【都内中学2年生】10代の話し方 & 3学期、スタート♪

【Second Grade in junior high in Tokyo】How teenagers speak & 3rd Semester has Started♪



Good evening!ニコニコ



The 3rd semester at my son's (14 years old, 2nd grade in junior high) school has started yesterday!



Today, he went on a social studies tour by a school chartered bus.バス





Last night, he said to me,

"Contrary to my impressions (he used the Japanese sentence, "Isshu mawatte",) I am looking forward to the social studies tour." 



He meant, 

"At first, I was looking forward to the tour, but I lost my interest and then now I am very much looking forward to it."

(Roka-san kindly pointed out regarding the sentence, “Isshu Mawatte” in his comments and I have updated this article!!It was my misunderstandingアセアセ)

息子と話していると、最新の言葉遣いが学べて、おもしろい爆  笑(日本語として正しい使い方か?は別ですがアセアセ

As I speak to my son, I get to learn the newest way of speaking Japanese, so I really enjoy listening and speaking to him.爆  笑

(It's a different story if the way the young people speak is the correct Japanese.アセアセ)




Anyway, I am happy that my son enjoys his school life.キラキラ





Back in junior high, I often thought to myself,

"Please stop the time!"

So I truly enjoyed my school life in junior high here in Tokyo too, so I hope my son gets to experience the similar situations.ハート


You all did excellent job today音符ルンルン