15@キャッシュレス現金無しの社会の最新情報 Cashless Society Update | Paul Sakamotoのブログ

Paul Sakamotoのブログ


15@キャッシュレス現金無しの社会の最新情報  Cashless Society Update

Countdown to Armageddon


Our worldwide financial system is changing dramatically, and cash is rapidly becoming a thing of the past. We live in a digital world, and national governments and big banks are both encouraging the move away from paper currency and coins. But what would a cashless society mean for our future? Are there any dangers to such a system?

New technology for a cashless society is marching right in step with other moves toward the coming Antichrist world government. We often hear about the “New World Order” and “Global Governance”?buzzwords that are helping to prepare the world for a new international financial and political system, a society controlled by networked computers containing a database of information on nearly everyone?as Revelation chapter 13 appears to have predicted nearly 2,000 years ago!

黙示録 第13章は、それについてほぼ2000年前に、はっきりと予告しています!

I wrote the above two paragraphs about twelve years ago for a Magazine & by keeping in tune with the signs of the times you can see how this message is continuing to develop and accelerate on a worldwide scale.


Each day that we move a day closer to the beginning of ‘the new’ system, we see more stories from both the alternative media and the mainstream media that show we’re rapidly entering a day and age of people being microchipped ‘en masse’.


Nearly 10 years ago, reporter Brian Williams and NBC news did a story about what the year 2017 would look like. Predicting that most to all human beings would have a microchip with which they could be positively identified by 2017, and we see NBC’s ‘prediction’ getting closer each day that we move closer to the death of the old system, that could be brought about with the coming economic collapse that we have long been warned of. We’re also seeing more signs we’re getting closer to that moment every day.?

私達が長い間 警告されてた来たるべき経済の崩壊です。我々はまた、毎日その瞬間に近づいているより多くの※●兆候を見ています。


Of course, we can’t predict with 100% accuracy that by 2017, this chip implant technology will be in place worldwide for most or all people. But one thing is certain a cashless society is coming sometime in the future with a microchip or some sort of electronic tattoo in the right hand or forehead to buy & sell. Some economists suggest sometime between 2017 to 2030 we may see this new economic micro chipping system in place & mandatory?

Note ※● In 2017, 500 thousand people in the United States are implant microchips!

As in 2017 it is said that 500,000 people are embedding microchips in the USA.


As we move into 2016, all over the world, we are seeing a relentless march toward a cashless society, and nowhere is this truer?than in northern Europe.


In Sweden, hundreds of bank branches no longer accept or dispense cash, and thousands of ATM machines have been permanently removed. At this point, bills and coins only account for just 2 percent of the Swedish economy, and many stores no longer take cash at all.


The notion of a truly “cashless society” was once considered to be science fiction, but now we are being told that it is “inevitable”, and authorities insist that it will enable them to thwart criminals, terrorists, drug runners, money launderers and tax evaders.

真に「キャッシュレス現金無しの社会」の概念は、一度は SFサイエンス・フィクションであると考えられたが、今我々はそれが「避けられない」事であると言われており、当局はそれが犯罪者、テロリスト、麻薬密輸業者、マネー ロンダリングと脱税者を阻止するのを可能にする事を主張します。

Cash transactions of more than 2,500 euros have already been banned in Spain, and France and Italy have both banned all cash transactions of more than 1,000 euros.


Little by little, cash is being eradicated.


Most of us just seem to accept that this change is “inevitable”, and we are being assured that it will be for the better.


Starting in 2016 is a year in which Australia will accelerate towards becoming a genuine cashless society.


The cashless society will be a new world free of $1 and $2 coins, or $5 or $10 bank notes.

キャッシュレス現金無しの社会は 無料の1ドルと 2ドルコイン、 または 5ドルまたは 10ドル紙幣の新しい世界になります。

A new world in which all commercial transactions, from buying an i-pad or a hamburger to, purchasing a newspaper, paying household bills or picking up the dry-cleaning, will be paid for electronically.


It’s been reported that Australia will likely be “a fully cashless society” by 2022.


?In 2015, banks in India made major progress on this front, and income tax rebates are being considered by the government as an incentive “to encourage people to move away from cash transactions”.

2015年に(その時点で)インドの銀行は、この前面的に大きな進歩を遂げて、所得税の還付は、政府が「現金取引から離れて移行する人々を奨励する」 奨励策,奨励金制度として検討されています。

In the America the debate is on to eliminate the $100 bills. Stating it’s all about taxes & not crime or terrorism.


One of the main problems is that the $100 bill circulates predominantly?outside the USA. They will take a step closer to eliminating the dollar as the reserve currency, and eventually we will end up with a new one-world currency as early as 2018 but probably by 2020?


Americans, developing countries, and even Germany and Japan have less trust in their government, and will likely put up a fight against attempt to disarm cash.

アメリカ人、発展途上国、さらにはドイツと●日本は自国政府にあまり信頼を持っていないし、おそらく現金を解除,[制限, 撤廃]しようとする試みと戦います。

However, this new cashless financial system will probably come in through wars, civil disorders, and fears of such things as terrorism and epidemics of new, incurable diseases. All these happenings will make people desperate for change. Eventually they will be ready to toss out the old and embrace the new. It’s already happened in a big way in the area of technology, and is now happening with commerce.

しかし、この新しいキャッシュレス現金無しの金融システムは、おそらく戦争、市民の(政治的)無秩序, 不穏,騒動, 暴動、テロ、と新しい難病の伝染病のようなものの恐怖を通ってやって来ます。

Those who want to be a part of his new economy and society will be eventually compelled to receive the “mark of the Beast” in their right hand or forehead?probably in the form of a tiny computerized chip bearing all their personal, financial, and medical information. Big Brother and the New World Order will thereby be able to monitor everyone’s every move.

彼の新しい経済・社会の一部になりたい人は、最終的に自分の●右手または●額に「●獣の刻印」を受けるように強要され、おそらく全ての彼らの個人的、金融、および医療情報を含んだ小さなコンピュータ化されたチップの形でなされるでしょう。●ビッグブラザー 全体主義国家, 独裁政権, 独裁者と新世界秩序は、それによって誰でもの全ての行動をモニターする事ができるようになります。

Without “cash”, the public will be at the mercy of those pushing and pulling the levers. If someone had “control” over the availability to your money through a cashless society, they have control over your food and ultimately you and your family!


?For the first time, the hi-tech means of fulfilling the chilling vision the apostle John received nearly 2000 years ago is in the making!


REVELATION 13:16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

REVELATION 13:17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

REVVELATION 13:18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast (antichrist): for it is the number of a man (antichrist); and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.666



ここに、知恵が必要である。思慮のある者は、獣の数字を解くがよい。その数字とは、●人間をさすものである。そして、その数字は●六百六十六● 666である。

Are you ready for these great and final events of the end? You can get ready now by receiving Jesus into your heart and taking time to study what the Bible has to say about Endtime events, including the coming Antichrist world dictatorship. Then you won’t be caught by surprise when they happen, or duped into following the Antichrist.

あなたは最後のこれらの重大な、最終的な(重要な)出来事, (注目すべき)(大)事件の為の準備ができていますか?あなたはあなたの心の中に※●イエスを受け入れ、聖書が来るべき反キリスト世界の独裁を含む終わりの時の大事件について言いたい事を勉強する時間を取る事によって、今準備ができます。
