Life Perspective Turned Upside Down!After a Time | 笑顔里美☆世界中の子供達に夢と笑顔を!さとみ先生前向きパワー全開!愛♡と笑顔^^で人と人をつなぐ旅♡



Life Perspective Turned Upside Down! After a Time of Deep Reflection ☆ The Mirror Theory and Jigsaw Puzzle Pieces


Sunday evening, March 24, 2024.


While driving on the Kita-Kanto Expressway towards my home,




I was struck by an incredible vision that shook my life perspective to its core.



A story that has always been my theory and favorite topic,


The mirror theory and the story of the jigsaw puzzle pieces that shape the world.




(The jigsaw puzzle of the great wisteria at Ashikaga Flower Park.)



This world is like a jigsaw puzzle.



To complete this world,


First, everyone must find their own unique piece, their shape.


Every piece in this world has its unique shape.



And when each person lives as their unique piece,


their lives  become an important piece that shapes a beautiful world,


allowing them to fulfill their existence.






Pursuing one's own unique shape


is the greatest purpose of being born into this world.



However, finding this unique shape that only oneself possesses is quite challenging.



This is where Satomi-sensei's (my) mirror theory comes in.


Self-awareness, knowing oneself,is actually quite difficult.


It's much easier to talk about others than to talk about oneself.


Because to recognize oneself, you need something other than yourself.



Imagine this:


Suppose you were suddenly thrown into a completely blank white world.


Standing alone in a completely empty, white world, where you don't know where it starts or ends.


In such a world, recognizing your own existence is very difficult.


Because we can only recognize our own existence through the reflection of ourselves in the mirrors held by others and things.


The reflection of yourself in the mirrors held by your father, mother, grandmother, and grandfather,

your sisters and brothers.


The reflection of yourself in the mirror of school.


The reflection of yourself in the mirror of friends.


The reflection of yourself in the mirror of your workplace.


The reflection of yourself in the mirror of the town you live in.


The reflection of yourself in the mirror of Japan.


The mirrors held by others and things each reflect yourself from different angles.






The more different mirrors you encounter,


The more angles you see yourself from,


Allowing you to make your own outline clearer.



If you feel stuck within your family,


You should meet various families.



If you feel stuck in your town,


You should visit different towns.



If you feel stuck in Japan,


You should go to various countries.




Who am I?


Why was I born?


Why am I living?


The fundamental answers to these questions


all lie in understanding oneself.



Throughout various stages of my life,


I've been able to have many encounters and experiences.



Among them,

There were encounters and events that were painful and very difficult.


But from the reflection of myself in the mirrors of seemingly negative and pessimistic events,


I have gained much greater learning and deep realizations than from the reflections of myself in happy and joyful times.



Seeing the reflection of yourself that makes you happy,


and also the reflections that do not,


meeting as many mirrors as possible


helps clarify your outline as the unique original piece of this world.



What I have been telling the children and students for nearly 30 years


is to meet as many people as possible!!



And to see as many unknown worlds as possible!!



I have been very lucky to have the opportunity to visit 40 prefectures in Japan and more than 50 countries worldwide.


Meeting and getting to know thousands of people.


I felt that I had completed about 90% of my unique piece,


And was fulfilling my role as one piece of the jigsaw puzzle that shapes this world.



By the way,

if I had passed the astronaut selection test and had the chance to go to space,


by seeing the reflection of myself in the mirror of space,


I thought my piece would be complete!!



Well, the path to becoming an astronaut didn't come true, though!




By sincerely dealing with the daily events that appear before me (living in the present),


To find and polish my original piece,


Meeting many people and going to many places.



Living as the original piece that is oneself is to know one's role, one's destiny in this world,


and to live that destiny.



This is what I believed and continued to convey to the children and students until March 24.





On March 24,


My piece, which was more than 90% original,


Suddenly got flung out of the Earth.



It didn't fit into any jigsaw puzzle on Earth!!!



What is this!?


What does this mean?!



To uncover the truth of this incredible image,


I have been studying tirelessly since that night.




A few weeks later,


Around mid-April,


I reached an incredible conclusion.




That is,


I am the universe itself!!


And I am a world itself!!



The jigsaw puzzle pieces I had been gathering


were to complete my own world.


Before being a piece of the world,



I need to complete the world and universe that is myself.



When I establish my existence as a world, as a universe,


my world and my universe will become part of a greater world and universe.



This may sound like an unbelievable story,


But this is the vision I have recently reached.



Today, I shared my vision honestly and frankly.



Thank you!!





  • The jigsaw puzzle of the mystical aurora in Northern Europe.
  • The jigsaw puzzle of the majestic path to God.