract was established. There are some requirements they need in your process of the contract termination, which you have to provide. In attachment of this email, you will find a copy of the letter i received from the company, stating their requirements to process the termination of the foreign investment contract with them in your honor.

On the Company requirements, I need the following amount in order to obtain the required legal documents and payment of

Administrative Fees;

(A) oath fees for Sworn Affidavit is AED 4,749
(B) Probate fees is AED 11,260
(C) Stamp Duty fee AED 28,201
(D) Letter of Administration fee is AED 12,500
(E) Notarization fee is AED 7,137

Total amount required AED 63,847.00 which is equivalent to USD $17,400.00 Dollars.

I also require a signed Power of Attorney from you, mandating me as your attorney to represent you and stand in on your behalf for the contract termination with Abu Dhabi National Oil Company for the foreign Investment Contract made by your late cousin Mr. Frank Kawasaki, and all related government offices involved. Sample of the Power of Attorney is below the letter, Print it out, sign and send to me through scanning as email attachment. I shall present it to all affected offices to register my representation of you.

On the Company requirement, Item 3 on the list shall be obtained here in U.A.E Judiciary Federal High Court and Justice Ministry, which i have stated their fees above. You shall send the requested information namely, item 1 and 2, Also in transaction magnitude, i normally charge 0.2% of the principle amount to be claimed and shall be paid to me once you receive the Principle Amount. I will like to know if you accept this. You have to transfer above required administrative fees to my bank account details as stated below, and send me the transfer confirmation slip once it is done.

Let me know when you are ready to make the transfer of the administration fees, so i will forward you my Bank Account details on how to make the payment. I want you to be rest assured that everything is under control once you have provided the requirement the Company Management wants you to provide the process for the termination will be carried out in (3) working days and the money will be released to you. You have to also send me your account details where you want your funds to be transferred.

I shall commence the process immediately i receive all of the above mentioned materials. Thanks once more for choosing me to represent you. I wait to hear from you.

Yours faithfully,

Barr. Mohammad Ahmad Al Saadi.
2 個の添付ファイル



yoshi kawa <costamesacar4283@gmail.com>
7:57 (5 時間前)
To SultanAhmed

Dear Sir

The lawyer sent me the documents.
I don't have money because I don't live a wealthy life. I have also gone bankrupt in the United States. A standard of living that is well below the average income of Americans. Living with the benefits of low-income earners. We can't pay such amount, and the amount of money to send money or any amount of money will be a burden to our family even if it is a small amount. So I'm very sorry to sign this document, but I can't do it.
I didn't think I had to pay any money. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Best regards

God bless you

Yoshio Kawasaki

2 個の添付ファイル

SultanAhmed Al Jaber
8:44 (5 時間前)
To 自分

Dear Kawasaki,

I have gone through the letter from the attorney and the letter from the Legal Department from my company, The documentations required by the company can be arranged, so do not worry it will only cost money. I want you to know that nothing good in life comes easy, in order to achieve great things one must make sacrifices, experience in life taught me that.

First of all, you have to provide the Attorney all the requirements he needed from your side as stated in his email, like the identification, your details, which includes your age and Power of Attorney. Remember to send to the Attorney the exact address and phone numbers you sent to me, because that is what is in the system, any mistake in the address will raise alarm. Your relationship with Frank is a cousin and you are co owner of the company he was taking care of in the U. A. E before his sudden death.

On the copy of the Contractual agreement made between your late cousin company and my company will not be a problem at all, Like i said i am the C.E.O in the company that can be arranged easily, i will send you a copy of it as soon as possible.

On the death certificate issue, I have to arrange that here and will pay the fee and get it as soon as possible. You shall inform the Attorney, that Frank was involved in the Earthquake disaster that occurred 2015 earthquake disaster in Nepal, and because of the nature of his death and circumstances behind it, no death certification was issued for him in Nepal, but since the Company Management requires that, you shall instruct Frank's company doctor in U. A. E to prepare a death certificate for Frank, but if the company management will not accept a death certificate from UAE, you can arrange for one in Nepal. You have to also instruct the Attorney to get the requested Sworn Affidavit, Letter of Administration and Probate Approval from U. A. E Judiciary as he stated in his letter.

You have to send a copy of your driver's license or international passport for identification purposes. On the issue of the company's Incorporation Certificate, I will handle that, though it will cost me some money likewise the death certificate. I can get a copy of the Oracle Consulting Ltd Incorporation Certificate from the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, I will pay someone there to retrieve a copy
from the Oracle Consulting Ltd file. I want you to know that before I decided to embark on this transaction, I have thought of likely requirements by the company and authorities for the claim, and slept over it knowing that the transaction will not be a failure, that was why I embarked on it. So I need your unreserved support in order to make this transaction a success. I shall send you copies of the death and Incorporation Certificates as soon as I have them in my possession, so you can forward them to the Attorney. Write the Attorney now that you are putting together all the documents required by the company and will send them to him as soon as possible.

Regarding the fees the Attorney requested for the Administrative cost in preparing the Inheritance claiming documents from the Judiciary, they are in order, so go ahead and send him the fees so he can commence the processing of the documentation. Tell the Attorney when you will send the required fees and that you do not wish to have any delay in the process. I will find out how much it will cost me to arrange the other required certificates, but I am sure I can handle them alone without assistance. The 0.2% the Attorney requested for his legal charges which will be paid to him after you have received the Inheritance fund, is also good, let him know that you have accepted his terms. I shall start arrangement for the two documents immediately and I pray to get them quickly.

I believe the above details have answered the company and Attorney's questions. You have to contact him as I have explained above and if you need assistance in putting up the letter, let me know so we can together do that. Now we need to be constantly in communication in order to avoid mistakes along the line.


Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber

yoshi kawa <costamesacar4283@gmail.com>
13:35 (22 分前)
To SultanAhmed

Dear Sir

Thank you for your letter. I exchanged e-mails with the hope that I could help you in various ways. I felt that I could not help because I needed money. Because I can't give you money. Since you are the CEO of a large state-owned company and you also have a relationship with Japan, I have exchanged e-mails in the hope that I can help you even if it is confidential. I'm sorry, but I can't help because I can't pay. Please forgive me.

Best regards

God bless you
Yoshio Kawasaki

2020年8月24日(月) 8:44 SultanAhmed Al Jaber <officialsultanahmed@gmail.com>:

Draft letter to the company requirements.

SultanAhmed Al Jaber
8:48 (5 時間前)
To 自分

Dear Kawasaki,

Below is the draft letter in response to the requirements. Go through it and put the missing information before you send. The power of attorney should be signed and attached along with your passport or drivers license. Print the copy of the power of Attorney out and sign before you scan and attach to email. The DEATH CERTIFICATE, ORACLE CONSULTING COMPANY CERTIFICATE will be sent to you as soon as I get them ready. You have to transfer the 17,400USD to the lawyer immediately so that he can obtain all the legal documents, I wait for your confirmation of receipt of this mail.


Sultan Al Jaber.



Dear Mohammad Ahmad Al Saadi,

I write to confirm that I have received your letter. Firstly I am pleased the company management has responded positively and confirmed myself as the rightful beneficiary to the contract account, secondly I have studied the requirements from yourself and the company management and I am in agreement with your proposal and the company's requirement. I have started collection of the various certificates and documents and should be in a position to scan and send them to you in the next few days. I have listed below my understanding of what is needed.

Item 1

(a) Copy of my Passport/ drivers' license is enclosed

(b) Signed Power of Attorney stating I authorize your Law Firm to
represent me - ENCLOSED

(c) Date of birth....?

(d) Address...?

(e) Telephone....?

(f) Relationship with Frank - I am Co-owner of Oracle Consulting Ltd. Frank was my Cousin and was overseeing the activities of the company's business in U. A. E.

Item 2
(a) Copy of death certificate - Frank was killed in the Earthquake disaster that occurred in 2015 in Nepal and because of the nature of his death and circumstances behind it no death certificate was issued for him in Indonesia, but since the Company Management asked that I provide a death certificate I shall instruct Frank's Company Doctor in U.A.E. to prepare a death certificate, but if the Company management will not accept a certificate from U.A.E I can arrange for one in Nepal.

(b) Copy of the Certificate Incorporation of the Company - I am arranging and will forward later.

(c) Copy of the Foreign Investment Contract agreement - I am arranging and will forward later.

Item 3:

a) Sworn Affidavit in support of claim from the Federal High Court

b) Approval from Probate Department

c) Notarization at the Federal High Court

d) Letter of Administration Approval

e) Notarization of Letter of Administration Approval

Please, go ahead and procure these documents as you advised. I shall send the transfer confirmation slip when the money is transferred to your account. Your 0.2% legal fee is accepted and I shall pay you immediately I receive the Inheritance in my account. Please, confirm how soon it will take you to get these documents ready?

Thank you for your cooperation,

Yours faithfully,

Yoshio Kawasaki.

yoshi kawa <costamesacar4283@gmail.com>
8月24日(月) 14:26 (16 時間前)
To SultanAhmed

Dear Sir

I have received your Draft letter to the company requirements. I didn't announce it.
Please understand that you cannot do anything because you cannot afford to pay. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Best regards

God bless you
Yoshio Kawasaki

2020年8月24日(月) 8:48 SultanAhmed Al Jaber <officialsultanahmed@gmail.com>:

yoshi kawa <costamesacar4283@gmail.com>
8月24日(月) 16:24 (14 時間前)
To SultanAhmed

Dear Sir

Really sorry.
I've had a hard time thinking about money in the past,
I am very careful. As I wrote at the beginning, it is like a stray cat approaching while deciding if it is a reliable person. Please understand. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Best regards
God bless you
Yoshio Kawasaki

2020年8月24日(月) 14:26 yoshi kawa <costamesacar4283@gmail.com>:

0:23 (6 時間前)
To 自分

Attn: Mr. Yoshio Kawasaki

Dear sir,

I have not received any mail or update from you about the requirements by the company to allow the release of your late cousins funds to you.I need a copy of your driver's license or passport, a copy of the company's certificate of incorporation, a copy of the signed power of attorney, a copy of the death certificate of your late cousin, a copy of the contract agreement document and $17,400 administrative fee required to process the sworn affidavit from the high court, letter of administration from the justice ministry and letter of approval from the probate department.

Yours Faithfully,

Barr. Mohammad Ahmad Al Saadi.


SultanAhmed Al Jaber
7:09 (1 時間前)
To 自分

Hello sir,

I read your message and I must say honestly I am disappointed. It is a shame if you think that way of me, I swear with my wife and kids that this transaction is real and I am Dr. H.E Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber, the Chief Executive Officer of ADNOC. I contacted you with an anonymous Facebook account to avoid any trace in this transaction, also I gave you my personal email address because all incoming and outgoing emails are being monitored by my company, so it will be very difficult to contact you with my company's address because we cannot afford top leave any trace or clue about how we met. Although I had issues 2 years ago where I almost lost all my savings, I have been trying hard to keep it away from people and the media. I am only opening up such vital information to you with great faith that you won’t betray me or let me down and that is why I am so desperate and I don’t want a lifetime opportunity pass me by, this is a golden opportunity for me to recover all that I have lost. “Doubt” should be the last thing to think of at a time and situation like this, like I said you have to trust me as much as I trust you and let’s see the success of the transaction. 

I apologise for my late response,I have been very busy with trying to obtain the necessary documents needed from my part.I was able to obtain the death certificate,the contract agreement certificate and the company's incorporation certificate.They cost me a lot of money to obtain because I was not a direct relative of late frank but I was able to process them.Please forward them to the lawyer.About the administrative fee required to process the court documents from the high court and justice ministry,we have come a very long way in this transaction and as such cannot back down now,I am not buoyant enough to take care of the fee due to financial difficulties so I propose we join hands together to take care of the fee so we can see to the success of this transaction.I urge you to try to come up with $10,000 so I can see how best to take care of the $7,400 balance.

I can assure 100% that this transaction is going to be successful as soon as the company requirements are met.

Best regards.
3 個の添付ファイル


yoshi kawa
8:20 (19 分前)
To SultanAhmed

Dear Sir

I read your letter.

Anyway I have no money. There were many days when I worked hard to earn rent for that month. I think that you, the millionaire, think it's not a big deal. But for me $10,000 is a lot of money. It's more than half a year of my income on last year's tax return. So, because of the economy within this global coronavirus, there was also national consideration when filing a tax return.

``My main purpose of contacting you is because you are having the same last name with the deceased and i want to make you the next of kin to his Portfolio, the foriegn investment contract will expire on the 16th of May 2020, if this happens and my management becomes aware of his death they will take the money for their personal use, so i don't want such to happen."

Since it was written like this, I hope to help you. But I just can't help because I got a quote for the money. If you could tell me from the beginning, I think that it would have been such a long time to lose time. To tell the truth, I am not a living person for money.

``One Late Frank Kawasaki a citizen of your country made a foreign investment contract with my company for a 120 calendar Months, valued at $50,000,000.00 (fifty Million United State Dollars) the due date for this contract is 16th of September 2020,''

I have no interest in this money.

However, since I use my name and my important information, even if you say that you are not at risk, I am at risk. I think it was said that the top secret part was probably not risky. The meaning of risk is different from that of you.

You have to pay me a little for it, as I will provide you with my important information. If you're a millionaire and you want to do that, then if you're personally sensitive, it's as easy as getting out of pocket money. If I am in your position, I will.

I don't need this $50,000,000.00. It would be nice if you could pay me even a little of the profits generated from it as my important information fee.

It's true that I have no money. Why can't you believe it? There is also a risk of borrowing money. I have been bitter many times. I have decided not to do such a thing. This is my belief in life. Please understand.

Best regards

God bless you

Yoshio Kawasaki




