(Japanese follows English. )

Differences between the West and the East.  

There seems to be some difference between "the West" and "the East" in the way how dragons appear.   (As a Japanese, I see so much difference even among the countries in (so called)  "the East".  For convenience, I should limit my perspective only to Japan. )

I thought of this topic while talking with my friend after watching the movie "The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey".  

These few years, I have been having more chances to visit Japanese shrines.  
Last year, I chose to visit shrines that have something to do with a "Dragon-god" or Ryu-jin" in Japanese.  There are so many shrines that have something to do with "Ryu-jin" in Japan.  

"Ryu" is a dragon, but I guess, "Ryu" was somewhat transformed in the process of becoming a dragon in the West.  

From when did it start that people tell the stories in which you have to fight against a dragon so that you can take back some precious thing that a dragon stole from you?  You need to reflect upon the possibility that the precious thing may be something that the dragon originally owned. 

The spiral movement is considered to be important from a spiritual point of view, and I think I have heard "Ryu" (and snakes) symbolize the spiral movement.  





