棟梁の資質 ~Qualities of carpenter masters | Rakuenありす ~自然農園/農薬・化学肥料不使用

Rakuenありす ~自然農園/農薬・化学肥料不使用




棟梁の資質 ~Qualities of carpenter masters














 Although it is a carpenter's master, I think that it is the quality of humans that will eventually lead to the top. I heard the same thing twice today and I realized it deeply.

 The first time is from my patient. Yes, she's a surprisingly good girl nowadays, so she never says badly about anyone. She is a very pure person. She talks with painful things with a smile and explains the facts in a simple way, but she does not speak badly and always speaks in terms of the other person's position.

 She cares about her surroundings all the time, so it's supposed to be tiring for everyday life. Still, I think she wouldn't be as hard on her body if she had a  nice colleague and had a fun conversation and could work at smile.

 She visits me for treatment about once a month or two months, but this time she cames back in a week.

"I'm sorry that the treatment I gave you didn't work for a month, sorry."

 I said, then she cares for me. "No, I usually good for one month, but this time it's a little…." She said she was busy in April.

 In other words, it turns out that she has a lot of problems such as "top qualities" and "the right person in the right place."

When people who cannot use people take the lead, people who work under them are really annoying.

 I think that for people who use people, it is their job to prepare an environment so that those who work on site can demonstrate their abilities. When I pointed it out, she agreed.

 After that, when I was watching TV, he said, "(Carpenter's) carpenter should not only have technology" "It must have the ability to put people together."

 It seems that the carpenter who built Nijo Castle looked at each working carpenter in great detail.