



        シュメール ☞ バビロン ☞ エジプト ☞ ローマ






1990年代初頭、世界的な出来事の背後にカルトのネットワークがあることに気づいたとき、私は当然の疑問を投げかけた。それは、いつ始まったのか?古代ローマとエジプト、そしてメソポタミアのバビロンとシュメール(現在イラクと呼ばれる「2つの川の間の土地」)にまで遡った。2つの川とはチグリス川とユーフラテス川で、この地域は、空路でわずか550マイルしか離れていないイスラエルという土地と同様、カルトにとって歴史的にもその他の面でも非常に重要な場所である。この地域全体には、もっと多くの深い神秘的な意味が込められている。「石油のための戦争」だけではない。2003年にアメリカとイギリスがイラクに侵攻した後、存在しない「大量破壊兵器」に関するブッシュ坊やとトニー・ブレア(彼らのカルトの主人)の嘘によって正当化され、メソポタミアから貴重な遺物が盗まれたり、破壊されたりしたのだった。メソポタミアはシュメール(紀元前5,400年から紀元前1,750年)とバビロン(紀元前2,350年から紀元前539年)が栄えた地域である。サバタリアンマフィアは、歴史の霧の中でカルトに絶大な影響力を持つようになったのかもしれない。シュメールは歴史家の間では "文明発祥の地 "と言われている。私はこの見解に同意しない。


私の理解では、我々が文明と呼ぶものの「再開」である。それが「大洪水」に象徴される激変が旧来の世界を破壊した後に起こったのである。私が1990年代初頭から著書の中で詳しく説明してきたこの幻想的な大洪水は、世界中の古代文化の記録や伝説に登場し、地質学的、生物学的な証拠によって裏付けられている。イラクで発見されたシュメール時代の石板には、アヌンナキと呼ばれる人間の神々によって大異変が引き起こされたと書かれてある。アヌンナキによってもたらされた知識は、少なくとも世界最古の文字体系の一つを生み出し、天文学、数学、建築学など、当時の最先端技術を発展させたと言われている。私はこのテーマを『最大の秘密』『マトリックスの子供たち』で詳しく取り上げた。「アヌンナキ」に関する同じような基本的な話は、南アフリカのズールー族の記録にもある。ズールー族の偉大なシャーマン故クレド・ムトワ氏は、シュメール人のアヌンナキがズールー族では「チタウリ」または「蛇の子供」として知られていると教えてくれた。この件に関するクレドとの6時間に及ぶインタビューは、The Reptilian Agendaというタイトルで、19年にヨハネスブルグの近くの彼の自宅で録画された。






Where the Cult came from

When I realized in the early 1990s there was a Cult network behind global events I asked the obvious question: When did it start? I took it back to ancient Rome and Egypt and on to Babylon and Sumer in Mesopotamia, the ‘Land Between Two Rivers’, in what we now call Iraq. The two rivers are the Tigris and Euphrates and this region is of immense historical and other importance to the Cult, as is the land called Israel only 550 miles away by air. There is much more going with deep esoteric meaning across this whole region. It’s not only about ‘wars for oil’. Priceless artefacts from Mesopotamia were stolen or destroyed after the American and British invasion of Iraq in 2003 justified by the lies of Boy Bush and Tony Blair (their Cult masters) about non-existent ‘weapons of mass destruction’. Mesopotamia was the location of Sumer (about 5,400BC to 1,750BC), and Babylon (about 2,350 BC to 539BC). Sabbatians may have become immensely influential in the Cult in mists of history. Sumer is said by historians to be the ‘cradle of civilization‘. I disagree. I say it was the re-start of what we call human civilization after cataclysmic events symbolized in part as the ‘Great Flood’destroyed the world that existed before. These fantastic upheavals that I have ben describing in detail in the books since the early 1990s appear in accounts and legends of ancient cultures across the world and they are supported by geological and biological evidence. Stone tablets found in Iraq detailing the Sumer period say the cataclysms were caused by hon-human ‘gods’ they call the Anunnaki. These are described in terms of extraterrestrial visitations in knowledge supplied by the Anunnaki is said to have been the source of at least one of the world’s oldest writing systems and developments in astronomy, mathematics and architecture that were way ahead of their time. I have covered this subject at length in The Biggest Secret and Children of the Matrix and the same basic ‘Anunnaki’ story can be found in Zulu accounts in South Africa where the late and very great Zulu high shaman Credo Mutwa told me that the Sumerian Anunnaki were known by Zulus as the Chitauri or ‘children of the serpent.’ See my six-hour video interview with Credo on this subject entitled The Reptilian Agenda recorded at his then home near Johannesburg in 19 which you can watch on the iconic media platform.


The Cult emerged out of Sumer, Babylon and Egypt (and elsewhere) and established the Roman Empire before expanding with Romans into northern Europe from where many empires were savagely imposed in the form of Cult-controlled societies all over the world. Mass death and destruction was their calling card. The Cult established its center of operations in Europe and European Empires were Cult empires which allowed it to expand into a global force. Spanish and Portuguese colonialists headed for Central and South America while the British and French targeted North America. Africa was colonized by Britain, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Italy, and Germany. Some like Britain and France moved in on the Middle East. The British Empire was by far the biggest for a simple reason. By now Britain was the headquarters of the Cult from which it expanded to form Canada, the United States, Australia and New Zealand. The Sun never set on the British Empire such as the scale of its occupation. London remains a global center for the Cult along with Rome and the Vatican although others have emerged in Israel and China. It is no accident that the ‘virus’ is alleged to have come out of China while Italy was chosen as the means to terrify the Western population into compliance with ‘Covid fascism. Nor that Israel has led the world in ‘Covid’ fascism and mass ‘vaccination’.


You would think that I would mention the United States here, but while it has been an important means of imposing the Cult’s will it is less significant than would appear and is currently in the process of having what power it does have deleted. The Cult in Europe has mostly laded the guns for the US to fire. America has been controlled from Europe from the start through Cult operatives in Britain and Europe. The American Revolution was an illusion to make it appear that America was governing itself while very different forces were pulling the strings in the form of Cult families such as the Rothschilds through the Rockefellers and other subordinates. The Rockefellers are extremely close to Bill Gates and established both scalpel and drug ‘medicine’ and the World Health Organization. They play a major role in the development and circulation of vaccines through the Rockefeller Foundation on which Bill Gates said his Foundation is based. Why wouldn’t this be the case when the Rockefellers and Gates are on the same team? Cult infiltration of human society goes way back into what we call history and has been constantly expanding and centralizing power with the goal of establishing a global structure to dictate everything. Look how this has been advance in great leaps with the ‘Covid’ hoax.


David Icke (2021). Perceptions of a renegade mind. pp. 275-6.