The Moment the Past Changes☆ | 笑顔里美☆世界中の子供達に夢と笑顔を!さとみ先生前向きパワー全開!愛♡と笑顔^^で人と人をつなぐ旅♡



The Moment the Past Changes: 


The Completely Different Scenery of Our Usual Walking Course







Walking my mischievous Maltese, Amo-kun, is basically twice a day, in the morning and at night.


There are two main courses.


Course 1: A light loop around the neighborhood. Duration: about 7-8 minutes.


Course 2: A bigger loop around the neighborhood. Duration: about 20-30 minutes.



Recently, I started to feel something and began turning back halfway through the loop, at a natural stopping point, instead of completing the full loop.


This led to a series of fascinating discoveries!!!


Despite walking the same path, the scenery and the atmosphere felt completely different!!


The way I perceive things changes significantly depending on where I direct my gaze.


Interestingly, as long as I keep my eyes on Amo-kun (my Maltese) at my feet, no matter which path or direction we walk, the scenery and the atmosphere don't feel much different.







However, as I raise my gaze from the ground, the scenery transforms.


By the time my gaze is slightly above straight ahead,  the scenery that comes into view looks entirely different.


I realized that this can apply to past events as well.


Everyone, including myself, carries within them unpleasant past events or traumatic experiences they would rather forget.


When reflecting on those traumatic, painful, and sad past events, 

focusing only on the pinpoint feelings and situations at that moment is like looking at the ground during a walk.


If you focus only on the events at your feet, 

you can't see the different scenery around you, no matter how varied it might be.



To move forward energetically into the future and face past traumas to overcome them, 

it's important to lift your gaze as you retrace your steps.


When you look up, the past reveals a completely different aspect.


Above the pinpoint place of the event, you can see different scenery, and the people and events surrounding it.



By raising your gaze from the ground, 

the background of the events at your feet becomes different.



Your worst experiences become entirely different when viewed from another direction and with an elevated perspective.




This was a delightful realization I had during this morning's walk with Amo-kun. 😊