Why the federal budget is not like a household budget



(ここに、私が2018年4月から考察して到達した理解と同じ内容があるので、紹介してみたい。これは、Modern Monetary Theory:MMTと言う理論の中の一部)


Joe Hockey and Tony Abbott are very fond of using household analogies when discussing government finances - Hockey again compared Australia’s economy to a household budget in his Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook. However, a government that is sovereign with respect to its own fiat currency bears no resemblance at all to a household. Such a government creates the money we all use, either physically on a printing press or, more importantly, electronically in the accounts of financial institutions.


豪の財務相: Joe Hockeyと首相: Tony Abbott は、政府の財政を語る時、家庭に例えることが好きだ。最近の年中間報告でもそうした。






(⇒その通り!家庭経済は、通貨を印刷できない!他方、日本政府は、無限に創造できる Big Papa!だ。)


There is no limit to how much money a sovereign government can spend, but if government spending plus private spending exceeds the productive capacity of the economy then you get inflation.




(⇒まさに、それこそが大切な理解だ! 紙幣をやたらに供給すると、それだけでインフレになるというのも、大嘘だ! 












Seeking a balanced budget and automatically borrowing any deficit spending (as we currently do) is an effective but unsophisticated way of ensuring government spending doesn’t cause runaway inflation. Taxes and government borrowing remove money from the private sector, creating space for government spending (which injects money into the private sector). Remember, the government does not have to borrow or tax in order to finance spending because they can create money.






The slowing Australian economy combined with the dramatic fall in global oil prices mean that inflation is set to fall and unemployment is rising. This is precisely the kind of environment into which the federal government could spend without borrowing (i.e. create money). Times like these represent opportunities for the government to finance productivity improving infrastructure and provide much needed services for nothing. I know it sounds too good to be true but this is the reality of a fiscally sovereign government.







The US Federal Reserve has created trillions of dollars out of thin air and used it to buy risky financial assets and government bonds in order to take the risk off the balance sheets of financial institutions and improve their supply of money. The money was created with keystrokes on a computer which simply credit the accounts that these financial institutions hold with the Federal Reserve. There has been no runaway inflationary impact of this “printing” of trillions of dollars.






それで? 莫大な通貨供給によっても、超インフレは起きないのである。




This reality of fiat currency is very difficult for many people to grasp but it’s not quite the magic pudding that perhaps it appears to be. When a government creates money, it isn’t creating value from nothing. The value lies in the human and capital resources that are underutilised in the economy. The money created by the government is simply the lubricant needed to mobilise these resources.


多くの人にとり、不換紙幣(fiat currency)の特徴の理解は、簡単ではないだろうが、これは、(何もないところから魔術師が作る)魔法のプリンではない。政府が通貨を発行する時、対応するものがないところに通貨(価値)を創造したのではないのである。なぜなら、価値は、経済の中に眠っている労働(人的資源)と資本資源(蓄積通貨)にあるからである。




(⇒まさに!「通貨=単に経済の潤滑油。」 私と同じ単語だ。)