It may surprise you. I'm going to quit my current company that I've worked for thirteen years and join Risk Management Laboratory which is famous for owing an education department for life insurance industry in Japan.


In order to adapt changes and circumstances, I decided after considering a lot. It was not easy decision for me. But I thought I will get more than I lose, I can give to the industry more than ever.

変化や状況に対応するため、いろいろ考えた末に決断しました。 簡単な決断ではないです。 しかし、失う以上のものを得ることができ、これまで以上に業界に貢献できると思いました。

I'd like to explain how I came to have this decision .


1. More contributions

I'm not allowed to contribute as a motivational speaker for life insurance industry as an exclusive sales person in a certain life insurance company (the current company), basically. Or I can say the current company is not eager to let me do that. Because there is possibility of being out of compliance. The current company hesitates that. It's understandable.

1. さらなる貢献

いち生命保険会社(現会社)の専属営業マンとして、生保業界のモチベーショナルスピーカーとして貢献することは、基本的に保険会社の認めるところではない。 あるいは、今の会社がそれを積極的にさせたがらないとも言える。 なんでもかんでも、コンプライアンス違反になる可能性があるものは認めたらがらない。今の会社がそれを躊躇するのもわかる。 無理もありません。

2. A change of clients 

I have changed my market gradually. For thirteen years, I started consulting with general families. Since 2016, I stopped consulting with them, and started consulting with presidents or owners of small or middle sized mon-listed companies.

2. 顧客層の変化 

私は少しずつマーケットを変えてきています。 13年のキャリアで、まずは一般家庭のコンサルティングから始ましたが、2016年からは一般家庭のコンサルティングをやめ、中小非上場企業の社長やオーナーをコンサルティングするようになりました。

Finally, now I limit my clients into a specific area which has something to do with problems of own stock or business succession or inheritance. In order to provide them with the solution, financial items provided by one life insurance company are not enough.現在、顧客を自社株や事業承継、相続の問題に関係する特定の分野に限定しています。その解決策を提供するためには、いち生命保険会社が提供する金融商品だけでは不十分と感じるようになりました。

3. I did everything I could for the current company.

When I was a sales person in a car dealer of Toyota motor company, I met a sales person in the current company. I came to want to be like him. And I decided to change the companies.

3. 今の会社のためにできることはすべてやった


In recent few years, I had thought how I can give back to the current company. Giving study meetings, inviting tutors from other branch offices, educating junior colleagues. When the previous branch manager who allowed me to join the company turned 65 that a mandatory requirement age, I decided to be a champion in the company in order to prove his eyes of selection was correct. And I achieved.

ここ数年、どうすれば今の会社に恩返しができるかを考えてました。 社内勉強会を開いたり、他の支社から頼み込んで講師を招いたり、後輩を教育したり。 私を入社させてくれた前支社長が65歳という定年を迎えたとき、彼の選考眼が正しかったことを証明するために、私は社内でチャンピオンになることを決意し、そして、達成しました。

I cannot describe here in detail about what's going on in the current company. But what I can say actually is the circumstances have changed from the circumstances when I joined thirteen years ago. 

今の会社で何が起こっているのか、ここで詳しく説明することはできない。 ただ、実際に言えることは、私が13年前に入社したときとは状況が変わっているということです。 

4. From a perspective of the world.

I can say I'm a crazy guy who loves the annual meetings of MDRT. I attended every oversea conferences of MDRT so far, including Experience meetings, 17 times in thirteen years.

4. 世界という視点から


I always felt the difference between Japan and the world. And the difference is becoming larger than ever. 

いつも感じるのは、日本と世界の違いだ。 そしてその差はますます大きくなっている。 

L shaped commission, exclusive sales advisors, becoming TOT only by life insurance,,, how can I explain these for members from all over the world?

L型手数料、一社専属セールス、生命保険だけでTOTになる、、、、 世界中の会員にどう説明すればいいのだろう?

July 3rd.

I delivered a speech for Life Planners of Sony life insurance. One of senior students of Mission School invited me as a speaker. What I taught was how to make your own goals that shake your emotions from deep past and the future.


ソニー生命保険のライフプランナー向けに講演を行った(ある首都圏のLPC)。 ミッションスクールの先輩が講師として呼んでくださった。 私がお話したのは、深い過去と未来から感情を揺さぶる自分の目標を作る方法。

The same day. 

After Onishi private school, members from Risk Management Laboratory had get-together.



July 7th.

I got a horoscope by a fortune teller whom one of my clients recommended. Some of my clients have entered very deep area that we can't tell something without the transcendent.


クライアントの一人から勧められた占い師にホロスコープ(インド占星術)をしてもらった。 私のクライアントの中には、超越的なものなしには人生を語れないという、とても深い領域まで行き着いた人もいる。

Then, the fortune teller said to me several things unbelievable that I could come to believe immediately. But what she told was true. And she said to me "Your lucky color is green."

すると占い師は、信じられないようなことをいくつも言った。 しかし彼女が言ったことは本当だった。 そして、彼女は私にこう言った。


Aha?! Isn't it orange? I thought. But I replaced my wallet, diary, case of name cards, pen case.



Is it unexpected? I mean, I seem to be a person who doesn't believe spiritual things like this. But actually I somewhat believe.

予想外ですか? というか、私はこういうスピリチュアルなことは信じない人間に見える。 でも、実は信じているんです。

July 9th.

I applied for Top of the Table meeting in Hawaii in September. It started at 0 am in Japan. In order to get official accommodation, I wake up midnight and fell asleep again.



By the way, TOT meetings are usually held in luxury hotels and participants are supposed to stay at the hotel. If you have an opportunity to attend the TOT meetings, please remember to have official accommodation.

ところで、TOT会議は通常、高級ホテルで開催され、参加者はホテルに宿泊することになっている。 もしTOTミーティングに参加する機会があれば、オフィシャルホテルを確保することをお忘れなく。

July 10th

I was invited by the association of presidents in Gifu prefecture as a speaker. Accurately, the young department of the association. The theme of my speech was how to build a company which has resilience for change.


岐阜県の経営者協会から講師として呼ばれました。正確には、同会の青年部会。 講演のテーマは、「変化に強い会社の作り方」

There are so many things to deal with and information around presidents of small or middle sized companies. Which information is appropriate, which strategy they should take, they should have a person who arranges these things and information before they spend much time to do that.

中小企業の社長の周りには、扱うべきものや情報がたくさんありすぎる。 どの情報が適切なのか、どの戦略を取るべきなのか、精査することに時間を費やす前に、これらのことや情報を整理する人がいるべきだ。

You may think a tax accountant in charge of a company should be a person like this. But basically a tax accountant see the past, and build financial statements looking backward. The presidents want to look forward. Who is the best? 

顧問税理士が、その人であるべきだと思うかもしれない。 しかし、基本的に税理士は過去を見て、後ろを見ながら決算書を作る。 社長は前を見ていたい。 誰が一番いいのか?

I think life insurance advisers are the best.


Because life insurance should be built by one's own life plan which is well considered  to make one's future better.


If you want to think your better future, consult with excellent life insurance professionals.




If you want to be an excellent life insurance professional, you must think about what the most important thing is in your client's life.


July 13th
I payed my income tax (payment in advance) by Amazon Pay. It allow us to earn some points for free .


所得税(予定納税)をAmazon Payで支払いました。 アマゾン・ペイで支払うと、手数料無料でポイントが貯まるのだ。 

One of my clients payed all his inheritance tax by this. That's amazing.
私のお客様の一人は、相続税をすべてAmazonで支払った。 すごいですね。

July 13th

In fact, I had got injured my left knee and right ankle since June. I had been resting for a while. And I restarted training recently with much lower intensity and less distance.


実は6月から左膝と右足首を痛めていた。 しばらく休んでいた。 そして最近、強度も距離もかなり落としてトレーニングを再開。

I have applied for a marathon race which is three hours endurance race in Okinawa on August 2nd. My friends of Mission School have applied for it as a team. But I'm going to attend it as a solo runner 😂

8月2日に沖縄で開催される3時間耐久のマラソン大会に申し込みました。 ミッションスクールの仲間はチームで申し込んでいますが、 私はソロ3時間コースで参加します😂

It is not time to get injured 🤣


July 14th

I participated a ceremony of my client whose company is a traditional Kimono seller continuing over 130 years. The ceremony is about an inauguration of a new president.


130年続く呉服屋を営むお客様の式典に参加した。 新社長の就任式でした。

Kyou-gen  by a living national treasure, Shime Shigeyama and his son and his grandchild. (The person in the picture is the son.) 

人間国宝・茂山七五三親子による狂言。 (写真に写っているのは息子さんです)

The new president of my client is 5th president. He got a male baby in March. This baby is recognized as a 6th president. I have helped the business succession of this company. It is meaningful for me.

取引先の新社長は5代目。 3月に男の赤ちゃんが生まれました(  その子は6代目社長として認識されています) この会社の事業承継のお手伝いをさせていただいています。


Because, you know, my father was running a small company which dealt with Tatami which is Japanese traditional flooring material. I was recognized as a third successor of the company. But my father had a stroke and became bedridden when I was a university student.

というのも、私の父は畳を扱う小さな会社を経営していました。 私はその会社の3代目の後継者として見られていましたが、私が大学生の時に父は脳卒中で倒れ、寝たきりになってしまいました。

After being taken care by my family, my father passed away 2 years later. My family received a life insurance money and quit  our family business.

家族に看取られ、2年後に父が亡くなった。 家族は生命保険金を受け取り、廃業しました。

So, as a son of my father, it is very soul-shaking that I support business succession or continuing companies from the position of life insurance industry.


Why are you doing it?


If you don't have your own, unique reason for it. It may be weak to continue to do hard things. Then you might be thinking how to find that? The key is found in coaching.

あなた特有のあなただけの理由がなければ、辛いことをやり続けるのにはちょっと弱いかもしれない。 で、それを見つけるにはどうしたらいいのか。 その鍵はコーチングにあります。

Gohei Nishikawa, a pianist of the final in Tokyo Olympic 2020. He had lost an ability of fingers by disease. But he never gave up and recovered. Now he can play the piano with his 7 fingers not letting us feel he has partial disability.


He said "Do not focus on what you can't, focus on what you can. Not focus what you don't have, focus on what you have."

彼は言った。"できないことではなく、できることに集中しろ。 ないものでなく、あるものに集中しろ。"

How deep,,,


June 15th.

Due to bad posture caused by sitting in airplane and walking with leather shoes, and running around Seattle and Vancouver, my left knee has collapsed eventually 😂😂😂



That's called "Pes anserinus bursitis". I got this several times since spring in this year. As I got it, it gets worse. In this time, I felt hard to just walk or raise my left knee.

これは "鵞足炎 "。 今年の春から何度かなりました。 発症するたびに、どんどん悪化していく。 今回は、歩くだけでも、左膝を上げるだけでもしんどい。

June 17th

Finally, I went to and saw a doctor. I got injected with a steroid to relieve my pain. I'd like to take a break for a while.


ようやく医者に診てもらった。 痛みを和らげるためにステロイドを注射してもらった。 しばらく休も、、、

June 18th

My MDRT friend, Piotr from Poland, who also attended the annual meeting in Vancouver, came to Japan directly from Vancouver.



He is going to stay in Japan for 8 days. After spending for three days in Tokyo, he visited my city, Nagoya before he reaches Kyoto and Osaka.

日本滞在は8日間。 東京に3日間滞在した後、私の住む名古屋を訪れ、その後京都、大阪に向かう。

I took him to the Toyota Museum. Embarrassingly, it my first time to visit there. It often occurs that residents in the area don't go any famous places for foreign travelers. 

トヨタ博物館に連れて行きました。 恥ずかしながら、私はそこに行くのは初めて(笑) よくあることだが、この地域住民は旅行者向けの場所には行かない。 

Lunch at Yaba-ton

Pork cutlets with traditional miso sauce made in Aichi prefecture. 



I didn't know that there is similar meal in Poland which is called Kotlet. He said a totally different thing between Japan and Poland is rice or potatoes 🤣

ポーランドにもコトレトという似たような食事があるとは知らなかった。 日本とポーランドで全然違うのは米かジャガイモか、だって🤣

Afternoon, the rain had stopped then we drove opening the roof.


Nagoya castle.

I've never been there before 🤣 

Even though I have lived in Nagoya over 20 years.




Oasis 21 

This place is accompanied with bus centers.




Managed by Komeda coffee.

おかげ庵 コメダグループです。

Japanese TOT is making Japanese sweets on the top of this table 🤣🤣


Ho-rai-ken, famous for eel bowls.


During the day, we shared our sales ideas each other. And especially we talked about how to hit ultimate goals with no sweat.

一日中、アイデアを共有し合いました。 特に、簡単に難易度の高い目標を達成する方法について話した。

I told him that comes from belief system. If we think we are unlovable, our brains, in detail, our Reticular Activating System accumulate information that proves we are unlovable.



Reticular Activating System (RAS) is so crucial to achieve your goals. RAS is a powerful filter system that allows important information to enter your brain and not allow unimportant information to enter.

網様体賦活系(RAS)は、目標を達成するために非常に重要。 RASは、重要な情報を脳内に入れ、重要でない情報を入れないようにする強力なフィルターシステムです。

And who created RAS is you. You and people you have met in the past.

そしてRASが作るのはあなた自身です。 あなたと、あなたが過去に出会った人々からRASは作られています。

The more you get older, the more your RAS becomes solid and impregnable. This means you see only what you are interested in or you think it's important. 

年を取れば取るほど、RASは強固で難攻不落なものになる。 つまり、興味のあるもの、重要だと思うものしか見なくなるのだ。 

Then I taught him how to rewrite RAS. That's what I learned from coaching.


If you feel something transcendent by reading this article, you may have a chance to open a door of your true purpose in the rest of your life.


This event requires participants to get invitations by students or graduates if Mission School. But if you truly got interested. Put "" on the blank of an inviter in the application form. 

このイベントに参加するには、ミッションスクールの生徒か卒業生から招待を受ける必要がある。 でも、本当に興味が湧いた方は 申し込みフォームの招待者の欄に「」と記入してください。 

※ As of this time that I'm writing this blog, the number of participants exceeds 60 out of maximum capacity of 100 already .


The last day in Vancouver. Even though I feel pain on my left knee and right ankle, I wanted to savor the Vancouver completely.

バンクーバー最終日。 左膝と右足首に痛みを感じながらも、バンクーバーを満喫したかった。

I could sleep over 6.5 hours for the first time in Vancouver because during the meeting I didn't have any time to sleep. I don't say it's busy. I say it's fulfilled.

大会中は寝る暇がなかったので、初めて6時間半以上寝ることができた。 忙しいとは言いません、充実してます。

(忙しい 忘れる どちらも「こころをなくす」と書きます)

Really really beautiful. I'd like to take my family to here.

本当に美しい。 家族をここに連れて行きたい。

Fly over! That was the activity that my friend experienced this recommended. It opens 10:00am and my flight departure time is 1:50pm. I thought I could manage it.

フライオーバー! MSの友人が体験したお勧めのアクティビティ。 午前10時オープンで、私の国際線フライト出発時間は午後1時50分。 なんとかなると思ってGOGO!

How beautiful it is!!

No line, no wait, not expensive (36CAD).

I highly recommend.


As I said, as long as I can get to the destination in time , I don't spend money for taxi. Therefore, I took subway.


How to buy that? I'm having fun!

Once I bought a ticket for 5CAD, but it didn't work at toll-way. Then I noticed that I could go through with a credit card with touch-transaction.



Paying double 😂

That's what happens often abroad.


The train for YVR came. It took me 30 minutes to get to the airport.


Because of Japan Airlines, there were so many life insurance advisors in the airport. That was the dinner yesterday with 5 COTs and 6 TOTs, everyone I talked with was more than COT.

JALだから、空港にはたくさんの日本人(保険屋さん)がおりました。昨日の夜もCOT×6 TOT×5の晩飯でしたが、ラウンジでたまたま会う人はみなCOT以上。

To use up Canadian currency, I payed by cash first, then paid by my credit card.


My recent hobby. After attending annual meetings, I always download some YouTube videos which are spoken by the speakers of meetings. 

最近の趣味。 大会後、登壇者のYouTubeをダウンロードして機内で試聴。

Then I can remind what they told us.

復習にもなります^ ^

I didn't use interpretation system in this meeting. I feel my progress in terms of "Stamina". So far, I feel my concentration goes spent after listening 15 to 30 minutes, but I felt my stamina of listening went up.

今回のミーティングでは通訳システムは一切使わなかった。 「スタミナ」の面で上達を実感。 今までは、15分から30分も聞いていると集中力が切れてしまう感じでしたが、聞く体力がついたと感じました。

But when it comes to certain kind of speaking, it was so difficult. For example, fast paced daily conversations among native speakers, Thai speaker's English, fast British English,,, and so on.

しかし、ある種のスピーキングに関しては、とても難しかった。 例えば、ネイティブ同士のテンポの速い日常会話、タイ人スピーカーの英語、速いイギリス英語、などなど。

Maybe, all I need to do is get used to it. I will listen to these materials like crazy.

This is also my recent habit. Buying a book in an airport abroad. Actually, some of these books are what I have read already in Japanese editions. 

これも最近の習慣。 海外の空港で本を買う。 日本語版ですでに読んだ本もありますが、、


The final taking off for Nagoya, with my junior college by chance.


Finally, my 17th MDRT overseas meeting was closed. 


As MDRT says, for the first timer, MDRT is a brand or something that non-members want to achieve or show off their achievements. For the second or third timer, MDRT is a place to get knowledge or skills. And more experienced MDRT members think MDRT is the place to share and help each other. 

MDRTが言うように、ファーストタイマーにとってMDRTはブランドであり、非会員にとっては達成したい、達成したら見せびらかしたいものです。 2回目、3回目の人にとっては、MDRTは知識や技術を得るための場所です。 そして、より経験豊富なMDRTメンバーは、MDRTは分かち合い、助け合う場所だと思っている。 

At last, we notice MDRT is the place where we grow our leadership and capabilities of being as human beings.


Every time I notice what I haven't noticed. 


I really appreciate MDRT and PGA.


You can find the past articles in this blog. The picture was taken in 2014, the annual meeting in Toronto.

過去の記事はこちらのブログでご覧いただけます。 写真は2014年、トロント大会。

At that time, I managed to achieve single MDRT after attending my first annual meeting in Philadelphia in 2013, and I didn't expect my future a decade later was like this. I became TOT, and I have a lot of friends and I came to know with legendary members not only in Japan but also all over the world. 

この時は、初参加のフィラデルフィア大会のあとなんとか2年連続でMDRTをシングルで達成したとき。まさか自分の10年後がこんなになるとは思ってませんでした。 TOTになり、友人も増え、日本だけでなく世界中の伝説的なメンバーとも知り合うことができました。 

For those who have never joined annual meetings, I tell you.


Dive into where you feel scary. Don't be in the same place every year, if you want to grow . And think AFTER diving into. You become different from who you were today.

自分が怖いと思うところに飛び込んでください。成長したいなら毎年同じ場所にいてはいけない。 そして、飛び込んでから考える。 すると、今の自分とは違う自分になる。

Japanese life insurance industry is coming to face super revolutionary changes. Watch what's going on outside and grasp the transition around you.
日本の生命保険業界は超革命的な変化に直面しています。 外の動きをよく見て、身の回りの変遷を把握することをオススメします。

Don't miss it.

You need to sacrifice something you have already in order to accept the changes and the changes. What is your sacrifice and what your goals you want to achieve.
変化や変化を受け入れるためには、持っている何かを犠牲にする必要があります。 何を犠牲にし、何を達成したいのか。

You can find it in annual meetings.
And you can find lifetime relationships there.

Are you a spectator of your own life?

This blog is written for those who have achieved MDRT or who want to achieve MDRT, and when they think if they should go to the annual meeting, if they can find this blog, I hope my blog would be encouraging to them to decide to go.

So, I just want to be a catalyst for them.

Because I could change my life by MDRT.

グローバルカンファレンス ドバイ(2024/8)
アニュアルミーティング マイアミ (2025/6)

Thank you for reading.
最後までお読みいただきありがとうございました^ ^