






歌詞はCOPILOTで作成し、イラストはMageで描き、StableVideoで動画作成、楽曲はSUNO AIで作り、ビデオはVrewで編集しました。




タイトル:努力する人は 希望を語る


努力する人は 希望を語り

怠ける人は 不満を語る

口に出す言葉が 未来を作る

言霊 信じて 歩き出そう

夢を語れば 馬鹿にされ

失敗すれば 嘲笑される

それでも諦めず 前へ進む

強い気持ち 信じて 突き進む

It's important to make an effort.


Those who work hard talk of hope, and those who are lazy speak of dissatisfaction.


This is a quote spoken by Yasushi Inoue, a writer famous for "Ice Wall" and "Shirobamba".


I'm sure you've heard of the word "spirit," but it's no exaggeration to say that the words you say will determine the rest of your life.


People who are always complaining become lazy.


A person who speaks of hope becomes a hard worker.


To turn this life lesson into lyrics and make it into a song


The lyrics were created with COPILOT, the illustrations were drawn with Mage, the video was created with StableVideo, the music was created with SUNO AI, and the video was edited with Vrew.


Title: Those Who Strive Speak of Hope




Those who strive speak of hope.


Lazy people talk about their frustrations


The words you say make the future.


Let's believe and walk


If you talk about your dreams, you will be ridiculed.


If you fail, you will be ridiculed.


Still, don't give up and move forward.


Strong feelings, believing, pushing forward