Alternative Dispute resolution 










2.仲裁人はバイアスを示した。 3つの懸念事項にあった仲裁通知の当事者がその瞬間に仲裁人に言及しなければならない。彼がそれを上げなければ、それは受け入れられるでしょう。


Why we look for another alternative rather than going to court? When you go to court, it takes a long time. Sometimes, people die while the lawsuit is brought since it take a long time. Also, going to court can be very expensive (Court fees and lawyers). Furthermore, the two parts do not want the decision to be public. Also, the two parts want to do this in an informal way to avoid tensions. In the court, the judge knows about the law but not about technical staff. So, going to an Arbitrary is more efficient and guarantees a total understanding of the matter. Within the court system, the law is very complicated and extremely formal.

Actually, we have three methods:


1. Negotiation: It is the less formal method. The parties to a problem can meet together to negotiate their dispute. They can do it whenever they want, the way they want… They can even do it after the lawsuit was brought in the court.

In this case, we have mini trial where we act lack in the court. We have also early neutral case evaluation where we have experts (Neutral third party) in the matter that evaluate each party’s strength and each party’s weakness.


2. Mediation: In mediation there is a mediator who should be neutral. This mediator is pocked by the two parties to try to help them come to a solution. It is not a formal way to solve the problem. The mediator can be anybody. It is an assisted negotiation method. The mediator cannot enforce his point of view or his decision on the parties. He can only suggest and walk away. This seems to be as a double edged sword. 


3. Arbitration: The 3rd party that we call the Arbitrator. You must look at arbitration as result of an agreement between the parties. For arbitration to be accepted, it must be the result of an entente. We can find Court annexed arbitration which a is kind of a method that some states in the US (State of Hawaii) use. It is sued when the amount of the dispute is less that $ 100,000, then they force you to try to solve the dispute through arbitration. This is not an arbitration which a result of an agreement. Many parties were satisfied after this kind of arbitration that is why this kind of arbitration was obliged in some states.  

 If it is a result of an agreement between parties, then it can be enforced. Whatever the decision, the two parties are obliged to respect it. If one of the two parties or both do not respect the decision of the arbitrator, the court must enforce this law and oblige the two parties to respect it. There are some rare cases when the Court cannot force the Arbitrator’s law (Corruption).In such cases, the court set asides those decisions. By the way, the agreement between the two parties must be written. The looser party pays the arbitrator. 


P.S: Contract has the power of the law between the parties of the contract.  


First Step: The process of arbitration starts with submission. This submission can be defined is giving the matter of the dispute to the arbitrator with the facts, the Q of law, the names of the parties, their identities, the nature of the dispute, the monetary damage, and the location where the arbitration will take place. 

 Most states in the US require that an agreement to submit a dispute to arbitration must be in writing. Also, most states require that matters be submitted within a definite period of time generally 6 months from the date on which the dispute arises. 



Second Step: It is the hearing after submission. It is the period in which the Arbitrator will be discussing the case with the parties while each of them explain his or her points of view and start her or his opening statement. Then, each of the parties should give the closing arguments. 


Third Step: It is the award which is the decision of the arbitrator. In most states, the arbitrator must give the award within 30 days of the close of the hearing. In most states in the US, the award of the Arbitrator need not say his findings. Here, we mean that the arbitrator does not to explain his decision nor must the award state the conclusions that the arbitrator reached on any Q of law. All that is required for the award to be valid is that it completely resolves the dispute. Most states do, however, require that the award be in writing. 


We have some situations where the court sets aside the Arbitration award such as:

1. The decision of the Arbitrator was the result of corruption or fraud (when a party gives to the arbitrator a false document).

2. The Arbitrator exhibited bias. If a party in Arbitration notices that were was on the 3 concerns, it must mentioned to the arbitrator at that moment. If he does not raise it, it will be acceptable.

3. The arbitrator refuses to postpone the hearing. He can also refuse to hear evidence or a material to the dispute.

4. The arbitrator exceeded his powers. He is named to do the certain job and he does more than this. 



Q: If a person is tried in a criminal court and the prosecutor says he has committed a criminal act. Then, the court found him not guilty. Can the defendant come to the court and sue this person in civil court? Yes, he can and he may win. The criminal court and the civil court apply different laws. In the Civil court, the defendant and the plaintiff give evidence. The one who gives more evidence is the one who wins. If the person is not guilty, it does not mean that he is not guilty. It means that he is not guilty beyond reasonable doubt. In the Civil case, there will be only monetary damage. 



The Venue is the Specialty of the Court. A law suit brought by a Rabat Citizen against a Fes one should be brought in Fes since the Law Court in Fes is the one having the Venue. We start first with venue then we move to the verification of jurisdiction. In US, the venue can be changed since proper jury members cannot be found (not seen, not heard, and not read).


Standing to sue is allocated only to the victim (not minor).