ありのままの自分になれると自由になれる | Rakuenありす ~自然農園/農薬・化学肥料不使用

Rakuenありす ~自然農園/農薬・化学肥料不使用





~You can be free if you can be yourself


『宇宙のパワーと自由にアクセスする方法』Power,Freedom,and Grace~Living from the Source of Lasting Happinessディーパック・チョプラ著 渡邊愛子訳・解説より


[解説] Commentary















 The best way to get rid of the energy of the ego is to feel your body, but this is a kind of meditation. One of the meditations that Dr. Chopra generally recommends is breathing meditation, which is a way to get away from thinking by focusing on breathing. Feeling meditation distracts you from thinking by focusing on the body sensation.

 When you close your eyes, you may notice that your eyes are tired and your eyelids may feel heavy. Or you may feel the weight around your neck and shoulders. Or you may be worried about the feel of the chair or cushion on the sitting surface. I will carefully feel the body sensation that I was concerned about. And if you realize that you are thinking or remembering something, you can gently bring your consciousness back to your bodily sensations.


 Everyone seems to have all the natures in themselves.

 In the Hara Hatsune meditation course, nine layers called “layers of life” are conveyed. From the top, “environment” “body” “energy” “mind” “intellect” “ego” “soul” “aggregate” "" The universe (pure potential) ". The second layer "aggregate" from the bottom includes archetypes (prototypes), myths, deities and goddesses. It is said that one human being includes all the characters of myths and the gods and goddesses of the world.


 One way to feel comfortable with both your strengths and weaknesses is the mirror lesson that Dr. Chopra sometimes uses in workshops and the like.


 In lesson 1, you first think of your favorite people and write down what they like. The features and properties that you wrote are actually things you already have and you want to be more.

 Lesson 2 is about the person who dislikes the most in the world, and writes down what the person likes. The features and natures that you wrote are actually the same in yourself, but because you dislike it too much, you completely deny that "I absolutely do not have such natures ." You see what you don't want to see the most, so you feel "hate" that person.

 However, if you can admit that those characteristics and natures are "it certainly exists in me ...", the person who you disliked will not dislike that much. As a result, you will feel comfortable with what you dislike in yourself.


いつも’ありのままのレフ’(=^ェ^=)with またたび。