28@世界政府 ハルマゲドンへのカウントダウンWorld Government | | C | Paul Sakamotoのブログ

Paul Sakamotoのブログ


28@世界政府  ハルマゲドンへのカウントダウン

World Government | | Countdown to Armageddon

The most outstanding and ominous sign of the end of the world as we know it, to which the Bible devotes numerous chapters, is the rise of a Devil-possessed tyrant known as the Antichrist, or “the Beast,” who is given authority “over every tribe, tongue, and nation” (Revelation 13:7). Is the world heading towards a global government, as this verse seems to imply?


The idea of a world government has been discussed since ancient Greek and Roman times, and in the last few hundred years by such notables as Dante, Hugo Grotius, Immanuel Kant, Victor Hugo, Karl Krause, Alfred Tennyson, H. G. Wells, Albert Einstein, Winston Churchill, Bertrand Russell, and Mahatma Gandhi. The decade or two after World War II is regarded as a sort of “golden age” of the movement for world government. Seventy-two million people died in that war, 47 million of them civilians, and a general revulsion against such barbarity led to many people embracing such things as the World Federalist Movement in the hope that a strong global body would not let the nations of the world go to war again like they had. The European Union (which now includes 27 nations, with more seeking admittance) had its beginnings at this time.

古代ギリシャとローマ時代から、ダンテ、ヒューゴ・グロティウス、イマヌエル・カント、ビクター・ヒューゴ、カール・クラウス、アルフレッド・テニソン、HGウェルズ、アルバート・アインシュタイン、ウィンストン・チャーチル、バートランド・ラッセル、マハトマ・ガンジーによって世界政府の考えが議論されている。そして第二次世界大戦後の10年または2年は、世界政府の運動の一種の「黄金時代」とみなされています。その戦争で7億200万人が死亡し、そのうち4千7百万人が一般市民であったという野蛮な反抗勢力が、強力な世界的団体が、彼らが持っていたように、世界は再び戦争を行います。欧州連合(現時点では、より多くの〔場所への〕入場(の権利), 入場許可を求める27の国が含まれている)が始まった。

Now there is a European Parliament and a European Commission (which is in many ways similar to a cabinet), and if the EU reform treaty is ratified there will be an elected President of the European Council. Many of these nations are also members of NATO and have a common and somewhat integrated military structure. Eighteen countries (three are not even in the European Union) have now adopted the euro as a common currency.

今や欧州議会と欧州委員会(これは多くの点で閣僚に似ている)があり、EU改革条約が批准されれば、欧州理事会の議長が選出されるだろう。これらの国々の多くは、NATO加盟国であり、共通かつ幾分統合された軍事構造を持っている。 18カ国(※●うち3カ国は欧州連合にいない)は現在、共通通貨としてユーロを採用している。


※●UK decided to withdraw from the EU in 2016! Britain has already left!

The African Union (which includes 53 African nations) was formed in 2001 and aims eventually to have a single currency, a single integrated defense force, as well as other institutions of state, including a cabinet for the AU Head of State.

アフリカ連合(53のアフリカ諸国を含む)は2001年に結成され、最終的に単一通貨、単一の統合された防衛隊、およびAU首脳の為の内閣;[集合的に;単数・複数扱い] 閣僚を含む他の国家機関を有する事を目指します。

In 2004 the nations of South America signed the Cuzco Declaration, a two-page statement of intent, announcing the foundation of the South American Community, modeled after the European Union, including a common currency, parliament, and passport. According to Allan Wagner, former Secretary General of the Andean Community, a complete union like that of the EU should be possible by 2019.


The stated aim of the Asian Cooperation Dialogue (comprised of 30 Asian countries, including the mega states of Russia, China, and India) is to ultimately transform the Asian continent into an Asian Community.


And then of course there is the United Nations (which is the only truly global organization, with 192 member states). Although seemingly impotent on many fronts, it still is the hub for many organizations that affect our lives, such as the World Trade Organization, the World Health Organization, the International Atomic Energy Commission, the International Labor Organization, UNESCO, the International Court of Justice (the World Court), the International Criminal Court, and the World Bank.

もちろん国連(これは唯一の真のグローバル組織で、192の加盟国)があります。世界保健機関(WHO)、国際原子力委員会、国際労働機関、ユネスコ、国際司法裁判所など、私達の生活に影響を与える多くの組織の中心, 中枢です。 また(世界裁判所)、国際刑事裁判所、世界銀行が含まれます。

The globalization of the economy is now a reality, with each national economy?some to a very large extent?dependent on other nations’ economies. The mass media is also global through satellite TV and the Internet. In fact, the Internet is a virtual global community, with millions of its users living vicariously as avatars in global online “lives” in places like Second Life, not to mention global social networking sites such as Facebook and MySpace.


The idea of global governance is also getting enthusiastic support. Global governance isn’t necessarily global government. In fact, its advocates will adamantly deny that global government is anywhere on their agenda. Their idea is that international agreements and protocols will govern international behavior. A good example of this approach is the United Nations Global Compact, which is an initiative to encourage businesses worldwide to adopt sustainable and socially responsible policies.

グローバル統治, 管理, 制御の考え方もまた熱狂的な支持を得ています。グローバルガバナンスは必ずしもグローバル政府ではない。実際、その主張者達は、グローバル政府が議題のどこかにある事を強く否定するだろう。彼らの考えは、国際的な協定と議定書が国際的な行動を支配するという事です。このアプローチの良い例は、持続可能で社会的責任を持つ政策を世界中の企業が採用するよう促すイニシアチブである国連のグローバルな合意, 協定;契約です。

When you start looking into it, a multitude of international and supranational bodies, treaties, and protocols have at their core the idea of promoting regional and global cooperation and integration. Now even when taken as a whole, this all might seem to still be light years away from the formation of the world government that Revelation 13:7 implies. Consider, though, that as recently as 40 years ago few people took the idea of a European Union seriously. Some of those countries had been bitter enemies and fought untold wars for centuries, but look at them now. Perhaps a world government isn’t so far away after all.

が意味する世界政府の形成からまだ軽い年月を要しているように見えるかもしれません。しかし、最近40年ほど前、欧州連合(EU)の考えを真剣に受け止めた人はほとんどいなかった事を考えてください。これらの国々のいくつかは激しい敵同士であり、数世紀に渡って数えられないほど,無数に言い表せないほど, ものすごく戦ったが、今はそれらの国々を見ると、おそらく世界政府は、そんなに遠い先にあるわけではないでしょう。

In addition, Europe is a region that students of Endtime prophecy look to for signs of change in the directions foretold in the Bible. This interest is primarily generated by the visions of the Old Testament prophet Daniel, especially the vision recorded in chapter 7 of the book that bears his name. There he saw a dreadful ten-horned monster, which most Bible scholars agree symbolized the Roman Empire?ancient to us, but futuristic to Daniel. “I was considering the horns, and there was another horn, a little one [identified in other passages as the Antichrist], coming up among them” (Daniel 7:8). Geographically the Roman Empire included a big slice of Europe, but perhaps even more importantly, Rome’s forms of government, law, heritage, and culture permeate that part of the world to this day. Those 10 horns make another appearance later in the Bible, on the last head of a seven-headed monster?the Beast of Revelation chapter 13. Could Europe be destined for such prominence in the Antichrist’s scheme of things?



There are ten major countries in Europe!

Back to a global government. Will it happen? The Bible seems to indicate that it will. However, it seems it will have trouble remaining cohesive, as the Bible describes the Antichrist waging a number of wars with rebel nations.

世界政府に話を戻すと、それは起こるでしょうか?聖書はそうなる事を示しているようです。しかし、反キリストは諸国との数々の戦争を積み重ねてきた反キリストの事を聖書が説明しているように、団結し, 結束するのが難しいようです。

In any case, two things are certain: Whatever happens, God will take care of His own, and if you are on His side, you will be on the winning side when the Antichrist comes to his ignominious end and Jesus Christ establishes His kingdom of love and peace on Earth. Then we will have global government, but it will be the best one imaginable, where everyone can be truly happy.

