Correct fortune telling | a-ijuy777のブログ


楽市楽座.com 代表 畔見 裕二の心の叫び日記。

good evening everyone. I'm writing this at 1:13pm. If you suddenly look at the fortune-telling on Ameblo, it turns out to be correct. I always look at fortune telling when I think about something. If you think positively that you are hitting the mark, your vision will open up. In times of caution, live with caution. I think this fortune telling teacher is very wonderful. Those who believe will be saved. He underwent surgery for a pituitary tumor, and for a while I was wondering what would happen, but a fortune telling told me that he would see the future and move forward, so I believed him and had the surgery, and it went very well. He was doing well after the surgery, and although he had some headaches and struggled, the results were good. He was relieved that the doctor told him there was nothing to worry about even after observation. Everyone, I don't know when or what will happen, but if you don't think negatively, think positively, act positively, and send out positive comments, I'm sure it will happen. I sincerely pray for your health and further prosperity

forever and ever