21@技術的買収 ハルマゲドンへのカウントダウンTechnological Takeov | Paul Sakamotoのブログ

Paul Sakamotoのブログ


21@技術的買収   ハルマゲドンへのカウントダウン

Technological Takeover | | Countdown to Armageddon

活性化の質問:聖書の中で予告されている将来の世界的独裁者(反キリスト)について何を知っていますか?彼は現在、世界経済と政治の支配の彼の計画をもたらす為に、現在 生活していて、おそらくすでに舞台裏で働いていますか?

Activated: What do we know about the Antichrist, the future world dictator whose coming is foretold in the Bible? Is he living now and perhaps already working behind the scenes to bring about his plan for world economic and political domination?


Joseph Candel: Recent developments indicate that the Antichrist’s system is already being set in place, based on technology that will allow him to achieve and enforce his near total control of the world and its people.


A key Bible passage about this is Revelation 13:16-17: The Antichrist’s regime “causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on [or “in”] their right hand or on [in] their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.”

これについての主要な聖書の聖句(預言)は黙示録13章:16-17節です。反キリストの体制は、 "小さな者と大いなる者と豊かな者と貧しい者と自由人と奴隷の両方に、彼らの右手または額に刻印を受け取らせ、彼らは、刻印や獣の名前、または彼の名前の数666を持っている人以外は、誰も売買する事ができない。」ようにする。

Imagine what the apostle John must have thought when, in about ad 90, he saw a vision of this taking place in a futuristic world. People ever since have been baffled as to how such a universal, totalitarian economic system could be established or policed. But now the age of technology has arrived. With electronic money rapidly replacing cash, and with virtually everything that is bought and sold being identified and tracked by bar codes, RFID chips, and other means, it is no longer inconceivable that the financial transactions of everyone in the world could one day be monitored by a central agency.


Most of the technology already exists, but before the Antichrist’s plan can work, it needs to be  powerful, cheaper, and more widespread. It stands to reason, then, that the Antichrist would get behind research and development in such fields as microchip technology, biotechnology, and the Internet. Of course, those technologies in themselves are not necessarily bad. It’s how they will be used that we need to worry about. In the Antichrist’s case, passages such as Daniel 8:24, 2 Thessalonians 2:9, Revelation 13:2-4, and Revelation 12:9 make it clear that he will be Satan-possessed, therefore his system will be far from benign.


Activated: Do you really think that people will accept the type of control you’re describing?


Joseph Candel: The Antichrist needs to sell the world on it. It appears that he’s already busy at that, and he is not alone. He works through others?mostly unwitting accomplices who are helping to further his agenda by developing and marketing the technology, including some of the world’s brightest minds and biggest financial powers.

ジョセフ・キャンデル 答え:反キリストはそれを世界に売り込む必要があります。彼はすでにそれで忙しいと思われ、彼は一人ではありません。彼は他の人達を中心に活動しています。彼らは、世界で最も聡明な人達と最大の財政権を含む技術を開発し、マーケティングする事で、議題(業務の)予定表,覚え書き,予定,するべき事(行動の)指針を進めるのを助けています。

A scripture that goes along with that point is Daniel 11:21b (KJV): “He shall come in peaceably, and obtain the kingdom by flatteries.” Some versions of the Bible translate this as “seize the kingdom by intrigue”?by secret scheming or plotting. Either way, it sounds as though the Antichrist is going to rise  power through cunning salesmanship rather than solely the strong-arm tactics that the leaders of most past empires depended on.

そのポイントに沿った聖典は、ダニエル11章21節b(KJV・キング・ジェームス欽定訳)です。「彼(反キリスト)は平和の内に来て、巧言をもって王国を得る」聖書のいくつかの版はこれを「陰謀によって王国を奪う」 - 計画または〔…を倒そうとする  …しようとする〕(裏切りの)陰謀, たくらみ,と翻訳している。いずれにしても、反キリストは過去の帝国の指導者が頼りにしていた強固な戦術 武力だけでなく、狡猾なセールスマンシップを駆使しているかのように聞こえます。

Activated: Can you be more specific about the technologies you see the Antichrist capitalizing on?


Joseph Candel: Let’s start with surveillance technology. Video cameras now monitor and record our faces and movements in many stores and public places. We have learned to accept this intrusion into our lives because of the benefits. It discourages crime and helps apprehend criminals. Likewise, the monitoring of Internet communications helps curtail child pornography, terrorism, and other threats to our common good.

ジョセフ・キャンデル 答え:監視技術から始めましょう。ビデオカメラは現在、多くの店舗や公共の場所で私達の顔や動きを監視し記録しています。私達は、利益の為にこの侵入を私達の生活に受け入れる事を学んできました。それは犯罪を嫌うもので、犯罪者を逮捕するのに役立ちます。同様に、インターネット通信の監視は、児童ポルノ、テロなどの共通の利益,適した,望ましい,役立つ(beneficial)好都合の〔…するのに〕ふさわしい 、(犯罪)に対する脅威を軽減するのに役立ちます。

As electronic databases replace filing cabinets, more and more data about us is being collected, stored, cross-referenced, and shared. Now that nearly everything we do leaves behind a “data trail,” combining information from different sources can recreate a person’s activities with astonishing accuracy and detail. This reservoir of personal information is especially helpful to marketers, and it is big business. Financial privacy has become a thing of the past, as financial institutions and others now routinely put the details of their clients’ lives up for sale.


Other data-gathering technologies help complete the mosaic of information that can be collected on individuals. For example, computerized “black boxes” are being built into cars, and GPS chips into cell phones and other electronic devices?innovations that consumers are being told are for their own good.


Surveillance cameras in public places are rapidly becoming the norm, with cities like London leading the way. London’s “Ring of Steel” makes use of nearly 2 million cameras to record the movements and activities of London’s approximately 7.5 million people. China’s “Golden Shield” comprehensive surveillance program, launched in major cities like Shenzhen, goes even further with systems that can even recognize faces.

公共の場所にある監視カメラは急速に普及しており、ロンドンのような都市ではその方法が先導されています。ロンドンの「※●Ring of Steel」では、約200万台のカメラを使って、ロンドンのおよそ750万人の動きや活動を記録しています。深圳シェンチェン(深圳(しんせん))《中国広東省中部, Hong Kong に隣接した都市;中国最大の経済特区》のような主要都市で世に出され;始められた中国の「ゴールデンシールド」包括的監視プログラムは、顔を認識できるシステムでさえ更に進歩しています。

※●The ring of steel is the popular name for the security and surveillance cordon consisting of road barriers, checkpoints and several hundred CCTV cameras surrounding the City of London, the financial district at the heart of Greater London. The measures were installed in the 1990s to deter terrorism and other threats.[1][2]
Quote from Wikipedia!

※●Ring of Steelスチールのリングは、道路障壁、チェックポイント、グレート・ロンドン中心部の金融街であるロンドン市を囲む数百のCCTVカメラで構成されたセキュリティと監視コードの一般的な名称です。この対策は、テロなどの脅威を防ぐ為に1990年代に設置された。

New passports issued by the U.S. and more and more other countries now contain microchips, and China is adding microchips to the ID cards every citizen is required to carry. Microchip implants are the next logical step. They are already being implanted under the skin of pets for ID and tracking purposes, and pilot programs are already being done for Alzheimer’s patients and children. Other pioneer cases continue to make news. Mexico’s attorney general and members of his staff, for example, have joined the ranks of the chipped.


Activated: The examples of chipping are isolated cases?hardly indisputable evidence of the global takeover you say is coming.


In the USA As of 2017, it seems that 500,000 people are embedding microchips into brain 

Joseph Candel: Yes, they are isolated cases, but they are preparing the way by getting people familiar with the concept and selling them on its benefits. The Antichrist will not be able to fully set up his government until these technologies are pooled into an integrated network with universal standards?an obstacle that might not be an obstacle much longer. Governments and industry are setting boundaries and expanding their global electronic network by sharing information, services, and technology. As more countries turn to the latest technology to help solve their particular social and economic problems, they expand the network’s reach and capabilities. The level of technological development now varies greatly from nation to nation, but the whole system could be “online” in a relatively short time.

ジョセフ キャンデルl 答え:はい、彼らは孤立したケースですが、人々はそのコンセプトに精通して利益を売る事によって道を準備しています。反キリストは、これらの技術が普遍的な基準を備えた統合ネットワークに統合されるまで、政府を完全に立ち上げる事はできません。政府や業界は、情報、サービス、技術を共有する事によって、境界線を設定し、グローバルな電子ネットワークを拡大しています。特定の社会的および経済的問題を解決する為に最新のテクノロジーを利用する国が増えれば、ネットワークの到達範囲と能力が拡大します。技術開発のレベルは国によって大きく異なりますが、システム全体が比較的短期間で「オンライン」になる可能性があります。

Activated: You have to admit that these new technologies and cooperative efforts have positive features also. Think of the convenience, security, lower costs, and improved quality, speed, and efficiency in the delivery of goods and services made possible by these advances.


Joseph Candel: Very true, but precious little is said about the negative aspects of this public intrusion into what were once private, personal affairs. Under the banner of science and technology, the governments of the world are rushing to complete the Antichrist’s economic and political system for him?the very system the Bible warns against.

ジョセフ・キャンデル 答え:非常に真実ですが、かつては私的で個人的な事柄になったこの公的な侵入の否定的な側面についてはほとんど言われていません。

Activated: If all that is true, what is a person’s best defense?

活性化 質問:すべてが真実ならば、人の最善の防衛は何ですか?

Joseph Candel: To be forewarned is to be forearmed. Arm yourself with the truth, and then you won’t fall for the clever propaganda of the AC system when it comes. If your spiritual eyes and ears are open, you’ll understand what’s happening and you won’t just follow the crowd. You won’t go off the cliff with the rest of the lemmings. Your best defense is to be knowledgeable and alert.

ジョセフ・キャンデル 答え:予告される事は武装させる事です。あなた自身を真実で武装させれば、それが起きたら、AC反キリストのシステムの巧妙な宣伝に落ちる事はありません。あなたの精神的な目と耳が開いていると、あなたは何が起こっているのかを理解し、群衆に従うだけではありません。あなたは〔動〕レミング, タビネズミ《極地付近にすむ小動物;海へ向かって「集団自殺行進」をするといわれる》群集心理で行動する残りの人々と一緒に崖から飛び降りる事はありません。あなたの最善の防衛は知識と警戒です。

Joseph Candel is a Bible scholar and a member of The Family International in Hungary.

ジョセフ キャンデルは聖書学者であり、ハンガリーのThe Family Internationalのメンバーです。
