▲パート3預言者ダニエル第11章北の王反キリスト(新世界政府独裁者666)The Kin | Paul Sakamotoのブログ

Paul Sakamotoのブログ


The King of the North

Daniel 11
▲Chapter Eleven


There is a school of thought that perhaps verse 22 intended to say that “and he also is the prince of the covenant.” In chapter 9 of Daniel it says of the Antichrist that “he shall make a covenant.” So if it is the Antichrist’s covenant, then it would seem he is the prince (or principal guarantor) of that covenant. When the covenant is made and then broken, we will know the answer to this.

Verse 23: In chapter 9, we read that the Antichrist confirms the seven-year covenant and halfway through he breaks it, and in this verse we read that after he makes a league, most likely referring to the same treaty or covenant, he works deceitfully. He could already at this point be working to undermine the covenant or in some way be deceitful about his true intentions. And, it seems, he does all this with either with a “small number of people” or “a small people,” as the Hebrew B=m^uf? (transliterated as me` at) is translated in the King James Version. This could mean that the Antichrist rises to power through his popularity with the “small” or poor people of the world, the masses, due to his political and economic policies, or that he does it with the help of a “small” elite group of insiders.

預言 23節:  彼は、これと同盟を結んで後、偽りのおこないをなし、わずかな民(小さな人々 a small people貧しい人々、又は●少数派マイノリティ・エリート)をもって強くなり、

23節:9章では、我々は、反キリスト(終末の世界政府独裁者)は●7年間の契約を承認,批准している事を読んで、彼はそれの途中(●3年半)で(契約を)破り、そしてこの節を読むと、我々は彼が同盟, 連盟を行った後、最も可能性の高いのは、同条約または契約に彼は関係していて、彼は(契約を)偽って施行します。
そして、それは、彼は 「●小さな人々」か、「●人数が少ない・マイノリティ エリート」またはどちらかとして、どちらもこれを行い、小さい人々は(me` at)、として訳され)ヘブライ語 B=m^uf* はキングジェームス欽定訳で翻訳されます。これは、反キリスト彼の政治的、経済政策に起因する世界の「小さな」または●貧しい人々、大衆と彼の人気を介して権力に台頭している事、または、彼は「小さい・●少数派・マイノリティ」のインサイダーの●エリートグループ(トップ1%)の助けを借りて、それ(権力に台頭)をする事を意味します。

Verse 24: This sounds like an unopposed invasion of some place where he disperses the spoil among his supporters something his predecessors had never done and for a while ponders attacking some strongholds.

 預言 24節: (北の王,反キリストは)不意にその州の最も肥えた所に攻め入り、その父も、その父の父もしなかった事をおこない、その奪った物、かすめた物および財宝を、人々の中に散らすでしょう。彼はまた計略をめぐらして、堅固な城を攻めるが、ただし、それは時の至るまでです。

24節:これは、彼(反キリスト)は彼の支持者の間で、甘やかして(略奪品の富を)分散させ、いくつかの反対する者がいない場所への侵入のように聞こえるが、  彼よりも以前に存在した人々が行った事がなかった何かを成し遂げ、 そして、しばらくの間、いくつかの砦,要塞(活動などの)本拠地,拠点の攻撃を熟考します。

Verses 25-27: Then a latter-day King of the South musters his army to fight him. Who this King of the South would be is unknown for now. But we can conjecture. The King of the South has a very great and mighty army. Obviously he is very powerful. Although it would seem he would be located geographically south of the King of the North, perhaps that is only indicative of where his armies are and not necessarily where his homeland is. In the days of the Cold War, many supposed that the conflict described in this verse was between the forces of the USSR and the USA. They were the two superpowers, and both had political and strategic designs on the Middle East???not to mention that they both wanted to control the region’s oil production.

預言  25-27節:彼はその勢力と勇気とを奮い起し、大軍を率いて南の王を攻めます。南の王もまたみずから奮い、はなはだ大いなる強力な軍勢をもって戦います。しかし、彼に対して、陰謀をめぐらす者があるので、これに立ち向かうことができません。 すなわち彼の食物を食べる者たちが、彼を滅ぼします。そして、その軍勢は押し流されて、多くの者が倒れ死ぬでしょう。 このふたりの王は、害を与えようと心にはかり、ひとつ食卓に共に食して、偽りを語るが、それは成功しません。終りはなお定まった時の来るまでこないからです。

冷戦の時代には、多くの人がこの節で説明する紛争,戦争が●ソ連と●米国の軍の間であったと推測されていました。彼らは2つの●超大国だったし、両方が中東での政治的、戦略的な計画, 企画,もくろみを持っていて - 彼らは両方の地域の石油生産をコントロールしたかった事は言うまでもありません。

At this time (2009) we have only one superpower, the USA. The USA is totally committed to Israel?encompassing the region over which the classical kings of the north and south warred and generally speaking the focus of biblical prophecies. If Israel was ever seriously threatened, the USA has unambiguously stated that it would immediately go to war on its behalf. But if the USA, and more specifically its president, is the King of the South, then what region does the King of the North, the Antichrist, rule over initially? Could it still be Russia, as once looked so certain?


We know that the little horn in Daniel 8 came out of one of the four Diadochi kingdoms. The Seleucids were the old kings of the north, and in fact, their realm and sphere of influence went as far north as the Caucasus Mountains. Until recently the countries in that region were part of the Russian Empire and its successor, the USSR. Today they are the modern countries of Georgia, Armenia, and Azerbaijan, as well as parts of southern Russia.

私達は、ダニエル8章の●小さな角(反キリスト)が Diadochi ディアドコイ《ギリシャのアレクサンダー大王の死後  マケドニア帝国領を争奪した武将達の4つの王国の一つから出てきた事を知っています。セレウコス朝は北側の古い王だったが、実際には、その領域と影響力の(活動・勢力などの)範囲はコーカサス山脈の北にまで行きました。

In Ezekiel 38 we are told that a leader called “Gog, of the land of Magog, the prince of Rosh, Meshech, and Tubal” (Ezekiel 38:2), “will come from your place out of the far north” (Ezekiel 38:15), with many allies “in the latter years [and] come into the land of those brought back from the sword and gathered from many people on the mountains of Israel” (Ezekiel 38:8).

 (エゼキエル書 38:2), 
(エゼキエル書 38:15),
 (エゼキエル書 38:8).

John used the name Gog in the book of Revelation as a name for Satan, so it could also be applied to the Antichrist, who is the Devil incarnate. And the “latter years” or “latter days” is often used in the Bible to identify events surrounding Jesus’ second return.


“Rosh” is rendered “Ros” in some Bible versions, and Ros is the name given to the Scandinavians who settled in the Volga River Valley in the ninth century AD , who gave their name to the land we now know as Russia. Although Moscow wasn’t to be founded till many centuries later, it sounds similar to Meshech, and Tubal sounds somewhat like Tobolsk, the historic capital of Siberia.


Perhaps this similarity in names can be dismissed as coincidental, but when all of these things are pieced together, it does build a case for the Antichrist to arise from Russia. However, it doesn’t totally preclude the other three areas that were the old kingdoms of Alexander’s successors, namely Greece, Turkey, and Egypt. Egypt has been alluded to by some modern-day prophets and prophecies as having some strong connection to the Antichrist. When these events unfold we will know.


For all the troubles Russia has experienced over the last 20 years or so since the collapse of the USSR, it is still the second-ranking military power in the world. Its nuclear weapons may be rusty, but they can still make a mighty big bang. Its army may seem to be only a shadow of its former self, but even that shadow is still a formidable force. And while in the 1990s Russia’s economy was in shambles and the country was largely dismissed as irrelevant, its economy is now growing strongly, and with a strongman at the helm it is asserting itself considerably in both the European and international political theatres.

1990年代にロシアの経済は 大混乱の修羅シュラ場であったとしながら、国は主に、無関係として責任を退けました。

Since the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, the USA has been considered the world’s only superpower. But with military setbacks and failures in Iraq and Afghanistan, a disastrous foreign policy that has alienated much of the rest of the world, and an economy built on government and consumer debt which is now in recession, the U.S. is looking less “super” by the day. And with the rise of China, India, the European Union, and a resurgent Russia, the world is now much more multipolar than it was 10 or 15 years ago when the USA’s position at the top looked unassailable.


The King of the South loses to the King of the North because some of those closest to him “destroy” him, and his army takes a thorough beating. At peace negotiations both these kings’ hearts are bent on evil, and they lie in whatever agreements they negotiate.

何故なら南の王に最も近い者達が、彼を 「破壊する」ので、そして南の王の軍隊は徹底的に打ち破られます。

Verse 28: As the Antichrist and his army return to his home, inflicting damage on the land through which they pass, he decides that he has had enough of the “holy covenant.” It doesn’t seem that he breaks it yet, as that comes later in verse 31, ●but its days are numbered as far as he is concerned.

預言 28節:彼は大いなる財宝をもって、自分の国に帰るでしょう。しかし、彼の心は●聖なる契約にそむき、ほしいままに事をなして、自分の国に帰ります。

28節:反キリストと彼の軍隊が彼の故郷に戻ったと同時に、彼らが通過する土地に損害を与え、彼は 「聖なる契約」は十分だったと判断しました。それは31節で、後にそう成るように、彼はまだ「●聖なる契約」を破るとは思えません。しかし、その日は数えられて、彼は懸念しています。

Verses 29?30: He is on the move south again in what sounds like another invasion. But this time the opposition is stronger. Ships from Cyprus, or more likely from the direction of Cyprus, come against him. The U.S. Navy is perhaps the most formidable wing of its armed services, able to project American power into the far corners of the world. So if this is a war, it seems the Antichrist is thwarted for the moment, and he retreats. He is now very angry with the covenant, and he is in collusion with others who are ready to scrap it.

預言 29-30節:定まった時になって、彼はまた南に討ち入ります。しかし、この時は前の時のようではありません。 それはキッテム(キプロス)の船が、彼に立ち向かって来るので、彼は脅かされて帰り、聖なる契約に対して憤り、事を行うでしょう。彼は帰っていって、●聖なる契約を捨てる者を顧み用いるでしょう。

