パート2▲ダニエル11章近未来の新世界政府独裁者北の王The King of the N | Paul Sakamotoのブログ

Paul Sakamotoのブログ



The King of the North

Part Two
Daniel Chapter 11
New World government dictator in the near future





And the final blow to Epiphanes being this man was delivered by Jesus in His sermon on the signs of the times in which He clearly states, “When you see the ‘abomination of desolation,’ spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place” (Matthew 24:15), as a future event, not a past one as would be necessary if Epiphanes had fulfilled it. So although he was a type of the “King of the North” described, we need to look for another.


 (マタイの福音書 24章15節), 


What does the rest of this chapter tell us about this king?


He is vile, he uses peace and intrigue to obtain the “throne,” he also fights at least five wars, he is deceitful, he rises to power with a small number of people, he disperses the plunder to his followers, he works against the Holy Covenant, he defiles the Jewish temple (sanctuary), stops Jewish religious rituals (daily sacrifices), and places the “abomination of desolation.”

彼(終末の世界政府独裁者,反キリスト)は下劣である。彼は「王位」を得る為に平和と陰謀を利用しています。彼はまた、少なくとも5つの戦争を戦い、彼は偽り、彼は取るに足りない, ささいな重要でない人々(貧しい人々,又は少数派マイノリティ)の数によって権力に台頭し、彼は彼の信奉者に、略奪した物をばら撒き、彼は※●聖なる契約に敵対して働き、彼はユダヤ人の神殿(聖域)を汚し、ユダヤ教の宗教的な儀式(毎日の犠牲を)禁止し、「※●荒らす憎むべきもの」を置きます。

He corrupts people, he attacks those who believe in God, he claims to be greater than God and blasphemes Him. He worships a strange god of fortresses, and doesn’t care about women.

彼(終末の世界政府独裁者,反キリスト)は、自分を神よりも大いなる者であると主張し、神を冒涜し、彼は神を信じる者を攻撃し、人々をを堕落させ,荒廃させる。●彼は要塞の奇妙な神(※●人工知能 スーパーコンピュータ?! 核爆弾?!)を崇拝し、女性を気にしない, 心配しない, 女性に関心がありません(※●つまり男色,ホモ同性愛者)

He enters the Glorious Land (Israel), plants the “tents of his palace” between the seas and Mount Moriah, and then he comes to his end.


Where have we heard some of these things before? In chapters 7, 8, and 9! And as we know from those chapters, the person they were talking about doing such things was the Antichrist.


From chapter 7 we read that he speaks against God, he persecutes the saints, and he subdues kings.


In chapter 8 we are told that he enters the Glorious Land, he attacks God’s people, he exalts himself as God, he stops the daily sacrifices, he is fierce, and he uses cunning, deceit, and sinister schemes.

第8章では、我々は彼(終末の世界政府独裁者,反キリスト)が栄光の土地(●イスラエル)に入ると言われ、彼は神の民を攻撃し、彼は神のように自分自身を高尚[高貴]にして、彼は毎日の犠牲を停止し、彼は獰猛ドウモウな, 怒って跳びかからんばかりに,残忍で、彼は狡猾,詐欺と不吉な●陰謀,たくらみを使用しています。

And in chapter 9 we find out that he confirms a covenant, breaks it, stops the daily sacrifice, and then makes things desolate by means of an enigmatic abomination right to the end.


Even though we get more information in this chapter, there are enough charac-teristics, actions, and demeanor of this King of the North that line up with what we are told of the Antichrist in previous chapters that make it safe to say that the King of the North from verse 21 on is the coming Antichrist.

私達は、この章では十分な特性,特徴的な行動と、より多くの情報を得るにもかかわらず、そして我々はそれが前の章で、反キリストの言われているものと並ぶ「※●北のこの王」の態度, 様子,ふるまい,品行が書いてある21節から、●北から来る●反キリスト(終末の世界政府独裁者)の王と言う事が安全です。

We cannot, from this point on, show from history what this vile King of the North who doesn’t have the honor of royalty has done, because all of this is in the future (for now), but we can get a general idea what he does.


Verses 21-22: One prominent thing is that he is engaged in a lot of wars. First, however, he comes in at least giving the impression he is predisposed to peace before he seizes the kingdom in what could be a coup, either political or military, or he takes advantage of some crisis, possibly an economic one, to gain control. Then those who oppose him are swept aside, perhaps in a war, ※●He is “prince of the covenant.”.

※●English Bible is different from the origina Hebrew text translation!

預言 21-22節:  彼に代って起る者は、卑しむべき者であって、彼には、王の尊厳が与えられず、彼は不意にきて、巧言(こうげん,陰謀 お世辞,)をもって国を獲るでしょう。 洪水のような軍勢は、彼の前に押し流  されて敗られ、※●彼はまた「契約の君」なのである。
http://bible.com/81/dan.11.22.ja1955 洪水のような軍勢は、彼の前に押し流されて敗られ、※●契約の君たる者もまた敗られるでしょう。

そして、彼に反対する人々は、おそらく戦争で一掃され, 脇に追い払われます。

There is a school of thought that perhaps verse 22 intended to say that “and he also is the prince of the covenant.” In chapter 9 of Daniel it says of the Antichrist that “he shall make a covenant.” So if it is the Antichrist’s covenant, then it would seem he is the prince (or principal guarantor) of that covenant. When the covenant is made and then broken, we will know the answer to this.


Verse 23: In chapter 9, we read that the Antichrist confirms the seven-year covenant and halfway through he breaks it, and in this verse we read that after he makes a league, most likely referring to the same treaty or covenant, he works deceitfully. He could already at this point be working to undermine the covenant or in some way be deceitful about his true intentions. And, it seems, he does all this with either with a “small number of people” or “a small people,” as the Hebrew B=m^uf  (transliterated as me` at) is translated in the King James Version. This could mean that the Antichrist rises to power through his popularity with the “small” or poor people of the world, the masses, due to his political and economic policies, or that he does it with the help of a “small” elite group of insiders.

預言 23節:  彼は、これと同盟を結んで後、偽りのおこないをなし、わずかな民(●小さな人々 a small people,又は●少数派マイノリティ)をもって強くなり、

23節:9章では、我々は、反キリスト(終末の世界政府独裁者)は●7年間の契約を承認,批准している事を読んで、彼はそれの途中(●3年半)で(契約を)破り、そしてこの節を読むと、我々は彼が同盟, 連盟を行った後、最も可能性の高いのは、同条約または契約に彼は関係していて、彼は●偽って(●契約を)施行します。
そして、それは、彼は 「●小さな人々」か、「●人数が少ないminority ●マイノリティ」またはどちらかとして、どちらもこれを行い、小さい人々は(me`で、として訳され)ヘブライ語 B=m^uf は欽定訳で翻訳されます。これは、反キリストは、彼の政治的、経済政策に起因する世界の「小さな」または●貧しい人々、大衆と彼の人気を介して権力に台頭している事、または、彼は「小さい・●少数1%」の※●minorityマイノリティ少数派のインサイダーの●エリートグループの助けを借りて、それ(権力に台頭)をする事を意味します。

 (マタイ福音書 24章:15節), 

What does the rest of this chapter tell us about this king?


He is vile, he uses peace and intrigue to obtain the “throne,” he also fights at least five wars, he is deceitful, he rises to power with a small number of people, he disperses the plunder to his followers, he works against the Holy Covenant, he defiles the Jewish temple (sanctuary), stops Jewish religious rituals (daily sacrifices), and places the “abomination of desolation.”

彼(終末の世界政府独裁者,反キリスト)は下劣である。彼は「王位」を得る為に平和と陰謀を使用しています。彼はまた、少なくとも5つの戦争を戦い、彼は偽り、彼は取るに足りない, ささいな重要でない人々「●小さな人々」か又は「●人数が少ないminority ●マイノリティ少数派のエリート1%)によって権力に台頭し、彼は彼の信奉者に、略奪した物をばら撒き、●彼は聖なる契約に敵対して働き、●彼はユダヤ人の神殿(聖域)を汚し、●ユダヤ教の宗教的な儀式(毎日の犠牲を)禁止し、「※●荒らす憎むべきもの」を置きます。

He corrupts people, he attacks those who believe in God, he claims to be greater than God and blasphemes Him. He worships a strange god of fortresses, and doesn’t care about women.

彼(終末の世界政府独裁者,反キリスト)は、自分を神よりも大いなる者であると主張し、神を冒涜し、彼は神を信じる者を攻撃し、人々をを堕落させ,荒廃させる。●彼は要塞の奇妙な神(スーパーコンピュータ,人工知能?!核爆弾?!)を崇拝し、女性を気にしない, 心配しない, 女性に関心がありません(※●つまり男色,ホモ)。

He enters the Glorious Land (Israel), plants the “tents of his palace” between the seas and Mount Moriah, and then he comes to his end.


Where have we heard some of these things before? In chapters 7, 8, and 9! And as we know from those chapters, the person they were talking about doing such things was the Antichrist.


From chapter 7 we read that he speaks against God, he persecutes the saints, and he subdues kings.


In chapter 8 we are told that he enters the Glorious Land, he attacks God’s people, he exalts himself as God, he stops the daily sacrifices, he is fierce, and he uses cunning, deceit, and sinister schemes.

第8章では、我々は彼(終末の世界政府独裁者,反キリスト)が栄光の土地(イスラエル)に入ると話され、彼は神の民(クリスチャン)を攻撃し、彼は神のように自分自身を高尚[高貴]にして、彼は毎日の犠牲を停止し、彼は獰猛ドウモウな, 怒って跳びかからんばかりに残忍で、彼は狡猾,詐欺と不吉な陰謀,たくらみを利用しています。

And in chapter 9 we find out that he confirms a covenant, breaks it, stops the daily sacrifice, and then makes things desolate by means of an enigmatic abomination right to the end.


Even though we get more information in this chapter, there are enough charac-teristics, actions, and demeanor of this King of the North that line up with what we are told of the Antichrist in previous chapters that make it safe to say that the King of the North from verse 21 on is the coming Antichrist.

私達は、この章ではより多くの情報を得るにもかかわらず、十分な特性,特有の, 特徴的な行動と、そして我々はそれが前の章で、反キリストについて言われているものと並ぶ「北のこの王」の態度, 様子.ふるまい, 品行, 行状がある21節から、北から来る反キリスト(終末の世界政府独裁者)の王と言う事が安全です。

We cannot, from this point on, show from history what this vile King of the North who doesn’t have the honor of royalty has done, because all of this is in the future (for now), but we can get a general idea what he does.

我々はこの時点から、王らしさ, 気高さ.名誉を行っていない北のこの下劣な王の歴史から、事を明らかに証明する事はできません。

Verses 21-22: One prominent thing is that he is engaged in a lot of wars. First, however, he comes in at least giving the impression he is predisposed to peace before he seizes the kingdom in what could be a coup, either political or military, or he takes advantage of some crisis, possibly an economic one, to gain control. Then those who oppose him are swept aside, perhaps in a war, ※●He is “prince of the covenant.”.

※●Bible of English is different from the original text translation!

預言 21-22節:  彼に代って起る者は、卑しむべき者であって、彼には、王の尊厳が与えられず、彼は不意にきて、巧言(こうげん,陰謀)をもって国を獲るでしょう。 洪水のような軍勢は、彼の前に押し流されて敗られ、※●彼はまた「契約の君」なのである。

そして、彼に反対する人々は、おそらく戦争で一掃され, 脇に追い払われます。

Tobe continue to part3