9 Glows☆ StoryBeforeBeingBorn☆9-year-old Dream | 笑顔里美☆世界中の子供達に夢と笑顔を!さとみ先生前向きパワー全開!愛♡と笑顔^^で人と人をつなぐ旅♡




The Story Before Being Born as a Human ☆ 


9-Year-Old Boy's Dream, 9 Glows, The Nine Glows


June 9, 2021



In the afternoon, there is a very anticipated Kyogen stage featuring Mansaku Nomura, a Living National Treasure, along with three generations of the Nomura family.



On a leisurely Sunday morning,

while having a relaxed and plentiful brunch that combines breakfast and lunch, the conversation turns to a dream that T-kun had when he was 9 years old.



T-kun insists, "I told you about it at the time, Mom!" 

though I only vaguely remember him saying such a thing.


Despite it being a dream from when he was 9 years old,

 he still remembers it vividly even now at the age of 12. 


His storytelling and descriptive abilities have improved remarkably, making his story about the "Nine Glows before being born" even more captivating.



As I listen to his story, I feel a sense of excitement and thrill.


When T-kun was 9, he had a long dream that lasted about half a day.


 In his dream, he spent 3 years, 3 months, and 3 days.


Before being born, there is a place where souls wrapped in light gather. 


There are 19,999 souls, each emitting their own light.


 There are 9 types of light in total: black, red, purple, green, rainbow, yellow, pink, white, and blue, each with distinctive shapes.


Without hesitation, T-kun draws the shapes of these lights. 








The most numerous are the black lights,


 not pitch black but a grayish kind of light, about 9,700 of them.





Next, there are about 4,000 red lights.



 Purple lights number around 3,000, 


green lights about 2,900, 


yellow lights around 120,


 rainbow lights about 110, 


pink lights about 100, 


white lights around 10, 


and finally, only 2 blue lights. 







The blue lights are on a completely different level compared to the others.



The exact number of each type of light was told by God.


 Each type of light has a role. 


Only humans can be born with all colors of light, while animals are assigned a specific color.


Animals born from red light include dogs and cats.


Those from purple light include dugongs and turtles. 


Green light gives rise to human-shaped fish, not the beautiful mermaids from fairy tales but rather something more like mythical creatures.


Rainbow light births creatures like unicorns. 


Yellow light brings forth animals like elephants.


 Pink light is for orcas, sharks, crocodiles, and anacondas. 


White light is for whales and orangutans. 


Blue light produces creatures like mice, monkeys, fish, and lizards, those that bring significant evolutionary changes.



The 19,999 lights chat joyfully with those nearby, waiting for their turn in God's lottery. 







The lights also pee, which turns into rain that falls gently on the earth, 


sparkling like sun shower.