We will be holding special tickets for 「Super long distance category」 for 「リクエストアワー セットリストベスト100 2012」 held on January 19 to January 22 at TOKYO DOME CITY HALL.

【Qualification for Apply】
●People living overseas, and capable of proving the entry to Japan within 1 month. (We will be checking the entry visa in your passport at the reception.)
●Foreigners living in Japan will not be a qualification for this.
●People capable of paying in Japanese Yen at the live day.
●People capable of sending and receiving emails while staying in Japan.

【Application Process】
1. Choose the live day and apply by email. (Lottery is held)
Entry is held from January 8 to January 10.

2.Only the people who won the lottery will receive the email by January 12.
(Please have your PC be able to receive the domain name [akb48.co.jp])
When not receive any email, your application is rejected by lottery.

3.Buy the ticket at the 「Super long distance category」 counter at TOKYO DOME CITY HALL on the day of the live. (Passport will be checked here)
※Purchase of the tickets is between 4pm to 5pm. The delay may be considered as cancellation.
※Wristband is provided when purchasing a ticket to enter the live.

Please send email to the address listed below and to apply.
(January 8 to January 10.)

<Address>(Each program hold different email address as follows.)
●January 19 live sfar0119@akb48.co.jp
●January 20 live sfar0120@akb48.co.jp
●January 21 live sfar0121@akb48.co.jp
●January 22 live sfar0122@akb48.co.jp

<Subject >Date of the live

<Text> Name/Date of Birth/ Your Country

※Please write all of the names when applying by group of people.

【Example 1】

<Subject >

January 20

王 偉/1990年1月3日/中華人民共和国

【Example 2】

January 22

JAMES SMITH/November 3, 1995/USA

※To avoid duplication, only 1 application per person is accepted per live.
※Please send one email for each live, if applying for more than one live program.
※Please note that the lottery is held and may not win the seats, when the applications become more than the capacity.
※Due to the special live program, please be capable to attend when winning the lottery.
If cancellation occurs without contacts, your entry may be effected in the future.

We are looking forward to your entry.