The last day in Vancouver. Even though I feel pain on my left knee and right ankle, I wanted to savor the Vancouver completely.

バンクーバー最終日。 左膝と右足首に痛みを感じながらも、バンクーバーを満喫したかった。

I could sleep over 6.5 hours for the first time in Vancouver because during the meeting I didn't have any time to sleep. I don't say it's busy. I say it's fulfilled.

大会中は寝る暇がなかったので、初めて6時間半以上寝ることができた。 忙しいとは言いません、充実してます。

(忙しい 忘れる どちらも「こころをなくす」と書きます)

Really really beautiful. I'd like to take my family to here.

本当に美しい。 家族をここに連れて行きたい。

Fly over! That was the activity that my friend experienced this recommended. It opens 10:00am and my flight departure time is 1:50pm. I thought I could manage it.

フライオーバー! MSの友人が体験したお勧めのアクティビティ。 午前10時オープンで、私の国際線フライト出発時間は午後1時50分。 なんとかなると思ってGOGO!

How beautiful it is!!

No line, no wait, not expensive (36CAD).

I highly recommend.


As I said, as long as I can get to the destination in time , I don't spend money for taxi. Therefore, I took subway.


How to buy that? I'm having fun!

Once I bought a ticket for 5CAD, but it didn't work at toll-way. Then I noticed that I could go through with a credit card with touch-transaction.



Paying double 😂

That's what happens often abroad.


The train for YVR came. It took me 30 minutes to get to the airport.


Because of Japan Airlines, there were so many life insurance advisors in the airport. That was the dinner yesterday with 5 COTs and 6 TOTs, everyone I talked with was more than COT.

JALだから、空港にはたくさんの日本人(保険屋さん)がおりました。昨日の夜もCOT×6 TOT×5の晩飯でしたが、ラウンジでたまたま会う人はみなCOT以上。

To use up Canadian currency, I payed by cash first, then paid by my credit card.


My recent hobby. After attending annual meetings, I always download some YouTube videos which are spoken by the speakers of meetings. 

最近の趣味。 大会後、登壇者のYouTubeをダウンロードして機内で試聴。

Then I can remind what they told us.

復習にもなります^ ^

I didn't use interpretation system in this meeting. I feel my progress in terms of "Stamina". So far, I feel my concentration goes spent after listening 15 to 30 minutes, but I felt my stamina of listening went up.

今回のミーティングでは通訳システムは一切使わなかった。 「スタミナ」の面で上達を実感。 今までは、15分から30分も聞いていると集中力が切れてしまう感じでしたが、聞く体力がついたと感じました。

But when it comes to certain kind of speaking, it was so difficult. For example, fast paced daily conversations among native speakers, Thai speaker's English, fast British English,,, and so on.

しかし、ある種のスピーキングに関しては、とても難しかった。 例えば、ネイティブ同士のテンポの速い日常会話、タイ人スピーカーの英語、速いイギリス英語、などなど。

Maybe, all I need to do is get used to it. I will listen to these materials like crazy.

This is also my recent habit. Buying a book in an airport abroad. Actually, some of these books are what I have read already in Japanese editions. 

これも最近の習慣。 海外の空港で本を買う。 日本語版ですでに読んだ本もありますが、、


The final taking off for Nagoya, with my junior college by chance.


Finally, my 17th MDRT overseas meeting was closed. 


As MDRT says, for the first timer, MDRT is a brand or something that non-members want to achieve or show off their achievements. For the second or third timer, MDRT is a place to get knowledge or skills. And more experienced MDRT members think MDRT is the place to share and help each other. 

MDRTが言うように、ファーストタイマーにとってMDRTはブランドであり、非会員にとっては達成したい、達成したら見せびらかしたいものです。 2回目、3回目の人にとっては、MDRTは知識や技術を得るための場所です。 そして、より経験豊富なMDRTメンバーは、MDRTは分かち合い、助け合う場所だと思っている。 

At last, we notice MDRT is the place where we grow our leadership and capabilities of being as human beings.


Every time I notice what I haven't noticed. 


I really appreciate MDRT and PGA.


You can find the past articles in this blog. The picture was taken in 2014, the annual meeting in Toronto.

過去の記事はこちらのブログでご覧いただけます。 写真は2014年、トロント大会。

At that time, I managed to achieve single MDRT after attending my first annual meeting in Philadelphia in 2013, and I didn't expect my future a decade later was like this. I became TOT, and I have a lot of friends and I came to know with legendary members not only in Japan but also all over the world. 

この時は、初参加のフィラデルフィア大会のあとなんとか2年連続でMDRTをシングルで達成したとき。まさか自分の10年後がこんなになるとは思ってませんでした。 TOTになり、友人も増え、日本だけでなく世界中の伝説的なメンバーとも知り合うことができました。 

For those who have never joined annual meetings, I tell you.


Dive into where you feel scary. Don't be in the same place every year, if you want to grow . And think AFTER diving into. You become different from who you were today.

自分が怖いと思うところに飛び込んでください。成長したいなら毎年同じ場所にいてはいけない。 そして、飛び込んでから考える。 すると、今の自分とは違う自分になる。

Japanese life insurance industry is coming to face super revolutionary changes. Watch what's going on outside and grasp the transition around you.
日本の生命保険業界は超革命的な変化に直面しています。 外の動きをよく見て、身の回りの変遷を把握することをオススメします。

Don't miss it.

You need to sacrifice something you have already in order to accept the changes and the changes. What is your sacrifice and what your goals you want to achieve.
変化や変化を受け入れるためには、持っている何かを犠牲にする必要があります。 何を犠牲にし、何を達成したいのか。

You can find it in annual meetings.
And you can find lifetime relationships there.

Are you a spectator of your own life?

This blog is written for those who have achieved MDRT or who want to achieve MDRT, and when they think if they should go to the annual meeting, if they can find this blog, I hope my blog would be encouraging to them to decide to go.

So, I just want to be a catalyst for them.

Because I could change my life by MDRT.

グローバルカンファレンス ドバイ(2024/8)
アニュアルミーティング マイアミ (2025/6)

Thank you for reading.
最後までお読みいただきありがとうございました^ ^