▲第6章Daniel the Prophet預言者ダニエルライオンの巣穴The Lion’ | Paul Sakamotoのブログ

Paul Sakamotoのブログ


▲第6章Daniel the Prophet
The Lion’s Den

Daniel 6
Chapter Six

Read Scripture※To Ending


 ダリヨスは全国を治める為に、その国に百二十人の総督を立てる事をよしとし、 また彼らの上に三人の総監を立てた。ダニエルはそのひとりであった。これは総督達をして、この三人の前に、その職務に関する報告をさせて、王に損失の及ぶ事のないようにする為であった。 ダニエルは彼の内にある優れた霊のゆえに、他の全ての総監および総督達に勝っていたので、王は彼を立てて全国を治めさせようとした。 そこで総監および総督らは、国事についてダニエルを訴えるべき口実を得ようとしたが、訴えるべきなんの口実も、なんの咎(とが)をも見いだすことができなかった。それは彼が忠信な人であって、その身になんのあやまちも、とがも見いだされなかったからである。 そこでその人々は言った「われわれはダニエルの神の律法に関して、彼を訴える口実を得るのでなければ、ついに彼を訴えることはできまい」と。 こうして総監と総督らは、王のもとに集まってきて、王に言った、「ダリヨス王よ、どうかとこしえに生きながらえられますように。 国の総監、長官および総督、参議および知事らは、相はかって、王が一つのおきてを立て、一つの禁令を定められるよう求めることになりました。王よ、それはこうです。すなわち今から三十日の間は、ただあなたにのみ願い事をさせ、もしあなたをおいて、神または人にこれをなす者があれば、すべてその者を、ししの穴に投げ入れるというのです。 それで王よ、その禁令を定め、その文書に署名して、メデアとペルシャの変ることのない法律のごとく、これを変えることのできないようにしてください」。 そこでダリヨス王は、その禁令の文書に署名した。 ダニエルは、その文書の署名されたことを知って家に帰り、二階のへやの、エルサレムに向かって窓の開かれた所で、以前からおこなっていたように、一日に三度ずつ、ひざをかがめて神の前に祈り、かつ感謝した。 そこでその人々は集まってきて、ダニエルがその神の前に祈り、かつ求めていることを見たので、 彼らは王の前にきて、王の禁令について奏上して言った、「王よ、あなたは禁令に署名して、今から三十日の間は、ただあなたにのみ願い事をさせ、もしあなたをおいて、神または人に、これをなす者があれば、すべてその者を、ししの穴に投げ入れると、定められたではありませんか」。王は答えて言った、「その事は確かであって、メデアとペルシャの法律のごとく、変えることのできないものだ」。 彼らは王の前に答えて言った、「王よ、ユダから引いてきた捕囚のひとりである、かのダニエルは、あなたをも、あなたの署名された禁令をも顧みず、一日に三度ずつ、祈をささげています」。 王はこの言葉を聞いて大いに憂え、ダニエルを救おうと心を用い、日の入るまで、彼を救い出すことに努めた。 時にその人々は、また王のもとに集まってきて、王に言った、「王よ、メデアとペルシャの法律によれば、王の立てた禁令、または、おきては変えることのできないものであることを、ご承知ください」。 そこで王は命令を下したので、ダニエルは引き出されて、ししの穴に投げ入れられた。王はダニエルに言った、「どうか、あなたの常に仕える神が、あなたを救われるように」。 そして一つの石を持ってきて、穴の口をふさいだので、王は自分の印と、大臣らの印をもって、これに封印した。これはダニエルの処置を変えることのないようにするためであった。 こうして王はその宮殿に帰ったが、その夜は食をとらず、また、そばめたちを召し寄せず、全く眠ることもしなかった。 こうして王は朝まだき【未だき】( 早い時期に)起きて、ししの穴へ急いで行ったが、 ダニエルのいる穴に近づいたとき、悲しげな声をあげて呼ばわり、ダニエルに言った、「生ける神のしもべダニエルよ、あなたが常に仕えている神はあなたを救って、ししの害を免れさせることができたか」。 ダニエルは王に言った、「王よ、どうか、とこしえに生きながらえられますように。 わたしの神はその使をおくって、ししの口を閉ざされたので、ししはわたしを害しませんでした。これはわたしに罪のないことが、神の前に認められたからです。王よ、わたしはあなたの前にも、何も悪い事をしなかったのです」。 そこで王は大いに喜び、ダニエルを穴の中から出せと命じたので、ダニエルは穴の中から出されたが、その身になんの害をも受けていなかった。これは彼が自分の神を頼みとしていたからである。 王はまた命令を下して、ダニエルをあしざまに訴えた人々を引いてこさせ、彼らをその妻子と共に、ししの穴に投げ入れさせた。彼らが穴の底に達しないうちに、ししは彼らにとびかかって、その骨までもかみ砕いた。 そこでダリヨス王は全世界に住む諸民、諸族、諸国語の者に詔を書きおくって言った、「どうか、あなたがたに平安が増すように。 わたしは命令を出す。わが国のすべての州の人は、皆ダニエルの神を、おののき恐れなければならない。彼は生ける神であって、とこしえに変ることなく、その国は滅びず、その主権は終りまで続く。 彼は救を施し、助けをなし、天においても、地においても、しるしと奇跡とをおこない、ダニエルを救って、ししの力をのがれさせたかたである」。 こうして、このダニエルはダリヨスの世と、ペルシャ人クロスの世において栄えた。

Before we look at the events in chapter six of Daniel, we will examine the issue of who is Darius the Mede that is spoken of in the last verse of Daniel, chapter 5. Darius (pronounced da-rye-us) is further identified in Daniel 9:1 as “Darius the son of Ahasuerus, of the lineage of the Medes, who was made king over the realm of the Chaldeans.” There are no extra-biblical records of anyone by that name being king of Babylon during the specific time frame.

第5章のダリヨス(発音は da-rye-us)さらにダニエル9章1節で識別されるダリヨスはカルデア人の王国の王のメディア人の系統のアハシュエロスの息子です。

There were several kings named Darius who ruled the Persian Empire after Cyrus, but the first of these, Darius the Great, only became king seven years after Cyrus’s death. Daniel states at the beginning of Daniel 10 that the revelation he would write about in the next three chapters was given in the third year of Cyrus’s reign; and then at the beginning of Daniel 11, the angel who brings the message states that the first year of Darius the Mede’s reign was previous to this revelation. So the famous Darius the Great could not be the Darius of this passage.


As mentioned in our last chapter, a person by the name of Ugbaru led the Persian troops into Babylon. Secular records also talk about a Gubaru as being governor of Babylon four years after the conquest. For some time it was thought Ugbaru and Gubaru were the same person, but now it is known they were not, as more recently unearthed records show that Ugbaru died three weeks after the capture of Babylon.


It is possible that Gubaru the governor was the biblical Darius the Mede. It wasn’t uncommon for rulers of part of an empire to also be referred to as kings, and the overall ruler of the empire to be called king of kings. So this Darius, even though he might not have been king over the whole empire, could have still been referred to as king of Babylon.


Some scholars have suggested that “Darius,” rather than being a name, was quite possibly a title or a throne name assumed when he became king. Translated from Aramaic, it means “he who holds the scepter.”


Gubaru, according to Babylonian and Persian records, made laws for the area of Babylon and did other things that were normally only the prerogative of kings.


Another theory is that Darius the Mede was actually Cyrus. This gains weight from another possible translation of the Aramaic in the last verse in Daniel 6. And that is, “So this Daniel prospered in the reign of Darius, even in the reign of Cyrus the Persian” (Daniel 6:28).

 (ダニエル 6:28).

Although on his paternal side Cyrus was Persian, on his mother’s side he was a direct descendant of the Median kings. If Darius was a title rather than a name, it could have been used to signify Cyrus. Daniel appears to have been on good terms with both Cyrus and the Darius featured in this chapter, a fact that could be explained quite nicely if they were the same person.


Daniel could also have written of Cyrus being a Mede to show that the prophecies in Isaiah and Jeremiah (written circa 721 BC and 595 BC) about the Medes conquering Babylon were fulfilled. “Behold, I will stir up the Medes against them. ... And Babylon, the glory of kingdoms, the beauty of the Chaldeans’ pride, will be as when God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah” (Isaiah 13:17,19). “The Lord has raised up the spirit of the kings of the Medes. For His plan is against Babylon to destroy it, because it is the vengeance of the Lord, the vengeance for His temple” (Jeremiah 51:11).

「見よ、わたしは、メディアびとを起して、彼らにむかわせる。 …国々の誉であり、カルデヤびとの誇である麗しいバビロンは、神に滅ぼされたソドム、ゴモラのようになる。」
 (イザヤ書 13:17,19). 
 (エレミヤ書 51:11).

The last verse of chapter 5 says Darius the Mede was about 62 when he became ruler of Babylon. Secular records show that Cyrus was around 70 when he was killed in battle, and that he had reigned for nine years after the capture of Babylon. So that would put Darius in the right age range to be Cyrus.


It is also an interesting point in this chapter that the law is referred to as being the law of the Medes and the Persians and not the Persians and the Medes, as it is referred to in the Bible’s book of Esther, which covers events 100 years later in the Persian Empire. The Persians had previously been vassals of the Medes, and perhaps at this stage the Medes were still culturally more dominant. This could be another reason that Daniel refers to the king as a Mede.


However, it seems that unless further evidence turns up, we are not going to be able to pin down exactly whom Darius the Mede was or why Daniel referred to him by this name or title. Yet one thing has been proven time and time again, and that is that the Bible is accurate with regard to history. Skeptics over the centuries have charged it with fabrications, but objection after objection has with time been proven unfounded.


Now let us look at the events of this chapter. Darius sets up a number of officials to run Babylon, with Daniel being chosen as one of the most senior. This is again testament to Daniel’s wisdom. Then Darius leans to the advice of his counselors (presumably, Daniel was absent at this point) and makes a law that whoever petitions any god or man, except the king, for 30 days, shall be cast into the den of lions. His counselors had arranged this because they wanted Daniel out of the job. They knew he had made it a lifetime habit to pray three times a day facing towards his homeland, and would be caught and thus condemned.


And sure enough, they caught him, and to the deep regret of the king, Daniel was condemned. In Median/Persian law, once a decree was signed by the king, not even the king could revoke it.


Now if this was Cyrus, one must wonder how one of the wisest and most religiously tolerant kings of antiquity could make such a seemingly stupid law. One answer could be that after conquering Babylon, the king was left with the legacy resulting from Nabonidus bringing all the idols from the surrounding towns and villages into Babylon. The new king was stuck with getting them back where they belonged.


The king would have been concerned that he kept the populace of this newly conquered land happy, since they had welcomed the conquerors as liberators and the restorers of religious tradition. As king of Babylon, he had also inherited a central role in Babylon’s polytheistic religion, that of being an intercessor between the people and the gods.


So perhaps the whole idea of his decree that had been sold to him by his advisers was to keep a lid on the religious situation, while the idols were taken back with all due gravity to their respective towns. If certain ceremonies and festivals were missed, the people would not incur the wrath of the gods because they were obeying a religious decree that superseded the traditional. It is an interesting possibility.


Remember also that it was done at the behest of his counselors, whom Darius would have relied on to give him good advice. But even when he saw through their scheming when they accused Daniel to him, he was still saddled with having to order Daniel to be cast into the lions’ den.


So Daniel, now in his eighties???not the young man portrayed in many paintings of this scene???spent the night with the lions. But he was apparently not alone, because an angel kept the lions’ mouths shut. One can just imagine a bunch of hungry but frustrated lions that couldn’t open their mouths to eat the dinner that was so close to them.


Trial by ordeal is an ancient custom, being found in such places as the Code of Hammurabi, which were the laws of the land in Babylonia over 1,000 years before Daniel’s time. 
So to come through an execution unscathed most likely had enough legal precedent for the king to then claim that he had fulfilled the law, that the accused had been found innocent by divine intervention, and thus he could let Daniel go free.




But such leniency was not to be shown to Daniel’s accusers, who???along with their families???were thrown into the den. They all met their fate in the way they had planned Daniel would meet his. It is often the case that the enemies of God’s people face poetic justice as they meet the fate they plan for others.

 しかし、その家族と一緒に (ライオンの)巣穴に投げ込まれたダニエルの告発者に、そのような寛大さは、示される事はなかったです。


And this chapter ends with another heathen king from another empire writing to all those in his dominions to attest to the greatness of Daniel’s living God.


back number [issue]

A Captive of Babylon
The Image in the Dream
Three Who Wouldn’t Burn
The Madness of the King
The Handwriting on the Wall

Coming Next is
The Beasts from the Sea



