Pray in the Church in HongKong for Japan | 香港に住むデザイナーの日記帳-海外でくらしてみれば☆シーズン5



This some weeks HongKong Church has special donation week for SAVE Japan.

Today, I went to there for pray at night time mass.


This Church is in Central area.

My flat owner is a Christian(HongKongner), She goes to this Church every weekend for pray.

I was ask to her about the Church's mass schedule by SMS and she gave me some schedule of the mass.

HongKong Church using 2 types of language which English & Cantonese , non japanese and Beijing hua.

I missed English mass yesterday, So.... Join Cantonese mass in this time.


Unfortunately, I would not undestand all of meaning of the mass...

However I could get they talk about Japanese earthuake in the middle of mass.


They were pray with read the Bible and sing hymn for Japan.

My flat owner gave me a message as :

Love from JESUS to Japan,

YES, I belive it !!

I do my donation by my style here in HongKong !!!!