
Accompanying my father-in-law to the hospital and SUSHIRO for the first time!


Good evening!ニコニコ






Today, my husband and I accompanied my husband’s father to the hospital. My husband’s mother tongue is not Japanese so I went to the hospital together to understand what the doctor has to say.

My father-in-law had some concern on his heart but the doctor said that he was fine for the time being. We are relieved for now.ニコニコ

My in-law spent quite long time in Brazilブラジルso he said 

“Medical system in Japan is amazing!キラキラキラキラ”and he was quite impressed with the doctor and nurses.グッ

帰りは3人とも生まれて初めてのスシローさんへウインクOn the way back, we visited Sushiro for our very first time.ウインク


Our son is allergic to the fish eggs so we never get to eat IKURA or Salomon roe上矢印but this time, we could eat them and they were yummy.ラブ


Our son(16 years old) is in growing period and I tend to cook foods considering his health first. As I got to know the health conditions of my parents-in-law, I will try my best in cooking healthy foods for them as well, and I hope to provide the tasty foods for everyone.ラブラブ



For tonight, I cooked curry with beef shank.

I heard the curry is very good for the brains and avoid Alzheimer’s disease because it has various spices in it.ルンルン


Alrighty, you guys did great job todayグッハート