広島長崎原爆慰霊祭 | 天野正孝オフィシャルブログ「頑張ろう!日本!!」Powered by Ameba


「安らかにお眠りください 過ちは繰り返しませんから・・・」この言葉は原爆を投下したアメリカにも、安易なナショナリズムと軍国主義への雪崩現象によって無理な戦争を起こしてしまった日本にも問われている言葉のはずです。

Do not forget to have lost the war Japan put out a lot of sacrifice, therefore, thought of the many souls that fell victim, obligation to go hope peace you should there to us.
Also can not forget the tears of late father was engaged in rescue activities as a soldier in Isahaya.
In particular, Japan's Catholic history, is also required effort to get to know the American people that it is not in the providence of God is that the atomic bomb for the first time opened Urakami Cathedral was dropped after the Meiji Restoration.
"Because you do not repeat the mistakes please sleep in peace ..." This word is also in the United States that dropped the atomic bomb, simplistic nationalism and the question also in Japan, which had caused an unreasonable war by avalanche phenomenon to militarism you should see the cracks and have words.