June 15th.

Due to bad posture caused by sitting in airplane and walking with leather shoes, and running around Seattle and Vancouver, my left knee has collapsed eventually 😂😂😂



That's called "Pes anserinus bursitis". I got this several times since spring in this year. As I got it, it gets worse. In this time, I felt hard to just walk or raise my left knee.

これは "鵞足炎 "。 今年の春から何度かなりました。 発症するたびに、どんどん悪化していく。 今回は、歩くだけでも、左膝を上げるだけでもしんどい。

June 17th

Finally, I went to and saw a doctor. I got injected with a steroid to relieve my pain. I'd like to take a break for a while.


ようやく医者に診てもらった。 痛みを和らげるためにステロイドを注射してもらった。 しばらく休も、、、

June 18th

My MDRT friend, Piotr from Poland, who also attended the annual meeting in Vancouver, came to Japan directly from Vancouver.



He is going to stay in Japan for 8 days. After spending for three days in Tokyo, he visited my city, Nagoya before he reaches Kyoto and Osaka.

日本滞在は8日間。 東京に3日間滞在した後、私の住む名古屋を訪れ、その後京都、大阪に向かう。

I took him to the Toyota Museum. Embarrassingly, it my first time to visit there. It often occurs that residents in the area don't go any famous places for foreign travelers. 

トヨタ博物館に連れて行きました。 恥ずかしながら、私はそこに行くのは初めて(笑) よくあることだが、この地域住民は旅行者向けの場所には行かない。 

Lunch at Yaba-ton

Pork cutlets with traditional miso sauce made in Aichi prefecture. 



I didn't know that there is similar meal in Poland which is called Kotlet. He said a totally different thing between Japan and Poland is rice or potatoes 🤣

ポーランドにもコトレトという似たような食事があるとは知らなかった。 日本とポーランドで全然違うのは米かジャガイモか、だって🤣

Afternoon, the rain had stopped then we drove opening the roof.


Nagoya castle.

I've never been there before 🤣 

Even though I have lived in Nagoya over 20 years.




Oasis 21 

This place is accompanied with bus centers.




Managed by Komeda coffee.

おかげ庵 コメダグループです。

Japanese TOT is making Japanese sweets on the top of this table 🤣🤣


Ho-rai-ken, famous for eel bowls.


During the day, we shared our sales ideas each other. And especially we talked about how to hit ultimate goals with no sweat.

一日中、アイデアを共有し合いました。 特に、簡単に難易度の高い目標を達成する方法について話した。

I told him that comes from belief system. If we think we are unlovable, our brains, in detail, our Reticular Activating System accumulate information that proves we are unlovable.



Reticular Activating System (RAS) is so crucial to achieve your goals. RAS is a powerful filter system that allows important information to enter your brain and not allow unimportant information to enter.

網様体賦活系(RAS)は、目標を達成するために非常に重要。 RASは、重要な情報を脳内に入れ、重要でない情報を入れないようにする強力なフィルターシステムです。

And who created RAS is you. You and people you have met in the past.

そしてRASが作るのはあなた自身です。 あなたと、あなたが過去に出会った人々からRASは作られています。

The more you get older, the more your RAS becomes solid and impregnable. This means you see only what you are interested in or you think it's important. 

年を取れば取るほど、RASは強固で難攻不落なものになる。 つまり、興味のあるもの、重要だと思うものしか見なくなるのだ。 

Then I taught him how to rewrite RAS. That's what I learned from coaching.


If you feel something transcendent by reading this article, you may have a chance to open a door of your true purpose in the rest of your life.


This event requires participants to get invitations by students or graduates if Mission School. But if you truly got interested. Put "nodanoki.blog" on the blank of an inviter in the application form. 

このイベントに参加するには、ミッションスクールの生徒か卒業生から招待を受ける必要がある。 でも、本当に興味が湧いた方は 申し込みフォームの招待者の欄に「nodanoki.blog」と記入してください。 

※ As of this time that I'm writing this blog, the number of participants exceeds 60 out of maximum capacity of 100 already .
