
For my dad, I gave him cash little before Father’s Day (as I knew I could not see him on the day) to express my gratitude for him.  My dad told me that he purchased the walking shoes with my gift.ニコニコ





For my father-in-law who lives with us in two generation house, we gave him whisky.

(My hubby prepared it for him.)



I don’t normally drink alcohol, so I don’t know anything about it, and I am not sure if this whisky is good or bad etc, but I tried the whisky 上矢印for the first time in my life!



Honestly speaking, I didn’t like the taste, and I could only take a sipアセアセ.  I could drink it only after mixing it with Coca Cola. (Sounds childish!?)



そして、主人がコストコで買ってきてくれたCheesecake Factoryのチーズケーキを皆で食べてお祝いしましたハートこちらのケーキ、冷凍品なのですが、その割には、おいしかったですヨハート

家族皆で行ったホノルルのCheesecake Factoryの思い出話をしながら、いただきました。

And we celebrated the Father’s Day with the cheesecake from Cheesecake Factory which my hubby purchased from Costco.  This cake is actually a frozen food, but it tasted good for a frozen food.ハート

Remembering and talking about our memory of visiting Cheesecake Factory in Honolulu, we enjoyed the cake very much.








“You are not my mom”(君は僕のママじゃないから)


By the way, my hubby never call me

“Mommy” or “Mom”

(he always call me with my first name) and the reason for it is that

“You are not my mom.”





So in the same way, I never call him

“Daddy” or “Dad.”ウインク




As usual, it was a peaceful and happy weekendピンクハート(Thank God!!)



We have only 2 more days to go this weekキラキラキラキラ


Hope you'll have a wonderful rest of the weekラブラブ
