
unabashed : not ashamed, embarrassed or affected by people's disapproval, when other people would be abashed

insolvent : not having enough money to pay what you owe

impeach : to charge an important public figure with a serious crime

destitute : without food, food and the other things necessary for life

gush : to flow or pour suddenly and quickly out of a hole in large amounts/ to suddenly let out large amounts of a liquid

spurious : false, although seeming to be genuine

bungle : to do sth badly or without skill

austere : simple and plain ; without any decorations/ strict and serious in appearance and behaviour


*Ichiro Ozawa is difinitely an unabashed politician who deserve impeachment. What he says and does is nothing but spurious. Don't be gulible! You must not give any credit to everything you hear what he has promised to do.

* I have a feeling the autmaker will be insolvent before long because its top executives bungled dealing with liabilities of nearly 700 million yen.

* I would often wish that my room had been as austere as that of Nobita kun.

* If I should be in a destitute condition, I would go to my favorite park and lay on my back on a bench there and wait for my starving to death.

* The boy imagined his favorite beverage gusing out of its huge tank and he amused himself a lot.