Morning walk observations☆ | 笑顔里美☆世界中の子供達に夢と笑顔を!さとみ先生前向きパワー全開!愛♡と笑顔^^で人と人をつなぐ旅♡



Morning walk observations☆


 An ant living in a two-dimensional world and a human living in a three-dimensional world




Good morning!^^


Recently, I've been gaining various small insights from different things.^^


This morning's insight comes from ants.


Ants🐜🐜🐜 form lines and walk in various places.


Usually, we see them on the ground, such as on soil.


However, the ants walk on tree trunks in exactly the same way as they do on the ground, forming lines and moving up and down large trees.


The key point here is that ants don't see tree trunks the way we do.


When we look at a tree, it appears three-dimensional, extending upwards.


However, for the ants, the three-dimensional tree is nothing more than a two-dimensional existence.


Tree trunks and branches are not three-dimensional for them; they are simply flat surfaces.


This morning, I saw an ant that had strayed from its line wandering on a fresh green leaf, seemingly unsure of what to do.


For the ant that had strayed, the edge of the leaf was the end of the world. 


The leaf it had reached was the end of its world, beyond which it could not go.


Eventually, the ant gave up trying to move beyond the leaf's edge and returned to the branch it had come from.


Although ants live in the same three-dimensional space of length, width, and height that we take for granted, they might not actually live in the same world.


For ants, this world is a two-dimensional space of length and width.



From our perspective, this world is three-dimensional. However, the ants living in the same world perceive it as two-dimensional.


Similarly, the world we believe to be three-dimensional might actually be four-dimensional, five-dimensional, or even up to eleven dimensions and beyond.


It's just that we aren't aware of these higher dimensions.


From the perspective of higher-dimensional beings, we humans are like the ant facing the end of the world on a leaf, wandering in a narrow three-dimensional space of length, width, and height.


The tree that exists as a three-dimensional object in our eyes is a two-dimensional existence for the ants.


Likewise, the tree that appears three-dimensional to us might actually exist in four, five, or up to eleven dimensions.



These are the thoughts I had this morning.^^




