▲パート1預言者ダニエル12章締めくくりのメッセージThe Closing Message | Paul Sakamotoのブログ

Paul Sakamotoのブログ


The Closing Message
Daniel 12

Chapter Twelve

Read Scripture


This brings us to the final chapter of Daniel’s fascinating book. As you’ll recall, there were no chapter divisions in the original text, so here the heavenly messenger who started talking to Daniel in chapter 10 is now winding up his long and detailed message.

If we go back to the previous chapter, we find that the last part of it is talking about the last three and a half years of the Antichrist’s reign, which is known as the Great Tribulation, and it ends with the end of the Antichrist. Now Daniel is told that at this time Michael, the great prince and archangel, the commander of Jesus’ heavenly forces, who stands watch over the “sons” of Daniel’s people, will stand up.

今、ダニエルはこの時点で、イエスの天の軍勢の司令官、偉大なる君プリンスの大天使ミカエルが、ダニエルの民である 「息子達」を見守り、立ち上がるだろうと言われています。

If we go back to chapter 10, we read that it was Michael who had come to the messenger’s aid and enabled him to gain the victory in the struggle with the prince of Persia. We also read in Revelation another passage about Michael:


And war broke out in heaven: Michael and his angels fought with the dragon; and the dragon and his angels fought, but they did not prevail, nor was a place found for them in heaven any longer. So the great dragon was cast out, that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was cast to the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.

Revelation 12:7-9

さて、天では戦いが起った。ミカエルとその御使たちとが、龍と戦ったのである。龍もその使たちも応戦したが、 勝てなかった。そして、もはや天には彼らのおる所がなくなった。 この巨大な龍、すなわち、悪魔とか、サタンとか呼ばれ、全世界を惑わす年を経たへびは、地に投げ落され、その使たちも、もろともに投げ落された。
黙示録 12:7-9

The Devil is cast out of the spiritual realm down to the earth, and it is at this pivotal moment that it is believed that he possesses the body of the Antichrist at the midway point of the last seven years. This is when the covenant is broken, the Abomination of Desolation is placed in the temple, and the Antichrist?the head of the beast who was killed?is possessed and resurrected by the Devil. This is when he demands that the world worship him, and begins his maniacal persecution of believers in the true God. (Read more on this in “The Beast,” chapter 3 of The Rise and Fall of the Antichrist.)


And so Daniel is told that this will be a “time of trouble such as never was.” Jesus told us about this time also, and His admonitions are recorded in three of the four Gospels, in Matthew 24, Luke 21, and Mark 13.


Therefore when you see the “abomination of desolation,” spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place (whoever reads, let him understand), ... then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be.

Matthew 24:15,21


預言者ダニエルによって言われた荒らす憎むべき者が、聖なる場所に立つのを見たならば(読者よ、悟れ)、 …その時には、世の初めから現在に至るまで、かつてなく今後もないような大きな患難が起るからである。
マタイ 24:15,21

But when you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, then know that its desolation is near. ... And Jerusalem will be trampled by Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled.

Luke 21:20,24

エルサレムが軍隊に包囲されるのを見たならば、そのときは、その滅亡が近づいたとさとりなさい。 彼らはつるぎの刃に倒れ、また捕えられて諸国へ引きゆかれるであろう。…そしてエルサレムは、異邦人の時期が満ちるまで、彼らに踏みにじられているであろう。

ルカ 21:20,24

So when you see the “abomination of desolation,” spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing where it ought not (let the reader understand), ... in those days there will be tribulation, such as has not been from the beginning of creation which God created until this time, nor ever shall be.

Mark 13:14,19

荒らす憎むべきものが、立ってはならぬ所に立つのを見たならば(読者よ、悟れ)、そのとき、ユダヤにいる人々は山へ逃げよ。 …その日には、神が万物を造られた創造の初めから現在に至るまで、かつてなく今後もないような患難が起るからである。

マルコ 13:14,19

It is the Great Tribulation, as it is commonly termed, but it won’t be forever. In fact, it will only last 1260 days, as was explained in chapter 9 of this book. And as we read in chapter 11, it is also a time that great exploits are performed by those who love Jesus and who are warriors of the faith and for His cause. Revelation 11 tells us about two of these witnesses who are a particular scourge on the Antichrist and his kingdom. And the type of power these two have is not limited to them, but is available to all God’s prophets and followers in that dark and violent time.

At the same time, God is afflicting the wicked with physical scourges that are released at the blowing of six of the seven trumpets of Tribulation that are expounded upon in Revelation chapters 8?10, including fire and hail from the sky, a third of the waters of the seas being turned into blood, the waters in the lakes and rivers being turned bitter, the light of the sun and stars being greatly dimmed, and plagues of monstrous insects. Although the Antichrist and his wicked henchmen try to hurt and destroy God’s people, God is a much greater adversary to him and his ilk than they are to us.

太陽や星の光が大幅に暗くなり、および昆虫の怪物の突然の侵入, 異常発生です。反キリストと彼の邪悪な取り巻き達が神の民を傷つけ、滅ぼそうとするが、彼らが私達にするよりも、反キリストと彼の同類にとっては、神は、はるかに大きな敵です。

Then all Daniel’s people who are found written in the “book” are delivered in the great and awe-inspiring Rapture, when Jesus returns at the seventh and last trumpet and gathers His people to Him in the clouds and then zips them off to Heaven.

イエスは7番目と最後のトランペットの音と供に戻って来て、雲の中に彼の人々を彼の元に集め、その後、天国に彼らを勢いよく動かす時、全てのダニエルの民は「 (命の)本 」に(名前が)書かれて見い出されているので、素晴らしい畏敬の念を起こさせる※●ラプチャー携挙によって救出されます。



What is the “book” referred to here? Other passages in the Bible talk about the Book of Life, and this is what it could be referring to. (For further insight as to what the Book of Life is and contains, read chapter 8, entitled “The Great White Throne Judgment,” in From the End to Eternity.)

聖書の他の文節は、いのちの書について話をし、これは、それが表す事ができるものです。 (さらなる洞察については、終わりから永遠に,の「大いなる白い御座の裁き」と題する、いのちの書が、含まれている第8章をお読み下さい。)

Why the passage says “sons of your people” is open to some interpretation. Saint Paul made it obvious that “if you are Christ’s, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise” (Galatians 3:29). ●The inheritors of the promises made to the Jews in the Old Testament are the Christians, and this includes everyone, whether Jew or Gentile, who believe in Jesus as their Savior.

文節は「あなたの民の息子達」と言うのはなぜか、いくつかの解釈に偏見のない, 〔批判・非難・疑いを〕受け入れる余地のある〔提案〕を受け入れる用意がありますが。
●聖パウロは、それを明らかにしましたが「 もしキリストのものであるなら、あなたがたはアブラハムの子孫であり、約束による相続人なのである。」
(ガラテヤ 3:29). 

So Christians can be understood to be the sons, the spiritual heirs, of the former chosen people. Saint Paul further expounds on the happenings of verses 2 and 3 when he explains that “the dead in Christ shall rise first” at Jesus’ return to take us home to Heaven, “and then we which are alive.”


 また地のちりの中に眠っている者のうち、多くの者は目をさます(復活する)でしょう。そのうち永遠の生命にいたる者もあり、また恥と、限りなき恥辱をうける者もあるでしょう。 賢い者は、大空の輝きのように輝き、また多くの人を義に導く者は、星のようになって永遠にいたるでしょう。

For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord.

1 Thessalonians 4:16-17

すなわち、主ご自身が天使のかしらの声と神のラッパの鳴り響くうちに、合図の声で、天から下ってこられる。その時、キリストにあって死んだ人々が、まず最初によみがえり、 それから生き残っているわたしたちが、彼らと共に雲に包まれて引き上げられ、空中で主に会い、こうして、いつも主と共にいるであろう。
第1 テサロニケ 4:16-17

Behold, I tell you a mystery: We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed?in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.

1 Corinthians 15:51-52

ここで、あなたがたに奥義を告げよう。わたしたちすべては、眠り続けるのではない。終り(最後)のラッパの響きと共に、またたく間に、一瞬にして変えられる。 というのは、ラッパが響いて、死人は朽ちない者によみがえらされ、わたしたちは変えられるのである。
第1 コリント 15:51-52

(For more information on this wonderful event, please read chapter 8, entitled “Jesus’ Second Coming,” in The Rise and Fall of the Antichrist.)


And for those who have been faithful in their love and service to God, who have through their witness and lives turned many to the true righteousness of believing in our loving and mighty God, it will truly be a wonderful day. For as verse 3 tells us, those wise ones will shine like the sun and stars in the sky forever.


But for others it will not be as joyous. All who believe in and receive Jesus as their Savior have everlasting life in Heaven. For believing in and receiving Him is all we have to do to receive His salvation. But to shine like the sun there in Heaven, and to receive the eternal honor and spiritual riches there, we have to do something here. In fact, we have to do a good deal. We have to work for those stars in our heavenly crown by living a life of service to God and humanity. “For the Son of Man will come in the glory of His Father with His angels, and then He will reward each according to his works” (Matthew 16:27).

● 「人の子(イエス・キリスト)は父の栄光のうちに、御使たちを従えて来るが、その時には、実際のおこないに応じて、それぞれに報いるであろう。」
(マタイ 16:27).

But the Lord is just and will reward us not only by the criterion of what we did, but also by what we were able to do. Some might not seem to do much compared to others, but they are doing a lot with the resources and talents available to them. Others might seem to do a lot, but compared to what they could and should have done, it may not be much. “For if there is first a willing mind, it is accepted according to what one has, and not according to what he does not have” (2 Corinthians 8:12).

しかし、主はただ、我々が何をしたかの判断基準だけでなく、私達が行う事ができたものによって、私達に報いるであろう。いくつかは他の人に比べて多くを行っているように見えないかもしれないが、彼らはそれらに利用可能な個人の精神力,気丈《勇気・想像力・決断力》 臨機応変の才,機転と才能で多くの事をやっています。
 (第2 コリント 8:12).

But there are those who are saved, who have at some time received Jesus’ salvation, but became rejecters of truth, and even accusers of the saints. These will find themselves ashamed and will be held in contempt for their actions, not necessarily by the other citizens of Heaven, who will undoubtedly exhibit the godly virtues of forgiveness and charity, but they will forever?or at least for a long time?feel con-tempt for themselves because of their actions.


Then Daniel is told to close up the book?which seems to infer that he was writing this all down as he received it?as the message is not to be fully understood till the Endtime, when he is told that many shall run to and fro and knowledge will be increased. (If you want to know how these two signs of the End are being fulfilled, read The Future Foretold.)


And so the messenger was almost done when Daniel looked and saw what must have been two other heavenly beings, one on the one bank of the Tigris River and one on the other.?And the angelic messenger is floating above the water in the middle. Poor Daniel must have been flabbergasted by all that he had been told, and it seems that he needed some reassurance as to when the good times would finally come. Perhaps in an effort to help Daniel understand, one of the heavenly beings asks the angelic messenger a question, one that will be important to those who will live through these future times.

哀れなダニエルは、彼に言われた事すべてについて驚いているに違いありません!そして彼に良い時代がついに来る時に、いくつかの安心感が必要と思われるので、おそらく、ダニエルに理解しやすくする為の努力として、天国の生き物の1人は、天使のメッセンジャーに「これらの将来の時代を生きる人に重要になる事は何なのか ?」と質問をします。

How long is this time of trouble going to last? Or in the precise words of the questioner, “How long shall the fulfillment of these wonders be?” And much like a witness in a courtroom who swears to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, the messenger raises his hands and swears by God that it is going to last three and a half “times,” and then when the power of the holy people is completely shattered, it shall be finished.


Well, that doesn’t sound too promising to those of us who regard ourselves as part of the holy people because we are believers in God. But take heart, because it is not talking about the individuals themselves being completely shattered, but “the power of the holy people” such as the power the often politically and financially influential Christian denominations and other religions wield. We know that the Antichrist is going to persecute Christians and it is going to be a very great and dreadful persecution. However, as we have also read in the last chapter, he is going to be fighting wars, and he is going to be invading Israel on a number of occasions and has wars with the King of the South. And at the beginning of the Battle of Armageddon he totally shatters the power of his remaining opponents before Jesus and His heavenly forces intervene and destroy him.

それ自体は完全に動揺した, 取り乱した個人の話をされていないが、しかし、気を取り直し,元気を出して下さい。
しかし、このような多くの場合、政治的にも経済的にも影響力のあるキリスト教の宗派や他の●宗教権力をふるう, 〈影響など〉を及ぼす「●聖なる民の力」の事です。

Tobe Continue to Part 2!